我在同濟的老同窗向惠雲近日獲得了一個美國全國性的科學獎,昨天我花時間將獲獎詞翻成了中文,現在身材也與成就相當的老同學還提供了照片,讓我們可以在此分享和道賀。同濟以醫學聞名,出過很多名醫,我也有說不完的同濟故事,但是或許大家不太知曉的事實是同濟的公共衛生學院常年名列中國的第一名。 向惠雲就是我們公衛學院的傑出代表之一,同濟產生的唯一美國院士哈佛教授胡丙長也是公衛學院的畢業生,他們還是同屆的同窗,看來教那屆的同濟教授們應該受到嘉獎。我能稱向惠雲為同學是因為我們研究生在一起,雖然我本科是學臨床醫學的。
中國人在美國獲得全國性的學術獎勵是件非常不容易的事情,發生在老同學的身上更是令人高興。在任何科學領域獲得同行的肯定對於評價學術成就是最有說服力的,同行可能是朋友也可以是尖銳的批評者,因為現代科學分枝細到可以令外行像聽天書的程度,所以我昨天翻譯完後的專業術語和表述隻能請專家定稿, 因為我略懂得炎症導致的細胞損傷,但是對急症室創傷的統計學模型則一無所知。惠雲在科羅拉多獲得的博士,現在工作的屬於俄亥俄州立大學的全美兒童醫院為重要的研究中心。最近他們跑來聖路易斯挖人,把華盛頓大學全球聞名的基因組研究所的兩位共同所長延聘,這將是對新上任不久的醫學院院長的巨大挑戰。
讓我們在這裏以向恵雲教授的答謝詞的中文翻譯結束,再次向老同學道賀:“我懷著感恩與謙卑的心情接受2016年的APHA ICEHS的傑出科學獎。這個榮譽確切地說屬於我的富有活力的研究團隊,屬於那些數不盡的與我合作過的優秀專家,許多導師和全美兒童醫院的領導更是在我幾次的困難時期提供了無私的參謀和一如既往地支持和信任。沒有你們的幫助和支持,我不可能走得這麽遠和獲得此獎項。為此,我感謝所有人。”
聖路易斯華大基因組研究所共同所長Richard Wilson和Elaine Mardis。他們將在今年九年去俄亥俄的全美兒童醫院任職,俄亥俄用一千萬美元吸引他們離開,似乎錢也不是太多。Wilson在基因測序的標誌性人物 Robert Waterston離開後執掌華大基因組計劃,成為引用率最高的科學家之一,並且與醫生合作開創了癌症和其他基因組計劃。
American Public Health Association Excellence in Science Award: To recognize an individual, frequently at mid-career, for outstanding dedication and leadership in the science of injury/violence prevention and control and emergency health services with contributions and achievements that have a significant and long term impact on the field. Recipient must be a section member.
WINNER—Huiyun Xiang MD, MPH, PhD, Professor, Center for Injury Research and Policy, Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Dr. Huiyun Xiang is a Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. He holds a joint appointment at the Division of Epidemiology, The Ohio State University College of Public Health. Dr. Xiang is currently the Director of the Center for Pediatric Trauma Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the Director of International Programs and the Director of Research Core at the Center for Injury Research and Policy (CIRP), The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. His primary research interests include injury and safety research in individuals with disabilities, pediatric trauma emergency health services research, and innovative injury research methodology. His work has been continuously funded by state and federal grants since 2003. He has published more than 160 peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 book chapters, and he has presented his research findings at a variety of conferences around the world.
向惠雲博士是俄亥俄州立大學醫學院的兒科教授,他同時在俄亥俄州立大學公共衛生學院的流行病學係任教授。向博士目前是全美兒童醫院小兒創傷研究中心主任,也是傷害研究和政策中心(CIRP)國際交流部主任和研究部主任,該中心設在全美兒童醫院的研究所內。他的主要研究興趣包括對殘疾人的傷害和安全的研究、兒童外傷急救衛生服務以及創新型創傷研究方法學的研究。自2003年以來,他的工作持續獲得州和聯邦政府的資助; 他在同行評議的雜誌上發表了超過160篇的研究論文和2篇專著的章節,並且多次在眾多世界學術會議上交流研究成果。
Dr. Xiang has made significant contributions to the field of injury and violence prevention. One of these contributions is reflected in his work on injuries among individuals with disabilities. In 2010, he served as an injury expert in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2020 Initiative for the Disability and Health Workgroup. Using his expertise in this area, he collaborated with other experts to propose a new Healthy People 2020 Objective (DH-19, Developmental) to reduce health disparities and address health issues facing individuals with disabilities who have suffered nonfatal unintentional injuries. The proposed objective of reducing injuries among individuals with disabilities has officially become one of the Healthy People 2020 objectives. For the first time in history, an objective to reduce the proportion of people with disabilities who experience nonfatal unintentional injuries that require medical care was added to the national Healthy People prevention effort in 2011.
