中年囈語 (熱門博主)
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【西班牙之行-10】 - 去Sagrada Familia

(2018-06-09 13:58:26) 下一個

2018/6/8 (部分網圖)

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到Barcelona的第一個晚上,從Sagrada Familia(聖家堂)側麵的地鐵站口鑽出來時,倒著時差,蓬頭垢麵地站在雨中,仰望著灰濛濛的Sagrada Familia及上麵的腳手架,說實在的,心裏頭是有點失望的。


到Barcelona的第二天,提前去了La Pedrera(本是第三天,現場改的時間),在舊城Gothic Quarter - Barri Gòtic轉了大半天後,在天黑前,去Gaudi的Parc Guell公園看日落(預約時間是第四天)。

第三天,是重頭戲 – Gaudi的Sagrada Familia。

印度夫婦Sagrada Familia的囫圇吞棗之行,及自己的初步一瞥,並不能改變自己要好好研究Sagrada Familia的初衷。

那天早上,天氣非常好,酒店用完早餐後,從PI. Catalunya出發,慢慢地沿著Pg. Gracia走到Diagonal地鐵站,然後坐車到了Hospital Sant Pau。在那兒短暫停留後,就沿著Av. Gaudi向Sagrada Familia走去。

其實,從Hospital Sant Pau出來時,並不知道眼前的路是Av. Gaudi;隻是站在Hospital大門口,麵對著Av. Gaudi大道,向遠處一看,才發現了路的盡頭的Sagrada Familia,也才發現Gaudi大道。Sagrada Familia與Hospital Sant Pau似乎是門對門的關係,隻不過因為Sagrada Familia很高,看起來很近,其實還是要走上好一段距離。

Av. Gaudi是一條非常優雅且美麗的大道。

Barcelona最著名的一條大道是Las Ramblas,它的結構是這樣的:最中間是一條非常寬廣的人行通道,上麵兩邊有各種各樣賣花賣畫賣紀念品賣小吃的亭子,大道兩旁是窄窄的單行車道,再兩邊是人行道及商家與住家,兩邊有小道通往不同的地方。遊客們一般在中間的通道上邊走邊看,或穿過窄車道過邊上餐廳找吃的。

後麵發現在有些廣場附近也有這樣的大道,如火車站前的一個路口;Av. Gaudi是從Hospital Sant Pau通往Sagrada Familia的一條道路,道路的設計也沿用了這種結構。

可能還沒到飯點時間,或者大家隻知道堆集在Sagrada Familia前麵,或並沒有多少人知道這條道,Av. Gaudi大道上並沒有什麽遊客。(下圖是自己拍的)

這條路的最大的特點是:你可以用朝聖的心情慢慢地走向Gaudi的Sagrada Familia。

人行寬道的兩旁是筆直的大樹,正值春天,那樹上的葉子曾新鮮的翠綠狀,遠遠看去,Sagrada Familia就在一條大路的盡頭,樹葉掩隱著,撲朔迷離,若隱若現。當慢慢地走著靠近它時,Sagrada Familia就越來越清晰。

當第一次從地鐵口陡然出現在雨中的Sagrada Familia腳底下,斜頭看著它時,沒有感覺到它的震撼,而有一陣陣困惑和迷茫;而今天在陽光燦爛鳥語花香的日子裏,沿著古樸優雅的Gaudi大道從遠距離慢慢向它走近時,才感覺到前麵的Sagrada Familia真如童話般的城堡一樣在遠處的雲端忽隱忽現,風姿優雅,大氣迷人。

走著,走著,怕一下子把這條朝聖之路走完,每走一小段,總是在兩旁找個鏤空雕花的長椅坐下來,慢慢地欣賞Sagrada Familia。

我喜歡這樣的感覺,喜歡如朝聖者一樣尋著一個目標一直往前懷帶欣喜慢慢行走的感覺。而那天在Gaudi大道上,就是這樣。當時隻希望時間停留,不要走得太快;因為每每看著翠綠的樹影後漸漸清晰的Sagrada Familia,就產生一種如夢的幻覺,如同可以點指Sagrada Familia,與Gaudi竊竊私語,告訴他建者已逝遊客永恒的感覺。

這一短路實在太美了,走向Sagrada Familia時朝聖的心情也非常美妙;後麵的幾天時間裏,每天都要來這兒報道一兩次,包括離開的那天早晨(後麵覺得Sagrada Familia周邊設計上有點不當,留白的空間不夠,周邊過於擁擠)。

走到Gaudi大道的盡頭,那就是Sagrada Familia了。因為這兩天下雨,跨過路上的積水,就到快速入口排隊進去了。當時看了一下時間,正好是我的預約時間內(後麵30分鍾都可進去,我喜歡守時)。

