


(2022-11-14 06:36:16) 下一個


愛因斯坦場方程:由愛因斯坦於1915年在廣義相對論中提出。 場方程定義引力為一種幾何效應,而時空的曲率則是取決於物質的能量動量張量。

  • 其實,以上理論的大概內容就是:
  • 色不異空,空不異色,色即是空,空即是色。
  • 其實,色就是物質,空就是暗能量,這裏唯一缺乏的是暗物質,而暗物質是中醫氣,中醫氣極化產生收縮的物質和膨脹的暗能量,所以,佛教在印度逐漸式微,而到了中國反而發揚光大了,因為這裏有色和空的根:中醫氣。
  • 其實,對世界的認識,中國最深,那就是:宇宙的根源是氣(暗物質是中醫氣),氣極化產生陰陽,陰就是物質,陽就是暗能量。但是,歸根結底,宇宙的根源是氣,這是最根本的,也就是說,心經,麥克斯韋方程組,愛因斯坦方程,和規範場,看似很深刻,其實,都不如中國文化深刻,現如今,小年輕反而看不起中國文化,尤其看不起中醫,真是悲哀。
  • 現在感到高興的是,中國理論,已經解釋了銀河係自轉曲線,就是解釋了暗物質的作用,也解釋了神秘的雙縫實驗,這裏有暗能量的作用。所以,中國理論,已經把物質、暗物質和暗能量統一起來了,自然也把相對論和量子力學統一起來了。
  • 更為重要的是,這些整合沒有排斥任何現有的理論,隻是框架更高、更遠、更強、更整體、更包容、更綽綽有餘。



  • 更為重要的是,這些整合沒有排斥任何現有的理論,隻是框架更高、更遠、更強、更整體、更包容、更綽綽有餘。
  • Abstract Space and time ladder theory makes it easier to see how space and time ladder to be found and to be completed step by step. Space and time ladder theory reveals that the origin of the universe is the Qi space-time (mc3), and we can intuitively believe that Qi space-time is straight in any direction without any bending, or zero curvature. Qi space-time results in gravitational space and time and energy space and time under Higgs mechanism, and this is the initial evolution of the universe. The polarized Qi space-time (space-time with a slight bend) = Gravitational space and time + Energy space and time, which is a relatively stable equation, and Einstein's gravitational field equation is the expression of this equation. If the evolution of the universe likes expanding the life in the same way, then this equation is like the universe stem cell. Maxwell's equations have all the elements of space and time ladder theory, which is the originator of the wave equation, and its general form: = ( ) 2 2 2 t ∂ ∇ ∇ ∇⋅ + ∂ ψ ψ ψ αβ . Klein-Gordon equation is the wave equation of Qi space-time, and there is no polarization of particle production. It can be said to be fluctuated between gravitational space-time, energy space and time and Qi space-time. Further polarization of Qi space-time produces the weak, electromagnetic and strong forces, and Schrodinger equation and Dirac equation describe these changes. In addition, from the beginning of the establishment of Space and time ladder theory, there is a capping problem, because it is the speed of light geometric increasing from Qi space-time (mc3), to Spirit space-time (mc9), to the imaginary space-time (mc27) and Tao space-time (mc81), and it does not seem to end. However, it was set down based on the speed of the quasar, and Tao space-time was thought to be the highest space-time. At this time, it is explored in the field of quantum mechanics, and Space and time ladder theory fits well with the Standard Model to the number of elementary particles, and furthermore, Space and time ladder theory can make a prediction: Tao space-time has 54 kinds of elementary particles, but the Standard Model gives only 36 kinds of elementary particles, so there are 18 kinds of elementary particles to be found in the Tao space-time in the future.
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