("Given that China was on the top of the medal list during the first half of the Olympics, how do you feel as an American?")
“我很驚訝這次中國金牌總數沒有超過美國, 相信下次中國會金牌總數第一。前蘇聯每次金牌總數都是第一”。狡猾的律師, 狡猾的美國人,做夢都盼著中國向前蘇聯學習,解體之後,美國可以光明正大的賴掉外債。
("I am surprised that China did not overtake America eventually, and I believe China will top the medal table in the next Olympics. You should also remember that the Soviet Union used to get more medals than America.")
("Did you know, the American women's Gymnastic team is coached by the Chinese.")
("So when Americans have the money they buy Chinese coaches.")
("Who do you support, Obama or Romney?")
“當然是奧巴馬,我不明白那些窮人,買不起醫療保險,居然還支持羅姆尼(指奧巴馬的醫療改革)。” 他是窮鄉僻壤--弗吉尼亞州飛出來的金鳳凰,有自己的律師事務所,仍然為窮人說話。
("Of course, Obama. I do not understand why those people who cannot afford medical insurance still support Romney.")
“我不喜歡希拉裏.克林頓, 大嘴巴,天天繞著中國轉圈,挑撥離間,指手畫腳。南中國海和釣魚島是中國的,美國人應該老老實實的呆在美國。”
("I do not like big-mouthed Hillary Clinton, as she visits all of China's neighboring countries and criticises China. The South China Sea and Diaoyu Island belong to China, and Americans should mind their own business.")
“喔,你在說那些南中國海島嶼的爭議。” 精明的律師先生轉移話題,不再談政治了, 不過我相信他一定還有話說。
("You mean the dispute of those small islands.")
美國人的黑白海鱸魚(Black and White Sea Bass)端了上來, 這道菜也非常好吃,深色的那片鱸魚是用豆豉醬汁醃製過的,很入味,他們叫做日本豆豉醬汁。我把服務生叫過來,作為一個中國人,我決定為豆豉醬汁正名。
" >
(“This sea bass is beautiful, how did you marinate it?")
("We simply use sea salt for the white piece, and use Japanese black bean sauce for the black piece.")
("Do you know if it is Chinese black bean sauce?")
("I know that China has black bean sauce and Japan has it too.")
("Did you know that the Japanese learnt how to make black bean sauce from the Chinese? That means the sauce should be called "Chinese black bean sauce"")
"所有的東西都是中國的."("Everything is China's.") 美國人小聲地,憤憤不平地說了一句,聲音小的足夠讓我聽到。狡猾的律師。我隻聽到兩個人說了這句話。一個美國人,一個俄羅斯人。當今東亞國際政治的真實寫照。曾經飽經戰亂和欺淩的中國,在慢慢的收回她與生俱來的權利(Birthright),這個過程必然與稱霸近現代史的美國和俄羅斯的利益有衝突。怎樣保持經濟實力,又能盡量和平的收回這些權利,需要中國的領導層堅定的決心,無畏的勇氣和巧妙的政治智慧。
武力威懾,盡量避免戰爭,不戰而屈人之兵是上上之策.無論是局部戰爭,還是世界大戰,最終受苦的還是平民百姓。 百年戰亂和倍受欺淩的中國人熱愛和平,也熱愛與生俱來的權利和利益。希望中國的複興之路如這份甜點一樣潤滑,甜美. (巧克力法式燉蛋和白巧克力冰淇淋).