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(2020-07-10 14:32:33) 下一個


I was born and raised at a beautiful college town in a godless country.  The most people didn't believe in God.  God knew me, but I did not know him. I have experienced a long way to believe in God. During my journey, I have realized some people who I have met played a pivotal role in guiding me to trust God. Some were there to affect me, some have taught me, some have helped me, and some have brought up the best in my life. I am thankful for them, and they are my most excellent teachers and deserve unique places in my heart. I have plenty of stories to tell.

 Bible Story? & Christian? & Church?

Bible Story - When I was a little girl, I occasionally listened to a Bible story from a short wave charnel of my radio. I didn't know that the program was from overseas. I only noticed that was a pleasant male voice, "today, I am going to tell you a story of Edam and Eva….” The story drew my entire attention so that I didn't feel my father was standing behind me. I didn't know how long he was there.  My father asked me to turn off that channel and stop listening to the program again. I questioned him why not. He told me our government prohibited from listening to the program from that area.  From then on, I never got a chance to hear the Bible story in that town. But, the voice of the story's teller frequently appeared in my ears.

A Christian Student - Time went to 1988. I was teaching at the same college. One of my students attracted my attention. He looked grave, quiet, and gentle. He was wearing a necklace with a cross pendant. Other students told me he was a Christian and believed God. I noticed that he was easy going and getting along with people. In the class, he did hard work, and he disciplined. There was constantly smiling on his face. That smile liked Mona Lisa's smile. That didn't mean his life was perfect. That smile was a symbol of Faith.  It was the first time I had contacted a Christian. However, I never dare to talk about the religious issue with him, even though I had a lot of questions.

A Christian Classmate - The time flown to 1998, I was working on my PhD program in a graduate school at a big city, and had an opportunity to contact a Christian. She was a grave and silent girl with a soft voice and beautiful eyes. We lived in the same dormitory. Every Sunday morning, she disappeared from my eyesight. The young lady had a stand off-don't-ask-me air. I just guessed that she visited her relative who lived in that city. Until one day, when all my roommates were absent, she passed a paper to me. I read it, but I could not understand what was written on the page. She told me she believed God. Every Sunday, she went to a church to worship God. She asked me, "would you like me to share the gospel with you?" She even invited me to go to the Church with her.  I was astonished and became upset because I knew nothing about God and the Bible. I couldn't be able to accept her invitation. It was too earlier for me to involve this kind of activity without any purpose.

Since that time, I knew she was a Christian and regularly attended a catholic church, which created by the government. That city, there was a Bible College established by the government. However, no Christians wanted to tell the public their identity.  Fewer People know what did they do? Why did they trust God? What did the Bible tell?

Welcome to Visit Our Church - Time moved to 2000. I visited my husband, who worked in Hong Kong. The city was a financial center of the world, so it was diverse. There was a different social system between Hong Kong and my area. Hong Kong was much more open and provided people the freedom to practice their religions. One day, I saw two ladies were spreading flyers in a central park. They gave one to me. That flyer invited people to visit their Church and join their Sunday morning service. After the service, the Church would provide a free lunch for everyone. I felt I came to a new world, which was totally different, the area I lived in before. I didn't go to that Church since I didn't believe God. I didn't believe anyone would like to give a free lunch to a stranger because I was always taught, "there is no free lunch in the world."

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