
2016-132 那就是我

(2016-09-23 06:45:26) 下一個

昨天是秋分,下班時天藍藍的太陽暖暖的。騎著車繞過TESCO繞到LIDL給小安和小犇兒買了Apple Turnover。一邊往回走,心裏一邊想著兩個小朋友吃他們最喜歡的蘋果點心的小樣兒,竟然自顧自的笑了起來。

回家孩子們都還沒回來。小犇兒參加Scouts,爸爸和小安一起去送他了。我趕緊做晚餐,炒個Sugarsnap, 拌個黃瓜,然後燒個西紅柿雞蛋湯(裏頭再加些自己揉的糯米小圓子)。我們四個風卷殘雲般吃了個底朝天,吃完抹一把嘴,我吃飽了,我們說。

等陪小犇兒練完琴,刷完牙,小犇兒笑眯眯的說:I am going to read my lovely mother a book before I sleep. 然後他爬上床,拿起Anthony Browne的My Mum讀給我聽。他念的時候笑眯眯的,他是這麽念的:

She is nice, my mum
My mum is a fantastic cook and a brilliant juggler
She is a great painter and the STRONGEST women in the world
She is really nice, my mum

My mum is a magic gardener, and she can make anything grow
And she is a good fairy, when I am sad she can make me happy
She can sing like an angel and roar like a lion
She is really, REALLY nice, my mum

My mum is as beautiful as a butterfly, and as comfy as a armchair
She is as soft as a kitten, and as tough as a rhino
She is really, REALLY REALLY nice, my mum

My mum could be a dancer, or an astronaut
She could be a film star, or the big boss
But she is MY mum
She is a SUPERMUM, and she makes me laugh a lot

I love my mum, and you know what
She loves me(she always will)

念完他又笑眯眯的親了親媽媽,我覺得自己真的變成了書裏的那個媽媽, over the moon. 

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