王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: A Brief Account of the Sept. 24, 2020 Vi

(2020-09-26 18:54:25) 下一個

NYS WCB Case# G2029240: A Brief Account of the Sept. 24, 2020 Visit to

by Limin Wang

Sept. 26, 2020, Saturday

During the Sept 24, 2020, 3:30 pm visit, the front desk woman of New York
City Medical & Neurological Offices asked me whether I had visited a
PSYCHIATRIST, and so was asked by the woman RN Hyesim Moon in lieu of the
appointmented-with Dr. Mehrdad Golzad. When I asked what a psychiatrist
could do, although I have psychiatric issues since being the victim of this
series of premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts. The front desk woman
even said yeah when I asked her whether she thought psychiatrist like
insurance IME Dr. Robert S. April would be helpful to any psychiatric issues.

The RAW DATA I asked for was only giving some numbers and a figure on
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP), and a few numbers in their
statements about the Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP). Other than
these scarce "data/figure" on VEMP and CDP, nothing else about RAW DATA/
FIGURES or Processed DATA/FIGURES on many other claimed computerized tests
done on March 05, 2018, and the EEG&EKG test done on March 15, 2018.

Dr. Mehrdad Golzad, as often, didn't show up for the appointments. The
personnel functioning as a doctor often would not allow me to describe my
whole set of symptoms. If such personnel are not as openly nasty as Ms.
Rivky Jaffe, they will almost always say this or that is normal to
themselves or tell me not to learn any medicine knowledge from real
independent sources. For example, Ms. Hyesim Moon answered that my
hyperventilation absolutely obvious when I put my mask on is normal to her.
A never-disclosed lady doctor "corrected" me by saying tetraplegia is
complete paralysis. When I rebuted her that tetraplegia is not a none or
complete situation, instead, it can also be anywhere between the two ends,
she still disagreed. Of course, the whole system, including IME Dr. Robert S
. April, would repeat the misinformation to the victim/patient. Also, the
whole system attempts to stretch the COVID-19 to me, and Ms. Moon on Sept.
24, 2020 asked me whether I am having COVID-19. Of course I am not a victim
of the COVID-19 scam.

Also, the recent NYCMNO's electronic measurements of my Blood Pressure &
Pulse are DUBIOUS, because the electronic measurements at other places are
usually significantly lower in the systolic pressure and pulse rate.

On the Sept. 24, 2020 visit, I answered their multiple rounds of questioning
why I cancelled the Aug. 07, 2020 appointment with their newly-attained
OPOMETRIST, not an ophathalmologist: I am afraid they would on one hand
claim everything is normal on a "medical report" while on the other hand
wouldn't give me any RAW DATA or real data, and I will have more dispute
with another "professional".

At the end time to make the next appointment, Ms. Moon was saying FOUR
MONTHS, although I had just told her that my sequelae, although with some
change in pattern, have generally deteriorated and broadened. I mentioned
about the 90-day rule of NYS WCB about continuing treatment, then Ms. Moon
said THREE MONTHS. The front desk woman, another FD one, suggested Dec. 29,
or Jan. 02. I told her that would be more than 90 days although she claimed
it is EXACTLY THREE MONTHS. I told that it would be around holidays and I
don't want any possibly good days to be ruined by medical visits like such.
Eventually, the follow-up appointment is made for Dec. 22, 2020.

Although what I had revealed about NYCMNO may look bad enough, NYCMNO is
actually still better than many other "medical professionals" or "medical
services" I have encountered.

Any one who claims to proclaim the U.S.A. system can have any interest in
reading such reality stories happened in the real America? When I said it
would become a big issue, I mean I have a dream around the whole globe and
down the possible history, there would be someones facing and dealing with
such realities within the grip of a superpower.

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