
談房客犯罪- 第2集。How to deal with it? How to evict them? 供大家參考。

(2024-03-12 05:01:23) 下一個

2 次和 FBI 打交道: 

我在高檔社區買了一個白玉房, 自己找建築商買的新房。 原打算自己住。 但老媽身體不好, 要開刀動手術。 需住院很長時間。 我搬到離老媽醫院近的城。 房子通過realtor租給了一個做生意的老總。Rental application:   good credit, excellent income, owner of a medical device company and distributor.  合同簽了2. 他第一個月, 一下就交了半年的房租。  已後,老總每付房租交cash or cashier check. 6 付一次。合同 expire 前,城裏給我了一個letter and wanted to do house inspection.  

老總主動提出要買我的房。He refused to do house inspection by City.  If the home is primary home, City does not require house inspection.   So, in order to avoid this city inspection, 他主動提出要買我的房.   I gave him a high price.  He accepted, but required me to do land contract:  He agreed to give me 50% downpayment.  I gave him the 3 year balloon loan for the balance with 7% interest.  I asked him why he could not get a mortgage from bank.  He said that he wanted to payoff immediately when he sold his primary home at California.  He assumed me that he expected to sell his house within one year.  It made sense for me.  So, I did land contract and sold my home to him by For Sale By Owner in July.    Immediately after closing,  I took the whole family for a long vacation in China and came back US before school started for kids.  

So, 老總 started to pay mortgage for two months.  When I came back US,  I noticed that I had not  received the monthly mortgage payment yet for third month. 我送email 給他,沒有回。 打電話, 電話已取消。

我著急開車去看我的白玉房是否安好。  開到房子前, 我傻眼了。 FBI raided my house 2 weeks ago.  大條明示, 不準任何人進, 不準動任何東西。鄰居大媽告訴我 how FBI raided my house.  How many policeman were therehow many cars there, and helicopter in the sky circled around.  鬧得整個城和社區。 電視記者。警車, 熱鬧緊張。老總當場被拷。 原來他是大毒霸 drug dealer

我馬上找到2 周前的 報紙。 哇塞, 報紙報道, 同一天 FBI raided老總在downtown的辦公室和我的白玉房。逮捕了他所有的員工。 搜到了很多毒品。 我的白玉房裏還 搜到很多cash.  

我和老公失眠了。 馬上把Land Contract closing package 找出來。 糟糕, Mortgage has not recorded yet.  The deed was recorded by 老總; but I did not get time to record my mortgage yet.    I just came back from vacation. 

大家知道, whoever record the lien first has the first right for lien.   2 天,我和老公提前30分鍾衝到了County office and recorded the mortgage.  我的心提到了極點。 County 工作人員。 有沒有人放lien or anything on my 白玉房。工作人員丟給我一給大白眼, 不知道。 我可以做個title search. 

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