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21天加拿大海洋省 (3) 第 3/4 日

(2014-05-21 08:50:18) 下一個

21天加拿大海洋省 (3) 第 3/4 日

Around the Maritimes in 21 Days (3) Day 3/4




Quebec City QC to Grand Falls NB 車程4至5小時. 經過Grand Falls瀑布.



With a drop of around 25m and a 1.6km-long gorge with walls as high as 80m, the fall is just in the middle of town. Two nice hiking trails start from the Reception Centre, one following a 253-step stairway down into the gorge, and one leading to the fall.

Grand Falls 不愧叫做大瀑布鎮, 因為大瀑布正位於鎮中心. 沿河的步道美麗而幽靜. 體力好的可以下到峽穀的下麵欣賞湍急的河水.


(1. Grand Falls, NB, Aug 6)


(2. Grand Falls, NB, Aug 6)



Grand Falls NB to Moncton NB 車程4至5小時.

經過Hartland世界上最長的廊橋, Kings Landing Historical Settlement.

This tiny country hamlet has the granddaddy of New Brunswick’s many wooden covered bridges. The photogenic 390m-long Hartland covered bridge over the St John River was erected in 1897 and is a national historic site. The picnic tables overlooking the river and the bridge at the tourist information center are five-star lunch spots.

自電影廊橋遺夢之後, 不知為什麽所有的廊橋都散發了浪漫的氣息. 世界上最長的廊橋自應有世界上最長的浪漫氣息吧.

(3. Hartland, NB, Aug 7)


(4. Hartland, NB, Aug 7)


King’s Landing Historical Settlement is a recreation of an early-19th-century Loyalist Village. A community of 100 costumed staff create a living museum by role-playing in 11 houses, a school, church, store and sawmill typical of those used a century ago, providing a glimpse and taste of pioneer life in the Maritimes.

The King’s Head Inn, a mid-1800s pub, serves traditional food and beverages. The children’s programs make King’s Landing ideal for families, and special events occur regularly.

King’s Landing Historical Settlement 是一個重建的十九世紀開拓者的村莊. 因為水庫修建的緣故, 政府把分散在河穀中快被淹沒的珍貴遺跡移到現在的地點. 村中有民居, 學校, 教堂, 商店, 和作坊. 有意思的是所有的工作人員都扮作古人的樣子. 加上夏令營的孩子們也都換上古時的服裝, 讓人仿佛穿越到兩百年前.


(5. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)


(6. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)


(7. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)


(8. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)


(9. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)


(10. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)


(11. King’s Landing Historical Settlement, NB, Aug 7)





21天加拿大海洋省 (1) 規劃篇

21天加拿大海洋省 (2) 第 1/2 日

21天加拿大海洋省 (3) 第 3/4 日

21天加拿大海洋省 (4) 第 5 日

21天加拿大海洋省 (5) 第 6 日 - Joggins化石岩壁

21天加拿大海洋省 (6) 第 7 日 - 芬迪國家公園

21天加拿大海洋省 (7) 第 8/9 日 - 狂怒角,水公園,魔術山,龍蝦鎮, PEI跨海大橋

21天加拿大海洋省 (8) 第 10 日 - 愛德華王子島

21天加拿大海洋省 (9) 第 11/12 日 - Hector古船博物館, BELL紀念館

21天加拿大海洋省 (10) 第 13 日 - 天際線小道

21天加拿大海洋省 (11) 第 14 日 - 化石博物館, 露易斯堡要塞

21天加拿大海洋省 (12) 第 15/16 日 - Halifax堡壘, Peggy Cove燈塔

21天加拿大海洋省 (13) 第 17至21 日 - St Andrews, 觀鯨

21天加拿大海洋省 (14) 攝影篇 (完)

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