(2012-03-20 10:44:14)
我有把兩個兒子成長過程的趣聞趣事記錄下來的習慣,我想等他們長大了,翻出來看看,蠻有意思的。可惜他們小時候的記錄本子在幾年前的搬家途中掉失了,真遺憾。 現在記錄下來的是近年的趣事。
小兒子在12歲的時候,有一次,不知道為什麽,我叫他幫手做點事,他很懶,不願意做,我就用中英文跟他說,“你這麽懶,什麽也不懂,back then in China, the boys in your age, 他們娶老婆,結婚生小孩,整個家靠他們了。你看你,12歲了,還像個baby 一樣。”他問“what's 娶老婆mean?” 我說“married.” 他一聽,很興奮的樣子,說:“you mean they have wives?" 我說:“married, of course they have wives.” 他一聽,就更興奮,說“that means they have intercourse at age 12, right?" 我說:“what do you think?” 他聽後,高興地跳了起來,說:“hey, mom, i want to go to China." 然後他挽著我的手臂,作懇求狀,說:“can I? please?" 要知道,這麽多年,每次問他想不想回中國,我還沒問完,他立馬就說NO。這次他想回中國是因為聽我說中國的男孩子像他這樣的年紀,就有老婆,有性交,他就想回去。接著他跑去跟他哥哥說:“hey, brother, let's go to China. mom said the boys in China when they are 12, they get married, they have wives and you know, you know what i mean... isn't that cool? " 我聽後連忙說:“i said back then, not now." 小兒子聽後好像很沒趣,像個泄了氣的皮球, 說:“aww, too bad." 哈哈,這個小家夥!