

How to Strengthen the Heart, to Have Good Circulation(1 editted)

(2015-03-03 16:45:29) 下一個

Since not just cancer,  the pain, swelling, other diseases are all caused by heart/circulation issues. But how to deal with? How to fix it?

 Basically, there are three ways: 1. Good diet and good life style; 2. Good exercise; 3. Good treatment. 

Here we talk about the first one.

We should change our diet and the way we cooking. The traditional Chinese foods are considered heavy and greasy, that 's why most Chinese got high cholesterol, heart disease. So we should change it to little oil, little sugar, and little salt( if you over 50 or under 50, but have high blood pressure, should have 0 salt.  But  just use some for unsalted fish, poultry and meats. You can use lots of vinegar instead).  No artificial sugar. Steaming or boiling, instead of smoking wok, smoking oil, smoking fry or sautéed. Eat raw as much as possible. The raw veggies can keep the nutrition and burn the fat, good for lose weight and good for lazy people.

A lot people like to have night life, eat big and greasy Xiao Ye in midnight, then sleep late till 1 0r 2 in the morning, of course there is no breakfast.   "Oh, I  don't eat breakfast. I only eat twice a day-lunch and dinner," They always say that. They think they are doing right: they only eat two meals a day, that's by no means get fat. They never know, when you starve your body, the body is angry. When you eat , it could devour everything to revenge you, to make you fat. Meanwhile, short of sleep and starvation of the body, could stimulate the bad hormone, that you will get sick. Summon up the consequences are:  They are fat. They are sick and  live short. If you still didn't get it, the more scientific explanation is:  The late dinner could not be digested. Which could all be stored in your body instead.  Plus the high sodium food withholding water and the grease and sweetness in your food are all transferred to fat,  so that you becoming fat. My neighbor Jay, aged only  57, was like that.  I have had advised him to make change. He never listened. His tummy was getting bigger and bigger. He became diabetic( but he did not know, so never paid attention). He just got sick( he was kept drinking water, and kept going to restroom) two weeks, even though he went to Dr., had been diagnosed with diabetes, and had been prescribed with medication.  He still died of massive kidneys failure home alone. No body knows when he had exactly expired.

We should get up early( 6 or 7), go to sleep early( before 10. No later then 11 or 12, if once in a while). Should  have a big breakfast, but a light and meats and carbs free early dinner( no later than 6). And eat 5 meals a day with small portions( except breakfast and lunch). 

Another mistake is : Lots of people do not want to go pee, so do not want to drink water. So that their circulation is very poor, the toxin can not be removed. The dehydration could even hurt the heart and kidneys. Therefore they could have heart and blood pressure problems. If do not be treated, they could have heart attack, heart failure, stroke, hemorrhage, kidneys failure and blindness. We should drink at least 6-7 cups ( if you can manage to drink 8-9 cups a day, would be the best) of water or low fat milk or tea or coffee a day, not 3 cups only after the regular 3 meals. Plus, drink few sips to 1 cup of water before go to sleep could prevent the blood getting thicker( especially for some one who has high heart rates), to prevent heart attack and stroke. Since a lot people could die during sleep due to the heart/circulation/blood pressure issues and the cold weather.

Well, the last question is: Generally, what should we eat?

1. For cancer prevention and cancer fight, to strengthen the immune system :  Kiwi, orange, tangerine, fig,lemon, papaya, straw berry and blue berry, avocado;  Almond, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed; Any sea veggies; Broccoli, cauliflower, radish, cucumber, carrot, tomato, pumpkin, kale, bitter melon, leak, spinach, asparagus( but it contains high urine acid. So if any one who has gout, kidney issue, should not be eaten), bamboo shoots; Golden needle mushroom ; Black sesame and rice, black chicken; Eel, cod;  Yam, sweet potato, Shan Yao( it has been sorted as kind of Yam at the market); Vinegar, coffee, green tea; Yogurt; Black bean, green bean; Huang Qi, Yi Mi; Garlic; Chili; Cinnamon ground, Turmeric ground; All the bitter foods.

2. To maintain heart healthy and good blood pressure: Fish, black chicken; Fish oil, olive oil; Oat meal, flax seeds, black rice, Qiao Mai; Spinach, cilantro, purple cabbage, carrot, beet,eggplant; Avocado, apple; Almond, walnut, pecan, pistachio, peanut, chestnut; Dark chocolate; Red wine, low fat milk; Yogurt.

3. To prevent and fix constipation; Detoxify, weight loss: Kale, Romaine hearts lettuce, spinach, leek, bamboo shoots, all the sea veggies; Black and white fungus; Fragrant mushroom; Yam, sweet potato; wheat bran; Pineapple; Vinegar,  honey, coffee, low fat milk

4. To treat water retention, kidney failure, high blood pressure, diabetes;  Detoxify, weight loss: Water melon, coconut juice, coconut milk, apple, kiwi, grape, avocado, banana, fig, lich, pineapple, papaya;  Dong Gua, cucumber, celery, tomato, pumpkin, garlic, onion; Shan Yao; Huai Shan, Huang Qi, Luoxuan zao; Red bean, peanut, chest nut; Corn;  Egg white; Vinegar, coffee( good for prevent and fight liver and colon cancer and fight with diabetes, but not good for blood pressure), low fat milk.

Last tips: a. Eat fruits between the meals or before the meal. 
                b. Eat original veggies and fruits instead of juice.
                c. Eat 5 kinds of grains and beans, 5 kinds of veggies, 5 kinds of fruits daily.
                d. Eat slowly, have the food to be well chewed. The saliva and enzyme can help the digestion and prevent illness even cancer.
                e. No red meats (pork, beef, lamb).  Fish, chicken or turkey instead.
                 f. Drink warm water any time. No ice cream and ice tea.
                 e. Do not eat or drink too hot. Which could cause oral and throatily cancers.

Thank you for reading! 

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