阿克斯胡斯城堡(Akershus Castle or Fortress)是一個古老的建築,具體建造年代不詳,大概是1290年左右, 由國王哈康五世(King Haakon V)修建。從1300年左右建成起,哈康五世便將它作為皇家住所。後來又有多位國王、女王在此居住過。1624年奧斯陸大火後,國王克裏斯蒂安四世下令按照意大利文藝複興的樣式將它重修,今天所見的城堡基本是重修後的樣子。優越的地理位置使城堡成為直接控製奧斯陸港口的要衝,具有重要的戰略價值,故有「誰控製了阿克斯胡斯城堡,誰就能統治挪威」之說。
它第一次在戰爭中使用是1308年,當時瑞典公爵埃裏克領軍圍攻城堡沒有成功。1449年到1450年城堡再次被圍攻,還是瑞典人,領軍者為瑞典國王卡爾·庫森·邦迪(Karl Knutsson Bonde),依然沒有攻破。1502年,在丹麥國王麾下效力的蘇格蘭士兵進攻城堡,結果沒有成功。1523年,瑞典軍隊再次進攻城堡,還是沒有攻破,1531年到1532年城堡再次被丹麥軍隊進攻,依然沒有被攻破。1567年瑞典軍隊又一次進攻城堡,就是沒辦法攻破。
遺憾的是沒有被攻破的記錄卻被投降的紀錄打破,第二次世界大戰中挪威皇家和政府撤離奧斯陸之後,城堡守軍向德國投降。後來德軍將挪威反抗組織的被俘人士關押在城堡裏,並在古堡處決其中人士。二戰結束後,挪威將8名支持納粹德國的叛國者關入城堡中的監獄,審判並處決, 其中包括納粹占領期中的傀儡總理維得孔·基斯令(Vidkun Quisling)。“基斯令”在挪威幾乎是“叛徒”得代名詞,他是一個汪精衛式得人物。其實他是一個有多重人格得人物,對哲學和科學非常感興趣,竟然在那個時期就一直關注量子力學的最新發展。他試圖將哲學和科學結合起來而形成Universism宇宙主義用以解釋一切。 “臨死前不久,他竟然說“我知道挪威人民已經判處我死刑。對我而言最簡單的辦法是我自己了斷。但我想讓曆史審判我。相信我,10年後我會成為另一個聖奧拉夫(前麵的篇章裏我已經介紹了聖奧拉夫)。” I know that the Norwegian people have sentenced me to death, and that the easiest course for me would be to take my own life. But I want to let history reach its own verdict. Believe me, in ten years' time I will have become another Saint Olav. — Quisling to Bjørn Foss, 8 May 1945, Dahl 1999, p. 367 然而至今曆史還是認為他是“汪精衛“。
9月4號早晨天氣非常晴好,我首先來到奧斯陸的皇家宮殿。這個宮殿的曆史不長,於1849年建成,而當時它並不是皇家的長久住所,直到哈康七世時才將此處定為皇家長久居住地。現在的挪威國王哈拉爾五世及其家眷便住在此。皇宮內部不對外開放,但是它的周邊可以參觀,皇宮後麵有一個小公園,裏還有一個帶噴泉的小湖。皇宮前麵,高高騎在馬上的塑像是查爾斯十四世(Carl III Johan (Carl XIV Johan of Sweden,1763-1844),他是當時瑞典和挪威的國王,此皇宮興建者。他是法國人,原是一位拿破侖的元帥, 1818年被立為國王。雕塑的基座上刻有他的座右銘"Folkets kjærlighet - min belønning", “人民的愛是對我的獎勵”。他便是那位擊敗丹麥,迫使挪威同瑞典結盟的國王,從士兵到國王,一位人生充滿故事的人物,在此不多述。
奧斯陸大教堂是奧斯陸第三座教堂。第一座教堂是我們前麵提到過的哈爾巴德教堂(Hallvards Cathedral),建於12世紀。五百年之後二座教堂建成,不幸50年之後便被燒毀。今天所見到的奧斯陸大教堂是在被燒毀的教堂原址上重建的一個新教堂,完工於1697年。這座教堂被挪威皇家和挪威政府用來舉辦一些活動,例如皇家的婚禮。我向來喜歡參觀教堂,因為那裏匯集著人類的財富和智慧結晶。此教堂裏有一個耶穌同12門徒的雕像,耶穌左手向前伸出,二指微張,其中加了一些小紙條,原來這些紙條都是許願人放上去的,塑像邊上有張小桌,上有筆和紙供人們寫許願條,我入鄉隨俗,也寫了我的願望,放到了耶穌兩指之間。我許願“健康、和平、博愛、詩賦與我們同在”,如此為我挪威旅遊畫上了句號。
我《挪威交響詩》的結尾是挪威國歌《是的,我們熱愛這個國家》 《Yes, we love this country》 比奧恩森(Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson前麵介紹過)。
Yes, we love this country
as it rises forth,
rugged, weathered, over the water,
with the thousands of homes, —
love, love it and think
of our father and mother
and the saga-night that lays
dreams upon our earth.
This country Harald united
with his army of heroes,
this country Håkon protected
whilst Øyvind sung;
upon the country Olav painted
with his blood the cross,
from its heights Sverre spoke
up against Rome.
Farmers their axes sharpened
wherever an army advanced,
Tordenskjold along the coastline thundered
so that we could see it back home.
Even women stood up and fought
as if they were men;
others could only cry
but that soon would end!
Sure, we were not many
but we were enough,
when we were tested sometimes,
and it was at stake;
we would rather burn our land
than to declare defeat;
just remember what happened
down at Fredrikshald!
Hard times we have coped with,
were at last disowned;
but in the worst distress, blue-eyed
freedom was to us born.
It gave (us) father's strength to carry
famine and war,
it gave death itself its honour –
and it gave reconciliation.
The enemy threw away his weapon,
up the visor went,
we, in wonder, to him hastened,
because he was our brother.
Driven forth to a stand by shame
we went to the south;
now we three brothers stand united,
and shall stand like that!
Norwegian man in house and cabin,
thank your great God!
The country he wanted to protect,
although things looked dark.
All the fights fathers have fought,
and the mothers have wept,
the Lord has quietly eased
so we won our rights.
Yes, we love this country
as it rises forth,
rugged, weathered, above the sea,
with those thousand homes.
And as the fathers' struggle has raised
it from need to victory,
even we, when it is demanded,
for its peace will encamp (for defense).