David Richo, in his book, How to Be an Adult, does a beautiful job of describing the difference between drama and real anger.
最主要的區別是對自己的feeling 負責。這是自尊自愛。當我們學會對自己負責, 才能改變生活。否則隻是feeling 的奴隸。feeling 又是環境他人造成的。即使暫時解決, 卻難以也做自己的主。
Drama | True Anger |
Scares the hearer | Informs the hearer and creates attention in the hearer |
Is meant to silence the other | Is meant to communicate with the other |
Masks the dashed expectation or fear of not being in control with a false sense of control | Contains sadness or disappointment and these are acknowledged |
Blames the other for what one feels | Takes responsibility for the feeling as one's own |
Is a strategy that masks a demand that the other change | Asks for change but allows the other to change or not |
Is violent, aggressive, out of control, derisive, punitive | Is nonviolent, always in control and within safe limits |
Represses the true feeling | Expresses an assertive response |
Occludes other feelings | Coexists with other feelings |
Creates stress because one's bruised, scared ego is impotently enraged | Releases the aliveness in one's true self |
Is held on to and endures as resentment | Is brief and then let go of with a sense of closure |
Insists the other see how justified one is | Needs no response |
Drama is a belligerent reaction to rejection that punishes by further distancing | Anger is an intimate response to rejection that bridges the distance or allows it without long-held resentment |
Drama is based on indignation that one was not treated with the love and loyalty one unconsciously believe one is entitled to | Anger is based on displeasure at what happened but with consciousness that this feeling is based on a subjective interpretation |