顱腦損傷包括外傷,可致,可造成精神異常,或曰 精神病。
1,毛岸青 有精神病, 具體病名不知。
2,毛岸青 幼少時 在滬 被襲擊 擊傷頭部,(具體傷情,醫生診斷和治療,不知)留下後遺症。
3,毛岸青的精神異常(如果診斷確實)很可能 是後天性的, 繼發性的。
2,通路,線路,circuit 變故,短路,錯路,反路等,
下文是 丹麥醫學家科學家 對丹麥近14萬人群的調查報告。
has taught at many institutions including Harvard Medical School.
顱腦外傷性損害 可以導致精神病發生。
When traumatic brain injuries TBI cause psychiatric symptoms
In 2013, a group of Danish scientists found that individuals with TBI (including concussions) were
four times more likely to develop a mental illness. People who had received a TBI were
顱腦損傷後,精神病的發生率 是 正常人群體的4倍。
65 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia, 精神分裂症 65%
59 percent more likely to develop depression and 抑鬱症 59%
28 percent more likely to develop bipolar disorder. 狂躁-抑鬱症 28%
This study is the largest of its kind and involved following 1.4 million Danish citizens born between the years 1977 and 2000. ---- 【注:1.4million, 原文如此, 當為 113,906 腦顱受傷者】
詳見 : http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13020190?
A head injury, especially a severe head injury or one occurring between the ages of 11 and 15, increased the risk for subsequent schizophrenia by 65%, the risk of depression by 59%, the risk of bipolar disorder by 28%, and the risk of organic mental disorders by more than 400% in this largest-to-date analysis of data from over 100,000 individuals.
This study is far from the only one to suggest a link between TBI and mental illness. A research team led by Jonathan Godbout, an associate professor at Ohio State University,found that mice that had sustained a TBI demonstrated increased depressive symptoms as well as higher-than-normal levels of neural inflammation. (I have previously written aboutmental illness’ surprising link to inflammation). Yet another study found that experiencing depressive symptoms after a head injury is more common than not — the prevalence of depression after TBI is greater than 50 percent.
The most frightening piece of research, however, was published earlier this year: People who had received a concussion in the past were three times more likely to fall victim to suicide.