


(2012-01-27 09:37:27) 下一個

Root Causes of the Decline of the West
於 【文學城】的〖古風無痕〗博客 2011-03-06

A very good painting of what is going to happen in the US:
Documentary: I.O.U.S.A. (2009), directed by Patrick Creadon

Capitalism: A Love Story (2009), directed by Michael Moore

Aside from ism, the truly insightful comment of "Capitalism: A Love Story" lies at 01:02:30-01:03:24, in less than 60 seconds, the secondary root cause for the Western decline is plainly stated by Prof. William Black:

"... Today, our best minds are used for something else. Where do we send our top math and science people? Into finance. They do not go to science in the America; they go to Wall Street. ... instead of working for the common good. We've taken people that could be enormously productive, just we are short of in the America, and we've taken them and put them in activity that is not simply less productive, but where that is actually destructive: where actually every day they work, they make the world worse. ..."

This is of course the consequence of the primary root cause, the severe deterioration of basic education system for the past 30 years:
(I will try to write a more detailed article on this matter later.)

NEW YORK — An unprecedented study that followed several thousand undergraduates through four years of college found that large numbers didn't learn the critical thinking, complex reasoning and written communication skills that are widely assumed to be at the core of a college education. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education known for his theory of multiple intelligences, said the study underscores the need for higher education to push students harder. Read more:

Also check out the latest from Fox News:
China's Rise, America's Fall? | Glenn Beck

Fast forward to page 4 of the transcript and read the words of Jim Rogers (reproduced below):

"The average American has got to start with education, with their children and grandchildren. I have a daughter. When she was in the first grade in Singapore, had more homework than I ever had in any year of my elementary school. She's doing things in the second grade that I'm having trouble helping her with in her math.

"I can't believe what they're demanding of her. It's very rigorous. It's very demanding. And all these kids are working their heads off. She's in the second grade. You know, China produces something like 20 or 30 times as many engineers every year as we do in America. We don't teach math. We don't teach science. We teach self-esteem. In Singapore, you have to earn your self-esteem. You know, you're not told about self-esteem, you have to earn it."

Democrazy made in the USA
: democracy is orchestrated by ill-informed, poorly educated, and ultra-selfish crowd, and the results will be long-lasting suffering. From my own educational experience, I have found that the western population is increasingly lacking the basic abilities to think correctly and critically. This is the root cause for the decline of the West and there is no turning back. From now on (actually from the end of the Reagan years, 1989), the US along with its western friends will go downhill. It is also a wonder that so many western people are extremely confident about themselves and their ability to rebuild their societies. Unfortunately, such a fest requires high-quality education from grade 1 onward based on real assessment of students' performance, not on empty praises. Tragically, empty praises have become the social norm of all western societies: students get high marks for not doing much at all. Also, teachers at all levels of the education system scale students' grades up so that everyone involved is happy for the results. This is the exact practice brought down the western financial system in 2008 and will be the exact reason for its further decline in coming years.

Obviously, the current Chinese government is the wisest one in the world. While the Western governments spent billions on bailouts of their banks and obsolete industries (including the auto and road-construction industries), the Chinese government instead invested massively on public transit, infrastructure, green technologies, and education. Ten to 15 years down the road, the benefits of the Chinese investment will begin to manifest whereas the suffering of the Western democrazy-driven short-sighted policies will further short-circuit the Western socioeconomic progress. We just need to wait for the triple-digit oil prices to return and see the above forecast to unfold before our very own eyes.

See what are the desperate deeds of the US:

Elizabeth Warren: The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class in the US

What the future will look like:

Finally, let's read a recent news item:


Lament for America by Earl H. Fry (University of Toronto Press, 2010)

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