  • 博客訪問:

白人惹禍 華人買單

(2016-03-24 20:52:39) 下一個



梁警官被指控 manslaughter in the second degree,雖然我們知道因為他開槍致死了無辜的黑人格裏,但是致死Michael Brown和Eric Garner的白人警官卻安然無恙、甚至都沒有被起訴,這事件觸到了很多華人的底線,目前已經有31個城市決定在20號組織遊行抗議


White v. Minority是焦點












2)在沒有讓梁警官向大陪審團親自陳述的同時,檢察官讓與梁警官在案發時同時巡邏的同伴警官Shaun Landau在大陪審團麵前出庭作出對梁警官不利的證詞,以此換取其免於被起訴的機會。這個交易是檢察官和Shaun Landau達成的,對梁警官非常不利。作為案發當時僅有的兩個警官,梁警官沒有機會上庭,而他的同伴得以出庭指控梁警官,並且可以因此免於被起訴。這樣的證詞到底有多少可信度,是非常讓人質疑的;而這樣的安排本身是否公允,也是有爭議的。順便提一下,Shaun Landau是個白人警官









據媒體Gothamist在Police Union Turns Its Back On Cop Who Killed Innocent Man In Brooklyn Stairwell報道,紐約警局的管理層85%是白人。上麵提到的這些疑似歧視行為,直接來源於紐約的警察係統內部。 即使梁警官是其他少數族裔,隻要不是白人,都很難說一定能逃脫被體製犧牲的命運。所以,要連接更大範圍的同盟,應當不但把矛頭直接指向警察和檢察係統內部,並且要呼籲,被排擠的不僅是華人,而是少數族裔警官






1.     替先前白人警官的罪。大家可以再回顧下Michael Brown和Eric Garner被白人警察打死的新聞。前者發生在Ferguson,事件中的白人警察Darren Wilson總共開了12槍。後者Eric Garner的事件發生在梁警官事件的同樣地點紐約,死者被疑似鎖喉致死,死前發出“我不能呼吸”(I can’t breathe)的求救信號11次。


順便說一下,梁警官一直被人詬病在格裏倒下後沒有進行人工呼吸CPR複蘇搶救,梁警官的辯解是自己沒有足夠的訓練去做CPR。在Eric Garner的事件中,白人警官Daniel Pantaleo在等待急救車的時候,也並沒有實施CPR,辯解是他“以為”Garner當時還有呼吸。最後的結果大家都知道了,這兩位白人警官最後都沒有被起訴,引起了全國性的黑人大暴動。而正在此時,我們不幸的梁警官誤傷了格裏,並卷入到這起警民對立的係列事件中。




2.     替同伴Shaun Landau的罪。和梁警官當時同時巡邏的,是另外一位菜鳥警官Shaun Landau。但是如上所說,Shaun Landau與檢察官達成協議起訴梁警官後,就免於被起訴了。陪審團最後定梁警官罪的時候,有考慮到一個很重要的情節是,梁警官沒有及時匯報上級和做CPR搶救格裏。如果這些事後的情節真的是可以被考慮的嚴重犯罪行為話,那麽和梁警官在一起的Shaun Landau脫罪就變得很難解釋了。


3.     替紐約警局的罪。梁警官的事件,暴露出警察係統內部的很多問題。比如:為什麽派兩個菜鳥警官在夜晚去巡邏最危險的街區,而沒有有經驗的警察帶領?警察手冊到底是否有在真正被要求執行,還是有所謂的內部行規?警察的CPR訓練是否隻是走過場?此外,之前的白人警察致死黑人青年事件,也一直讓人質疑警察係統的種族歧視問題(racial profiling)。這一係列的問題都沒有被回答,而紐約警察工會選擇把梁警官推上風口浪尖承擔一切作為交代






既然我們要求的是平等對待,那麽其實理論上講有兩種可能性。一種是,之前白人警察脫罪是合法正義的,那麽梁警官情節更輕,不應當擔此重罪。那理論上還有一種可能是,梁警官現在受到的判決其實才是正義的,而之前的白人警察是漏網了。如果一定要說梁警官這次的判決是正義的實現,那麽我們要求,請重新嚴查Daniel Pantaleo,請重新嚴查Darren Wilson如果這個目標可以得到部分黑人社區的認同,那麽就能使警察係統知道,犧牲少數族裔求太平,是沒有用處的 。




如上麵所說,梁警官的事件,是一個少數族裔警官被體製內部犧牲的悲劇。如果我們允許這樣的事情繼續發生,那麽隻會讓警察係統裏麵出現一道無形的while wall。白人警察更加有恃無恐,而少數裔警察則如履薄冰





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HCC 回複 悄悄話 >>>白人惹禍,華人買單...?

I would have to disagree. There are many, many examples of police officers of other races who were indicted or convicted of manslaughter. You talked about Mr. Brown's and Mr. Gardner's cases -- but there are many others that you might not have heard of. Below are some examples:

Franklin McCurrie (Florida), convicted of vehicular manslaughter in 2015, sentenced for 10 years.

Tedd Lynn Whitefield (Texas), convicted of 3 counts of manslaughter in 2015, sentenced for 8 years.

Johannes Mehserle (Bay Area), convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2010, sentenced for 2 years.

