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英文寫作專家Dr. Joe對於SAT作文改革的看法

(2014-03-08 07:36:46) 下一個

SAT Redesigned—What Does It Mean?

Dr. Joe

In the last few days, the parents, the students, and the thousands of educational professionals throughout the United States (and the world) have been twittering with excitement and anxiety about the most critical changes ever of SAT since 2005, the year when the so called “New SAT” was introduced.

The test format of SAT has been varying, is varying, and will be varying. While online education and mobile learning are penetrating each and every single nook of our lives, we should applaud with true heart the College Board and Khan Academy for redressing the erroneous direction American education is galloping in. On the current problematic road, the poor but brilliant young souls have to face the unbearable financial burdens the rich youngsters probably can’t even understand, and all high schoolers will endure the nerve-racking emotional struggles and psychological tortures. Perhaps the only winners are the test prep companies, who care much less about the students’ long-term good.

The new SAT essay will allow the test taker 50 minutes instead of the present 25 minutes, which means it will be more demanding and more important. Although the separately scored portion will be optional, that NEVER means the essay is just an unnecessary luxury. According to collegeboard.org, “The essay will measure students' ability to analyze evidence and explain how an author builds an argument to persuade an audience. Responses will be evaluated based on the strength of the analysis as well as the coherence of the writing.”  Sounds familiar? Yes, that’s exactly what the college education demands of the prospective students. Apparently, the admission officers of American colleges will take it much more seriously than the current SAT essay due to the reinvented writing requirement oriented to the true higher education.

On April 16, 2014the College Board will share the complete specifications of the exam. The details of the new game are still to be updated in the next two years. So let’s wait for the dust settled. 


英文原文作者:Dr. Joe




SAT的考試設計一直在變化,正在變化,並將繼續變化。網上教育和移動學習正在日益滲透進我們生活的每一個角落,而美國教育正在沿著錯誤的方向飛奔,我們應該真心讚賞College BoardKhan Academy對於這個歧路的糾正。在目前問題成山的道路上,貧窮但傑出的年輕人必須麵對難以承受的財務負擔(而富裕的學生可能卻難以理解這種負擔),以此同時所有的高中生都要忍受惱人的情感鬥爭和心理折磨。也許唯一的贏家是那些應考公司,當然他們是不在乎學生的長遠發展的。


2014年的416日,College Board將公開SAT考試完整的規範內容;在未來的兩年內,新遊戲的細節會不斷更新。讓我們拭目以待塵埃落定。





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