我開車時經常打開radio聽聽Kiss FM裏播放的新進熱門的流行歌曲,盡量做到與時俱進。沒想到的是,已經是大媽的我最近居然被這首坑爹的歌給害了。。。
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Let me know
Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it
And we start real slow
You just put your lips together
And you come real close
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Here we go
坐在旁邊的老公立刻不懷好意的樂了,問我說,你知道“blow my whistle”是什麽意思嗎?我說不就是吹口哨嗎?但正說著,自己心底也隱隱覺得有什麽不太對勁了。果然老公緩緩的說,那就是blow job的意思啊。我這才恍然大悟,明白了為啥我一直覺得這歌的歌詞很曖昧。哈哈。。。哎,坑爹啊!!!
Flo Rida x Shaheem Reid -- The Making of the "Whistle" Music Video
what the hells he talking about freaky stuff? I thought this video was about him becoming a professional referee.