王利民 民聲 Limin Wang People's Voice

我來自毛共社會農民家庭,成長、自立、成家階段偏逢特色共產黨越發走資,在美國漂泊二十年,最近還遭遇工傷謀害謀殺。我認識到,光靠個人的辛勤是改變不了製度給個人注定的命運,必須同時通過個人的努力去改變製度和社會Limin Wang, People's Voice

The Miserable World I Reflected in a Response Letter

(2018-10-13 10:43:54) 下一個

The Miserable World I Reflected in a Response Letter
by Limin Wang
Oct. 13, 2018

I got a "No Units Available" email from 572 Eleventh Ave Apartments because I applied for public housing in NYC. Then, in a few days, its regular mail arrived, with extra information about Violence Against Women Act and family courts information. My outrage and desperation were quite obvious in the following email response to them, although I have held a lot of facts not disclosed yet.

October 9, 2018


I got a regular mail copy of this rejection letter which also started to talk about "Violence Against Women Act". Then, I will take this initiation to talk about my miserable injured slave situation here. 

When I applied for this public housing in year 2017, it's because the adversary organization and individuals were using the so-called illegal conversion of a private residence's ground floor to evict the tenants me and my family. My slavery wage in 2017 was factually around $34,000, and the family member size was 4.

On Jan 16, 2018, I fell as a victim to a premeditated murder in the workplace B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc (109-35 178th Street, Jamaica, NY 11433) due to a fall from a broken ladder owned and maintained by the employer. The aftermath was quite a struggle to find a physician either through the Medicaid insurance or through a Workers' Compensation Board. The employer and the WC insurance were wielding their wanton power to deny the premeditated murder as not even a Workers' Compensation case. After I got a lawyer involved, the WC case was established, but my recovery in health and in compensation has always been a struggle.

This family of size 4 had been relied all on my slavery work in the past years. My wife and the two children's biological mother Li Li has been a tool to outside evils. Years ago, Li Li was working outside to earn income for the family, but she was having very difficult time working outside. Then in Aug 2014, Li's biological sister Chunling Li cheated on me and my two children to bring Li Li out of this family and technically kidnapped Li at her place and under her control. Li Li was found by me and persuaded to come home in Sept 2014. But the human scums including Chunling Li kept viewing me as a harm to Li Li, and thus Li Li deserted home once again in Nov 2014, while I was taking a full-time and over-time labor job outside. I worked as a slave, with the public humiliation of a running-away wife, and as a father to raise the two young children. Li Li, to my and the children's limited knowledge about Li's disgraceful >1/2 year of desertion, was not working while she was not under the family's "harm". Li Li was just reading and writing garbage while paying a hefty rent for a tiny room in a basement of a residential house. When I was suddenly fired from the job in July 2015, Li Li was pushed out from that hideout place about a week earlier and then moved to a tiny room in an attic with a rent of $500/month at a NYC realty businessman. I was able to get in contact with Li Li, because she still acted as if she still cared about the children's welfare. I regret now deeply and greatly I persuaded Li Li to come back home, because Li Li had been turned into a totally different person during her staying outside: a seemingly psychiatric woman with no capability to work outside to earn money or stay calm to help inside the family. I always have sympathy for the suppressed and the suffered, because I have long been one of them. But, Li Li's more than three years' everyday erratic behavior and talk was too destructive to me and the two children. If somebody thinks Li Li as a victim of domestic violence, please take Li Li away from me. If any of the two children would be persuaded by misinformation to go with Li Li, please do so. And that somebody, please teach Li Li to find her way to struggle on her own to survive in the animal world, not to live as a tumor on the marriage and the husband by creating domestic turmoil in the first place. I need to fight all the adversaries in the slavery animal world for a survival, although the foreseeing is quite dim. I am a genuine victim of the evil world: bitter slavery under employment, broken family under poverty, and attempted murders on my life because of my real experiences and public advocacies.

Thanks for your attention.

Limin Wang

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王利民 回複 悄悄話 我需要的是有人幫助我傳播我的人生遭遇。我的博客因為講了一些在美國和特色中國的黑暗罪惡遭遇,有組織和個人就想掩蓋起來,甚至屢次策劃謀害謀殺我。我會以證據講述我在bq wide做工時,受傷時和受傷後的各種遭遇。謀害者們,不要以為你們可以輕鬆逃脫你們的罪惡,還居然覺得這點他媽的工傷賠償是我這個受害者對你們的祈求!
王利民 回複 悄悄話 傾巢之下,焉有完卵。多少的家庭,多少的男人,不但在外要忍受勞累,屈辱,摧殘,甚至謀殺,在內要麽娶不了女人,要麽結婚了也容易遭受各種變故而家庭破敗。而權貴人士還要搞一套所謂的保護女人法律文字遊戲,教唆女人利用這套垃圾規則,追求不正當勞動卻幻想通過婚姻和或男人而輕鬆生活。這樣的卑鄙法律勾當,隻會讓權貴者們能有交配享受,可以不結婚而享受女人,可以頻繁結婚離婚而享受生活,而殘害廣大社會底層男人和其家庭。誰製造和維護這樣的社會製度和秩序?是男人的,就要對抗這樣的邪惡製度和個人,寧可鬥而死,不可屈而亡。