tiger00 (熱門博主)
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我的'聖經'- Inner Engineering: a Yogi's Guide to Joy

(2017-04-20 19:05:47) 下一個

自從發現失眠的原因後, 我開始改變以前的急性子, 咖啡沒有喝了, 走路慢了, 也開始注意 生活中不經意發生的事, 比如有意注意自己的呼吸, 比如放慢走路的步伐, 注意周圍的人和環境, 同時每天都練習 transcendental meditation, 有時有效有時沒有. 
前陣在網上找逾迦材料, 看到Sadhguru的幾個片子, 非常喜歡, 又到圖書借來他的書: Inner Engineering: a Yogi's guide to joy.
這本書從頭到尾講的人生哲學,人體形成的5大元素, 逾迦形式, 如何達到平和開心極樂的心態, 如何自控和放下焦慮抑鬱, 如何享受生活, 如何飲食,如何鍛煉,如何養生, 如何逾迦. 太喜歡他的書, 準備去買一本, 經常看.......
也就幾天, 以前走路很快不注意周圍環境的我放慢腳步後竟然發現周圍有的同事走的太匆忙, 也開始靜心伶聽風聲雨聲小鳥的歌聲.
某天上班, 不到2小時應付2個急診住院及頻繁的檢查治療,  接著另一個病人急性心絞痛要找醫生做檢查找MET....., 每當覺得心跳有點快, 我就提醒自己深呼吸, 真的很有用. 
我還天天聽Mantra 音樂做半小時靜坐, 時不時收聽和做他節目裏的逾迦, 這幾周睡眠似乎好了很多.
更得益的是我跟老公說, 這本書讓我從中性的角度去看事做人, 我會更理解他的做事的角度, 更平常心, 於己於人, 都會得益不少.
今天去看醫生, 甲狀腺檢查沒事, 我跟醫生講了自己正在做的事和正在看的書, 她很支持我繼續這麽做. 她說能這麽做的人太少, 否則吃藥的人會少很多.
生活中很多事看起來平常的不再平常, 但做起來卻不那麽容易, 這就是為什麽很多人有各種各樣的不開心,所謂" 世間本無事, 庸人自擾之"就是這個道理. 然而要做到 be ease and peaceful with yourself 不是那麽容易的事. 要慢慢來, 一步步做, 變成一個不為瑣事煩惱的人, 做個真正開心快樂的人, 做一個大自然人.
看Sadhguru的錄像讀他的書是一種心靈和精神享受, 他是個非常有智
慧非常幽默的 YOGI. 太多太多經典錄像,選幾個放這裏:



The only thing that stands between you and your well-being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside.

The planet is spinning on time: not a small event. All the galaxies are managing fine; the whole cosmos is doing great. But you have one nasty little thought crawling through your head, and it is a bad day! The problem is you are living in a psychological space that bears no connection with reality. And you are insecure, because it can collapse at any moment.

Being responsible is taking ownership of your life. It means you have taken the first radical step to becoming a complete human being—fully conscious and fully human. In taking responsibility and beginning the journey toward conscious living, you are putting an end to the age-old patterns of assigning blame outward or heavenward. You have begun the greatest adventure life has to offer: the voyage inward.

The way you eat not only decides your physical health, but the very way you think, feel, and experience life. Trying to eat intelligently means understanding what kind of fuel this body is designed for and accordingly supplying it, so that it functions at its best.

“One of the biggest problems in the world today is loneliness. It is quite incredible. The planet is teeming with seven billion people, but people are lonely! If someone enjoys being alone, there is no problem at all. But most people are suffering because of it! They are going through serious psychological problems as a consequence. If you are lonely, it is because you have chosen to become an island unto yourself. It doesn’t have to be this way. “I am not responsible” makes you unwilling to get along with anyone—until you can’t even get along with yourself. It often comes to a point when you believe you are not even responsible for what is happening within yourself!

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