
首先,祝你身體健康,因為身體是一切的本錢。也希望你在這裏玩得開心,好心情讓你永遠年青。當然,還要祝你家庭和睦, 工作愉快。

Tiger Is Back

(2013-04-10 06:04:05) 下一個
I have been a loyal Tiger fan since 1997 when he won the Masters in record fashion. For sixteen years, I have followed him closely through all the news reports and watching him on TV whenever my schedule permits. He is aways the center of my attention even during his down time. He has not won since 2009, but by this weekend I hope he will change that. I am looking forward to the moment.

"Augusta is full this week, prices skyrocketing, interest soaring, the hype climbing because the feeling is Tiger Woods is about to play some hellacious golf here again, that something majestic and marvelous is about to happen.

After all these Majors without a victory, after all those Sundays without the memory of a final, classic run, after seven years to grow that goatee, that should be enough for everyone."


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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
ShanShan33 回複 悄悄話 謝謝G俠,我會帶他去試試,和中餐相比他更喜歡西餐:-(
gewex 回複 悄悄話 回複ShanShan33的評論:
推薦你兒子The Salt Lick http://www.saltlickbbq.com/ 相信他一定喜歡。

順便說一下,Rudy's, County BBQ都不錯。小孩子長身體,多吃肉是正道。
ShanShan33 回複 悄悄話 回複gewex的評論:
gewex 回複 悄悄話 回複ShanShan33的評論:
哈,珊珊,那你可是真正的Tiger Mom(虎媽)了:-)
ShanShan33 回複 悄悄話 見了這個標題就立即點了進來。Tiger看上去老了很多,臉上也有了風霜。祝他好運。
gewex 回複 悄悄話 回複紫薇的媽媽的評論:
G'day, mate!

Yes, go Tiger, go.
紫薇的媽媽 回複 悄悄話 Knight G, The Masters 2013 - Tiger Woods deserves our attention.....he is talented, driven and focused on what he is doing.