

臉書 (Facebook)上的朋友 Steve

(2016-04-15 10:22:28) 下一個

臉書 (Facebook)上的朋友 Steve  


我也不記得是怎麽認識Steve Walters 的了,印象是我把照片Post到Facebook上,立刻引起一片喝彩。仔細一看,原來都是一路貨色。大家相互吹捧,都是馬拉鬆賊船上的朋友。物以類聚,人以群分嗎!

這是他12分鍾之前Post的照片,自己都把自己感動了。你看多牛,連續跑了700天,明天就去Boston。在這700天裏,Walters跑了7781邁 (77.81M/ W ) .每天跑得最短的是3 邁,最長的是69邁。他從不在跑步機上跑。

他說,“又剛剛意識到,馬上要跑的波馬將是我的550次比賽。 細分為98次超馬,217次馬拉鬆 (周一的波馬是218次), 班馬是153次 。短於半馬的81次。”

我情不自禁地說了聲,真TMD 的畜生。我可不是罵你而是極端的誇耀。一時形容人的詞匯都不夠用了,不得不用比人類更廣泛的針對所有生命的詞匯了。

於是馬上Comment 了他的照片。你真棒,真瘋狂,真神奇。就像科比對籃球一樣。你是我認識的馬拉鬆瘋子裏最棒的之一。我認識很多的Steve,像Steve Boone, Steve Walter,Steve Holehan ,Steve Hughes 。還有一個Steven Yee。


Roger Teel You are a machine! Are you sure you are not part robot?

Cecilia Harris Wow! This is amazing. All the best!

Eddie Hahn You kept much better record of your shorter runs than I have. Or the records are more organized. I could cull through hundreds of scrap books,log books,inlay cards with track and cross country race schedules, bib numbers, and come up with an approximation, but my racing dates back to 1978, it would be a tall order.

Linus Post Go Steve Go !! Big fan from Ohio..Good luck in Boston!!

Xinji Li  You are Wonderful, you are Crazy, you are great .Just like Kobe for basketball, you are one of crazy runners in this world I know. I know many of Steve .you are one of them (Steve Boone , Steve Walters,, Steve Holehan, Steve Hughes). And another person  Steven Yee.


Steve walters 用了3:39:31 完成了他的這次波馬。今天不在狀態,雖然沒有 Sub 3:15 ,也沒有Sub 3:30 ,但是 3:39:31 也不錯。

他說:Today just wasn't my day. But that said, a tough day at Boston is still AWESOME! No sub-3:15 or sub-3:30, but I dug deep and managed a 3:39:31. Not horrible, so I'm fine with it. Unicorn #3 in the books!




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