
香濃南瓜湯,更香濃的秘密 (圖文+視頻)

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南瓜濃湯 Pumpkin Soup


小南瓜/日本綠皮南瓜 1個  1 small pumpkin/ kabocha green pumpkin

市售高湯 1盒(1L)  Chicken stock: 1 box (1L)

洋蔥 80g (1.5個)  Onions: 80g (1 and a half)

培根 20g (3片)  Bacon: 20g (3 slices)

黃油 60g (1/4 杯)  Butter: 60g (1/4 cup)

麵粉 60g (1/2 杯)  Flour: 60g (1/2 Cup)

牛奶 200 ML  Milk 200ML

鮮奶油 3大匙  Fresh cream: 3 tbsp

鹽1茶匙或適量  Salt: 1tsp


1. 將南瓜切出一塊,再切成小塊後去籽削皮,

Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, then remove the seeds and peel.  

2. 將南瓜塊放入電鍋蒸煮20-25分鍾備用

Steam the pumpkin pieces for 25 minutes.

3. 培根、洋蔥切碎

Chop bacon and onion into small pieces.

4. 先炒培根,再放入洋蔥,炒香至略焦色後鏟起備用

Sauté the bacon first, add the onion, sauté until lightly browned, then scoop and set aside.

5. 熱鍋後倒入奶油融化

Melt the butter in the hot pan

6. 倒入麵粉,小火炒成金黃色麵糊後鏟起備用

Add the flour and stir-fry on low heat until become golden brown batter. Set aside.

7. 蒸熟的南瓜放入炒鍋裏,倒入雞湯

Put the steamed pumpkin in the pan and add the chicken stock

8. 倒入炒好的培根及洋蔥碎

Add the fried chopped bacon and onion

9. 用手持打碎機打成打成糊狀

Mash it with a hand blender

10. 加鹽,繼續慢火煮

Add salt and continue to simmer

11. 炒好的麵糊以1:1比例加入牛奶,攪拌

Add milk to the batter (1:1) and stir

12. 慢慢倒入鍋中勾芡

Pour in slowly to thicken the pumpkin soup

13. 盛盤, 加入鮮奶油點綴

Garnish with whipped cream and serve.


Yummy Hearty Pumpkin Soup Special recipe: bacon, onion, butter batter and more


Enjoy the yummy hearty pumpkin soup!

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