yinny自拍 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

中年也能時髦 (二十一) 職場中的常青色 - 米色

(2014-01-25 06:33:53) 下一個











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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
王鐵人 回複 悄悄話 Mama Mia, 衣服真多啊。
閩姑 回複 悄悄話 喜歡2,6和8.當一件衣服能讓自己穿出自信和好心情時就足夠了.這是我這種不會大時尚的老土姑的理解~.~
我不是你 回複 悄悄話 2.4不錯,其他就搭的不好。一直關注你的博客,總體而言,勇氣可嘉,身材不錯,可是搭配總有些問題。不好意思,直話直說。
Bornfree 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yinny自拍' 的評論 : Thanks for being tolerating! I have to confess that my taste is not so main stream anyway. So do not worry! I am sure that there are plenty of people like the way you dress :))
yinny自拍 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Bornfree' 的評論 :
First of all, thank you 'horsehorsetigertiger' for supporting my tastes and opinions. I am very grateful towards you for doing so.
Also, 'Bornfree' I am sorry that you don't like my tastes. However, I competely understand what you mean by saying that you are not entitled to liking my fashion taste, and it's true that not everyone will like what I post. It's what makes these types of blogs fun.
Bornfree 回複 悄悄話 回複 'horsehorsetigertiger' 的評論 : Sorry that if you feel offended... However I am still entitled to my own opinion. It is not a competition and I am not trying to say that my taste is better. The truth of the matter is that not everyone likes her taste. I very much admire Yinny's confidence but that does not mean that I have to like her fashion taste.
horsehorsetigertiger 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Bornfree' 的評論 :

I am really confused here. Yinny is just showing her fashion choices. Blue.Crab said that it is dangerous, and you said that you don't like her choices. If you think that your taste is better, please show your pictures and let's us judge.
Bornfree 回複 悄悄話 It is not his or her cup of tea. Not mine either...
horsehorsetigertiger 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Blue.Crab' 的評論 :

What do you mean? Please explain.
Blue.Crab 回複 悄悄話 It is very dangerous to think too much of yourself ...