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來了 你 這最後的一個你 我認識的那個你
我在精神裏燃燒 看 我在你的裏麵 燃燒
那長久抵禦步步緊逼的焰火的 木頭
你持續地煽風點火 現在的我 正在滋養孕育
在你的裏麵 燃燒
變成了熊熊的煉獄 麵目全非 麵目全非
相當的純粹 完全遊離在未來和計劃之外 我登上
在我的苦痛和忍耐之上搭建起來的 雜亂的火葬柴堆
那樣的純粹 再也不用為未來和需要去采買
我心中原有的儲備 也靜默無聲
那還是我嗎 那個曾經眾所周知的我 在燃燒?
生命! 生活! 啊 在身之外
我浴身火焰之中 這裏再沒有人 識得我
(原著裏爾克, 中譯cxyz)
Come thou, thou last one, whom I recognize,
unbearable pain throughout this body's fabric:
as I in my spirit burned, see, I now burn in thee:
the wood that long resisted the advancing flames
which thou kept flaring, I now am nourishinig
and burn in thee.
My gentle and mild being through thy ruthless fury
has turned into a raging hell that is not from here.
Quite pure, quite free of future planning, I mounted
the tangled funeral pyre built for my suffering,
so sure of nothing more to buy for future needs,
while in my heart the stored reserves kept silent.
Is it still I, who there past all recognition burn?
Memories I do not seize and bring inside.
O life! O living! O to be outside!
And I in flames. And no one here who knows me.
(Written in December 1926, this poem was the last
entry in Rilke's notebook, less than two weeks before his
death at age 51.)
這首詩讓我首先想到的是鳳凰涅盤,肉體的死去,苦痛的死去,和一個新我的降生 :)
秋天 安好 :)