Joseph Mantelli (New Mexico), convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 1999, sentenced for 12.5 years.

Scott Smith (Connecticut), convicted of 1st degree manslaughter, overturned. Pled guilty to criminally negligent homicide, no jail time.

Damien Harmon-Wright (Virginia), convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 2013, sentenced for 3 years.

Bryan Conroy (New York), convicted of criminally negligent homicide, 5 years of probation and 500 hours of community service.

Randy Trent Harrison (Oklahoma), convicted of 1st degree manslaughter in 2013, sentenced for 4 years.

Jason Blackwelder (Texas), convicted of 2nd degree manslaughter in 2014, 5 years probation.
Michael Ferguson (Canada), convicted of manslaughter in 2006, sentenced for 4 years.

Pike County, Ohio (02 2016): A deputy was arrested for involuntary manslaughter after an accidental firearm discharge killed his neighbor. http://myfox28columbus.com/news/local/friday-death-investigation-at-waverly-deputys-home?utm_source=hootsuite

Paradise, California (02 2016): A now-former officer has been charged with manslaughter for shooting and paralyzing a drunk driver who later died from his injuries. http://www.actionnewsnow.com/news/former-paradise-police-officer-to-face-charges-in-shooting-death/?platform=hootsuite

Broward County, Florida (12 2015): A deputy was charged with manslaughter for the shooting death of Jermaine McBean in 2013. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/12/11/florida-officer-charged-with-manslaughter-in-death-of-jermaine-mcbean-fatally-shot-while-carrying-an-air-rifle/?postshare=9391449854228450&tid=ss_tw-bottom

Lyon County, Kansas (11 2015): A deputy was suspended after his arrest for involuntary manslaughter and other charges as a result of 2012 automobile crash. http://ksn.com/2015/11/23/lyon-county-suspends-deputy-involved-in-crash/?utm_source=hootsuite

Pike County, Mississippi (09 2015): A deputy was indicted for manslaughter in the death of Troy Ray Boyd. http://www.msnewsnow.com/story/29995185/pike-county-sheriffs-deputy-indicted-for-manslaughter

Mississippi State Police (08 2015): A now-former trooper was indicted for manslaughter for causing the death of an 81-year-old woman in a collision with his patrol vehicle. http://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2015/06/19/former-mhp-trooper-charged-with-manslaughter/28986021/

University of Cincinnati (Ohio) (07 2015): The officer who fatally shot Sam Dubose, an unarmed black motorist, has been arrested and charged with murder and voluntary manslaughter. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/07/29/prosecutors-to-announce-conclusion-of-probe-into-cincinnati-campus-police-shooting/

Chatham County, South Carolina (05 2015): Two deputies fired for the death of Matthew Ajibade have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and other charges. http://savannahnow.com/news/2015-06-24/3-indicted-involuntary-manslaughter-jail-death-savannah-man-matthew-ajibade?

Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania (05 2015): An officer was charged with vehicular homicide, involuntary manslaughter, and other charges for a fatal collision he allegedly caused while he was on duty. He was in pursuit of a vehicle who had illegally passed in traffic. At the time of impact, his cruiser’s speed was estimated at more than 110 miles per hour. http://standardspeaker.com/news/police-officer-charged-in-2014-fatal-crash-1.1876656

Bartlett, Tennessee (05 2015): An officer was charged with two counts of vehicular manslaughter for a high-speed crash while in pursuit that killed two motorists. http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/bartlett-police-officer-indicted-in-accident-that-killed-2-ep-1059739150-324408571.html

Baltimore, Maryland (05 2015): Six officers were charged with felonies for the death of Freddie Gray. Charges include manslaughter, 2nd degree murder, false imprisonment, and assault. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/02/us/freddie-gray-autopsy-report-given-to-baltimore-prosecutors.html?_r=0

Lake County, California (02 2015): A now-former deputy was charged with vehicular manslaughter for an October 2013 car crash. He had been responding to a call of home invasion and vehicle pursuit when he hit the victim’s car head-on at a high rate of speed. http://www.lakeconews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=40505:former-sheriffs-deputy-charged-with-manslaughter-for-fatal-october-2013-crash&catid=1:latest&Itemid=197

Walton County, Georgia (02 2015): A deputy was charged with involuntary manslaughter and reckless conduct for his actions that resulted in the death of his girlfriend. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/walton-county-jailer-charged-in-death-of-girlfrien/nj2LF/

Minnesota State Police (01 2015): A trooper was indicted on manslaughter charges for a fatal July 4 car crash while on duty. The trooper was responding to a motorcycle accident (with injury) when he broadsided the vehicle occupied by two senior citizens, who died from their injuries. http://www.startribune.com/lawyer-for-trooper-says-he-ll-seek-to-have-charges-dismissed/287162121/

Also: Charlotte-Mecklenberg, North Carolina (04 2015): An officer’s trial for the voluntary manslaughter of Jonathan Ferrell is underway. Ferrell had been in an auto accident and was seeking help when the officer shot him. The officer claimed he mistook him for a burglar. (case ended up in mistrial) http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/judge-declares-mistrial-police-killing-jonathan-ferrell-n414001

(Source: policemisconduct.net )