過安全通道時,脫下外套,裏麵是一身Asics的黃色快幹運動衣。也許我的衣服太鮮豔,或太西班牙色,檢查的人愣了,打量了一下我,高興地笑了。是的,今天特地穿了這件心愛的衣服過來,就是要來Sagrada Familia。


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還去旁邊的Sagrada Familia Museum,認真地參觀了Museum;接著轉著Sagrada Familia外圍看了一圈,想近距離地看Gaudi為了雕塑的逼真,如何從遠處尋來Catalunya的牛,以及用真實的S嬰為標本來再現羅馬人殺S男嬰時S嬰形象的雕塑;接著又回到Sagrada Familia重新參觀,Museum裏再細細閱讀。

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在Sagrada Familia停留了差不多大半天,每個角落不停地探索,終於滿足了自己對Gaudi及Sagrada Familia的好奇。

從我所了解的Gaudi來看,他是一個非常簡單,純粹,執著,深刻的一個人。他有著很強的宗教信仰(外號“God's Architect”)和民族信念(以Catalonia為榮,隻講Catalonia語言),他認為上帝創造的大自然是眾生創作的萬物之源,人類不過是發現大自然和諧與美麗而已;Catalonia是他摯愛的地方。從建築的角度看,表達自然,用最自然的方式讚美上帝這是再自然不過的事了。


Anything created by human beings is already in the great book of nature.

Because of this, originality consists in returning to the origin.
Nothing is art if it does not come from nature.
Anything created by human beings is already in the great book of nature.
Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator.

The creation continues incessantly through the media of man.
There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners.
(論曲線)The straight line belongs to men, the curved one to God.

(論述光影)Light achieves maximum harmony at an inclination of 45°, since it resides on objects in a way that is neither horizontal nor vertical. This can be considered medium light, and it offers the most perfect vision of objects and their most exquisite nuances. It is the Mediterranean light.

The most significant element as far as decoration is concerned, is the ending of the supporting piece which is shaped in a way that it conveys the traditional history of Barcelona.

“Social excellence can be achieved when everyone uses their own God-given gift," he said. "I work for Catalonia from my own field. That is, I build a Temple because it is the worthiest building to stand for the people of any country."

Early on in the construction of the temple, Spain's King Alfonso XIII walked with Gaudí on a tour of the cathedral. After a discussion about the church's dimensions, the king asked, "Why such height?" Gaudí replied, "Because on erecting it, with its cross at the very top, we would like to kiss heaven."

In the Sagrada Familia, everything is providential.

(論自己隻用Catalonia語言表達)Language conveys thought minutely. Only one's mother tongue can rightly express those spiritual matters which are higher above than everyday concerns. When a speaker uses a different Language, he has to resort to the listener's imagination and thus the concepts lose their wholeness. One could express an idea in a foreign language but its spirit will be missing.

其實,Gaudi的創作方式並非空穴來風,他的創作正是在Catalan Modernism興起的時候。在neo-Gothic art和 Oriental techniques影響下,他成為Modernista movement的先鋒和代言人。


他對自己的地中海人的身份非常自豪,他認為地中海人天生就是創造家。He believed Mediterranean people to be endowed with creativity, originality and an innate sense for art and design. Gaudí reportedly described this distinction by stating, "We own the image. Fantasy comes from the ghosts. Fantasy is what people in the North own. We are concrete. The image comes from the Mediterranean.  Orestes knows his way, where Hamlet is torn apart by his doubts."(網上)


可能我也是自然主義者,在看Sagrada Familia內的樹幹結構時,從沒感覺到兀然與唐突,而隻與我hiking時抬頭所看到的天空相聯係。

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(Antoni Gaudi): Do you want to know where i found my model? An upright tree; it bears its branches and these, in turn, their twigs, and these, in turn, the leaves. And every individual part has been growing harmoniously, magnificently, ever since God the artist created it.

Catalan Modernism之後,出現了反Modernism的Noucentisme運動,加上西班牙內戰,Gaudi承受詆毀Sagrada Familia遭到破壞。

我喜歡的作家George Orwell是這樣說的:Sagrada Familia is one of the most hideous buildings in the world.

Gerald Brenan說:That vast, unfinished, neo-Gothic church, the Sagrada Familia, is decorated with stone friezes and mouldings representing the fauna and flora, the gastropods and Lepidoptera of Catalonia, enlarged mechanically from nature so as to obtain absolute accuracy. Not even in the European architecture of the period can one discover anything quite so vulgar or pretentious.

Picasso以憎恨Gaudi而著名,他甚至不惜人身攻擊:“the other day in Barcelona in the afternoon a friend of mine saw Mr. Antoni Gaudi crossing the Via Laietana, he was being dragged along with a rope around his neck, he had a bad look about him (which was to be expected in his taste) he has aged pretty well (he was embalmed) having just been disinterred. The anarchists always know where to find a good pot of jam.”  “If you see Opisso – tell him to send Gaudi and the Sagrada Familia to hell.

