
北約峰會結束 - 兩個看點

(2014-09-06 13:48:55) 下一個
北約峰會結束 - 兩個看點


一, 歐巴馬完成收保護費的任務
歐巴馬極力促成北約各成員國提高國防經費,至少占GDP的2%。 成員國的武器和裝備是通用的,並有嚴格的標準。這樣美國的軍工產業將有更大的市場。看下麵的引文:

All 28 NATO nations have pledged to increase their investments in defense and to move toward investing 2 percent of their GDP in our collective security.  These resources will help NATO invest in critical capabilities, including intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and missile defense. 

二, 對待烏克蘭的態度
(1) 關鍵時刻有盒飯,但沒有武器援助:

All 28 NATO Allies will now provide security assistance to Ukraine.  This includes non-lethal support to the Ukrainian military -- like body armor, fuel and medical care for wounded Ukrainian troops -- as well as assistance to help modernize Ukrainian forces, including logistics and command and control. 


We strongly support President Poroshenko’s efforts to pursue a peaceful resolution to the conflict in his country.  The cease-fire announced today can advance that goal, but only if there is follow-through on the ground.  Pro-Russian separatists must keep their commitments and Russia must stop its violations of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

從中可看出,烏克蘭的停火不是偶然的,是跟北約峰會掛鉤的。歐美的大佬們絕不希望看到一個統一的強大的烏克蘭。我在以前的貼中曾經提到過,烏克蘭的未來是 - 走向破碎化。當然,它是一個漸進的過程。

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