My life

How important writing is to me

Snakes and Other Reptiles

(2014-11-30 08:41:53) 下一個
I dedicate this book to my mom and dad becuase they take me to the library to get books about Reptiles. So I can study about them.

Table of contents:

Chaper 1 Snakes
Chaper 2 Kinds of snakes
Chaper 3 Rare reptiles
Chaper 4 Types of Lizards
Chaper 5 Turtles
Chaper 6 Crocs

Chaper 1  Snakes

There were snakes around in the time of dinosaurs. When snakes shed their skin, the old skin falls off and underneath are the new skin. Snakes don't live in the north or South Pole. Some snakes are nocturnal. You wouldn't want to g near a snake, because a snake has two sharp fangs in its mouth. Snakes can't chew because they don't have teeth like we do.

Snake charmers make snakes dance. If you race a snake, you will win, because snakes get tired easily. Snakes are very lazy, tehy only move when they are hot, hungry or scared. Baby snakes hatch from eggs adn they have a little egg tooth to crach the egg shell. A snake's poison could be used for medicine. Snakes eat mice, Lizards, birds and eggs.

If a snake eats a big meanl, it doesn't have to eat for months. Even though snakes look slimy, they are covered in scales. The scales are dry. Snakes are cold blooded. That means if it is cold outside, the snake's body will be cold. Snakes can eat other snakes.

Chaper 2 Kinds of snakes

There are over 2,400 kinds of snakes in the world. Night snakes sleep in the day and are active at night. The anaconda can grow up to 35 feed long! That is longer than a car. The urutu has U designs all over its body. Vine snakes look like they are a skinny green vine with a head attached.

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