Gaudic在Barcelona建築界聲名顯赫,他以前也曾出入豪車(馬車),穿著講究。當他的親人和最大的讚助者一個個去逝時,他的所有精力都放在Sagrada Familia上,過上了清教主義者的生活。

Gaudi晚年:My good friends are dead; I have no family and no clients, no fortune nor anything. Now I can dedicate myself entirely to the Church


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相比於對他的攻擊者,其實,Gaudi的內心是平靜和專注的,因為他知道他的才能來自上帝,他所做的一切隻是運用他的才能為他熱愛的人民服務;他的Sagrada Familia來於自然,取於人民,屬於這個世界。他更知道:不同的聲音和矛盾的製衡是自然和諧的一部分。正象他在論述政治的時候所講的:(讓我們想想現在的民主與獨裁體製)

In order to walk properly, one needs both legs, and does not lift one leg until the other is placed safely. Otherwise, we would jump precariously and we would fall down, instead of walking in a steady way. That is why in politics, opposition is absolutely necessary.

Enlightened or not, a dictatorship cannot last because it is useful only temporarily. A dictatorship is like a bridge between two ways of ruling. And people do not dwell on bridges, they only walk across them.

The politician must have two essential attributes: a great enthusiasm for public matters and a great strength of will to control and rightly direct such eagerness.

對Gaudi的了解並不是隻參觀他的Sagrada Familia及其它幾個建築,或者知道他的“曲線屬於上帝,直線屬於人類”,而是要懂得他身處的時代,他的信仰,及他的品質,以及各種藝術流派對他的影響,和他對藝術的執著與熱愛。

(Antoni Gaudí Cornet. From Reus. At the age of 74, a man of exemplary life, and an extraordinary craftsman, the author of this marvelous work, the church, died piously in Barcelona on the tenth day of June 1926; henceforward the ashes of so great a man await the resurrection of the dead. May he rest in peace.)

我很高興自己能在Barcelona住上5天半,有機會好好地觀察和研究這個城市。沒有Gaudi的Barcelona一定是寂寞的,就象沒有旅遊的西班牙經濟一樣,是不可推敲的。我也很高興,沒有象那對印度夫婦一樣隻在雨天的傍晚對Sagrada Familia來個到此一遊,而是在陽光燦爛的日子去了解Sagrada Familia裏的美麗的光影和自然造型,因為我知道light在Gaudi建築中的重要意義,知道陽光透過彩色玻璃後所營造的神奇效果,因為那是聖光,我心目中Gaudi所留給世界的財富之光。

Gaudi的建築藝術創作受到摩爾人,波斯,日本,中國等影響,他的Sagrada Familia也集大成地表現了他的藝術體驗。它是個人的,也是世界的。正如他生前所說的:他總會死的,但Sagrada Familia會為世人所知。


To do things right, first you need love, then technique.

Sagrada Familia是天才Gaudi傾注一生,多代努力,多方協作,舉世資助的項目(門票)。也許2026它會完工,到時候讓我們故地重溫,慶祝生命。

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
中年囈語 回複 悄悄話 回複 '安娜晴天' 的評論 : 噢,沒想到要在不同的時間段去,很好的tips,謝謝!
你無法想象我自拍時臉上的光,在Gaudi的Park Guell和Sagrada Familia,真是過得很開心。你看圖中的光影,就是我那天所看到的,實在太美了。
Gaudi用再現自然的方法去讚美造物主,建造Sagrada Familia,我覺得渾然天然,是藝術中的最高境界。
寫Gaudi需要時間和知識。我還會繼續寫他的,也會寫我所知道的被稱為日本Gaudi的Etsuro Sotoo。他們都是人類的精靈。
安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 我見過的最充滿深情的聖家堂遊記。其實你還應該在不同的時辰去,上午的光線,中午,旁晚都不同。那條通往教堂的路我們也走過,還在那裏吃了一頓典型的當地飯菜。最喜歡你把大殿的頂和樹林中仰望天的照片排在一起。
中年囈語 回複 悄悄話 回複 '樂學樂遊' 的評論 : 陰天去與晴天去效果不同,主要是陰天看不到透過玻璃的五彩光影,好可惜。我至少去聖家堂6次,反複研究。你下次再去吧。別忘走Gaudi大道啊,太美了。
樂學樂遊 回複 悄悄話 聖家教堂是非常非常美的。我也是陰雨天去的,還被迫取消了登高一覽。一直很遺憾不知道晴天有多美,希望有生之年能看到它落成再去一次。