1930年代,久居巴黎的美國前衛女作家、海明威和畢加索的摯友 Gertrude Stein 紀錄了一個法國青年農民這樣樸實不華的說話:
(He was a peasant, so he said, he was young and so he was a revolutionary, so he said, and whatever he admired he called with a fine rolling voice, royale. He explained a great deal about revolutions.
He said all French men had to be revolutionary, that is they had to be in revolt, no matter what it was they had they had to be in revolt, not for publicity but for civilization. How could you be civilised if you had not passed through a period of revolt, and then you had to return to your pre-revolt stage and there you were you were civilised. All Frenchmen know that you have to be become civilised between eighteen and twenty-three and that civilization comes upon you by contact with an older woman, by revolution, by army discipline, by any escape or by any subjection, and then you are civilised and life goes on normally in a latin way, life is then peaceful and exciting, life is then civilised, logical and fashionable in short life is life.)
(原文照錄。Paris France, by Gertrude Stein. Liveright, 1970, p. 58.)
毫無疑問,香港年輕人把抗議行動提高到更高一層、詩味盈然的文明行為,例如像摩西分開紅海海水的為救護車開路,在立法院內喝冷飲而自動自覺付錢,示威遊行完畢清理道路垃圾,強硬把同誌“綁架”離開立法院、以免受到惡警傷害,在路邊向銀髮族支持者默默地鞠躬致謝,等等,在在和八十年前法國青年農民的”for civilization” 前後呼應。