最近讀了一篇博文,說是一個從內蒙古山區於第一屆高考就考上大學,後來又到北美,並成功成為房地產大地主的男性,卻意外地在一次旅遊度假時在大浪中玩水時溺水身亡。更有甚者,他和妻子一起玩。而且妻子水性很好,曾經是校遊泳隊的! 可是根本就毫無查覺,知道離岸時才發覺不對勁!(想想:這妻子也太忘乎所以了,或者就不懂溺水特點和防範措施!)
Instinctive Drowning Response:
- In the vast majority of cases, drowning people are physiologically incapable of calling out for help because the human body is wired to give priority to the primary respiratory function, breathing, and not to speech, which is a secondary overlaid function.
- Drowning people's mouths are not above the water long enough to enable them to exhale, draw breath and call out, they have barely time to exhale and inhale quickly before their mouths go back under the water.
- When we are drowning, our natural instinct is to press our arms outwards and downwards onto the surface of the water so we can leverage our bodies upwards to catch our breath.
- Waving arms about to draw attention is a voluntary movement: we have to stop drowning first before we can physically perform voluntary movements like waving for help, grabbing rescue equipment or moving toward a rescuer.
- While in the Drowning Response, people stay upright but they don't perform supporting kicks, and unless rescued, they struggle on the surface of the water up to 60 seconds before they go under.
那問題就來了:如何及時發現溺水? 我能想到的:
1. 同伴:跟同伴一起,互相照應。清楚地講明,溺水通常是無聲無息的!
2. 沒有救生員的地方不下水!