向博士在傷害和暴力預防領域做出了顯著的貢獻,這些貢獻尤其體現在他對殘疾人士傷害的研究工作。 在2010年他作為傷害專家參加了由美國衛生和國民服務部牽頭舉辦的“麵向殘疾和健康人群的2020規劃”。利用他在這方麵的專長,他與其他專家合作,提出了一個新的健康人民2020年規劃(DH-19,發展綱要),目的為減少不同人群的健康差距,直接探討那些受非致命非故意傷害困擾的殘疾人所麵臨的健康問題。關於預防殘障人的傷害的提案已經正式成為健康人2020年規劃的目標之一。作為曆史上的首次,以減少那些受非致命非故意傷害影響的殘疾人的比例的提案被納入在2011實施的全美國健康人規劃。
Dr. Xiang’s research is also recognized internationally. The World Health Organization and the World Bank released its first-ever World Report on Disability in 2011. This report featured Dr. Xiang’s research and provided a concrete set of recommended actions for governments and their partners. His work on disabilities and injuries also informed a special symposium entitled “Should “Disability Status” Be a Covariate in Most Epidemiological Research?” at the World Congress of Epidemiology, June, 2011 in Montreal, Canada. Papers presented during this symposium were published as a special topic in the Annals of Epidemiology in 2014 which included two of Dr. Xiang’s publications, one from the US and one published with colleagues in China. Further, the symposium was so well received that the presenters, including Dr. Xiang, were invited to give the same presentations at a seminar at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, which was broadcast throughout the US.
向博士的研究得到了國際同行的認可。世界衛生組織和世界銀行在2011年發布了首個關於殘疾人的世界報道,這份報告重點介紹了向博士的研究,並且認為他的研究對政府和政府夥伴的決策具有堅實的參考基礎。他的關於殘疾和傷害的工作還成為一個名為“殘疾是否 應該成為常規流行病學研究的協變量?”的專題討論會,該專題是2011年6月在加拿大蒙特利爾舉行的的世界流行病大會的一部分。本次研討會期間提交的論文 被匯總發表在2014年的流行病學年鑒上,包括向博士與美國和中國合作者的兩篇論文。該專題討論會的反響良好,包括向博士在內的報告者隨後被邀請去亞特蘭大的疾病控製中心做報告,並且報告的視頻在全美範圍內分享。
Using a multidisciplinary approach, Dr. Xiang and his team conduct numerous innovative projects that assess how pre hospital emergency medical services, acute medical and surgical management, rehabilitation, and family and community services impact the short and long-term outcomes of injured patients. Funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Health Resources and Services Administration, and the Ohio Department of Public Safety Emergency Medical Service, Dr. Xiang and his team evaluate regionalized trauma systems and under-triage of major trauma patients in the US. Their findings have important implications for trauma system quality improvement and mortality risk reduction at non-trauma and level III trauma medical settings. Dr. Xiang and his team always strive for excellence in rigorous research methodology. He and his collaborators have developed novel research methodology for pediatric trauma and emergency health services, including assessing emergency department mortality at three different levels of trauma centers and evaluating unmeasured confounding factors in observational studies with multiple patient treatment groups using triplet matching followed with sensitivity analysis. While developed for trauma outcomes research, these methodology and techniques are applicable to study other health problems.
應用多學科的方法,向博士和他的團隊設計出創新性的研究方案,去研究評估進醫院前的急症醫療服務、急症醫療與外科處理、康複、以及家庭和社區服務對傷害病人的短期和長期的影響。向博士的研究得到美國衛生和人類服務部-保健研究和質量局(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality),衛生資源和服務部局(Health Resources and Services Administration)以及俄亥俄公共安全和急症醫療服務部的多項資助。向博士和他的團隊評估美國區域性創傷救治係統和美國對重症傷害病人及時分診的不足與後果。他們的研究結果對於美國區域性創傷救治係統中非創傷係統醫療機構和低級別創傷救治醫療機構如何提高醫療質量和降低死亡率具有重要的意義。向博士和他的團隊始終追求卓越的嚴謹研究方法。他和他的合作者已經創立了創傷和急救醫療服務的嶄新研究方法,包括評估三個不同層次的創傷救治中心的急症室的死亡率及應用生物統計學敏感性分析方法去評估臨床觀察研究中的不可測的混雜因素對於研究結果的影響。雖然這些研究方法是為評估創傷治療效果而創立的,但是這些研究方法和技術可應用於研究其他的健康問題。
In addition to his pioneering work in injury and trauma research, Dr. Xiang has served in many national and international leadership roles and made significant contributions to the injury and trauma research in the US and around the world.