
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

EM: Fight for what you believe: Faith, Hope, and Love

(2024-11-06 11:56:29) 下一個

EM: A man gotta do what a man gotta do! 

Be Yourself; Fight for what you believe: Faith, Hope, and Love; stand up; don't mess up. 

“In every country I've reported on, no matter where in the world, people vote based on what’s within three feet of them—what’s on the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental.”(Margaret Brennan). This idea echoes Bill Clinton’s famous campaign slogan, "It’s the economy, stupid!" which resonated with voters and helped secure his election by focusing on everyday financial concerns.

 Election anxiety is one thing, but “the post-election anxiety — that’s going to be a bigger issue,” she said. … She recommends slowing down and reflecting on the sources of information; increasing our sense of control by reminding ourselves that our influence goes beyond the ballot box; literally budgeting our worry time; and being aware of external pressures.
How so?
"我並不支持社會的獨裁,但我相信單純提倡民主,以為民主可以超越國民本身的素質治愈百廢,那是一再被證明的錯誤" = (people vote based on what's within three feet of them—like what they sit down to at the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental.) 任何一個國家,無論是世界上的任何地方,人們都在他們麵前的三英尺和他們每天坐在廚房的桌子上投票,經濟問題是如此根本,而且經驗其中,
When coming to mass movements, elite idealism doesn't know what the mass struggle about. 
So what? 
What is Hygo TV?
HYGO is a global media company focused on creating original video content to educate and entertain its audience of more than 250 million people each month.

HYGO: Margaret Brennan Mocks People, Says President Has No Control Over the Price of Bacon or Eggs

CBS's Margaret Brennan made waves with her pointed commentary early in the morning of November 6, 2024, almost shouting into the camera as she mocked the belief held by some Americans that former President Donald Trump and his team could take steps to lower the prices of basic essentials like groceries or fuel.

Brennan said, "In every country I've reported on, no matter where in the world, people vote based on what's within three feet of them—like what they sit down to at the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental. Nora, as you mentioned before, maybe we focus too much on grocery prices, but Donald Trump has promised, in his campaign, to lower the price of bacon in America. The U.S. president has no control over the price of bacon—"

Dixon interjected, "Or eggs, either."

Brennan continued, "—Or eggs, or anything else. But it—it’s promising, and people believe it."

Dixon added, "Or gasoline."

Brennan responded, "I know you’re comfortable with the situation—despite the fact that the Federal Reserve chair and others in Washington make decisions, like raising mortgage rates, which make your home more expensive. People don’t always grasp the broader national figures. Joe Biden has said that inflation is easing, but for many, their experience at the grocery store or gas station tells them otherwise. Personal experience seems to justify their support for Trump when they cite the economy as their reason."

Described as “the biggest political comeback in American history,” Brennan’s commentary continues to spark discussions across platforms.

Source: HYGO News on Facebook

站風口上, 豬也飛起來 ! If you stand on the wind, even pigs can fly ! Sooooooooooo true! 

受不了三大American Fuss。

來源: 空城之主 於 2024-03-13 18:54:30 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 閱讀數 : 130 (713 bytes)

1. 小費常規。兩百年前發明的時候本意是尊重貼身服務,久而久之演變成欠債關係。荒唐。

2. 幫助文化。也是貼身服務中發展出來的一大虛偽關係。工作做得不怎麽樣,卻一口一個我在幫助你。屁話。有這樣的認識能把工作做好?

3. 夏時製。當初發明的時候是戰時,強扭奢侈習慣不僅節約了電,也保證了入夜燈火管製免受空襲。戰後80年長期保存這一製度,就像睡美人中的小鬼17年間一直在全國的搖籃裏尋找同一個嬰兒一樣蠢。改尺不能省衣,縮秤不能節食,沒有必要的環境中改時間不僅沒有節約電,還更浪費。


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您的位置: 文學城 » 論壇 » 時事述評 » It is morning in America again !!!!!!!!!!!


• 美國移民的楷模。 -Fireeye她姥爺-  給 Fireeye她姥爺 發送悄悄話 Fireeye她姥爺 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 11/06/2024 postreply 10:34:09

• 那天看到一個推,在左媒眼裏,Elon從鋼鐵俠變成了蝙蝠俠...隻能在黑夜裏出沒. LOL -Pilsung-  給 Pilsung 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 11/06/2024 postreply 10:35:30

• 剛剛開完會。同事都很高興。東部同事,有等PA call 之後才睡的。 -哪一枝杏花-  給 哪一枝杏花 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 11/06/2024 postreply 10:42:15

• 我昨天一晚上都沒睡好,開始緊張焦慮,盡管知道川普會贏。後來又極度興奮 -夢想當地主-  給 夢想當地主 發送悄悄話 夢想當地主 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 11/06/2024 postreply 10:48:00

• Same here。用了兩片安眠藥才睡了三個小時。今天一點也不累。 -AprilMei-  給 AprilMei 發送悄悄話 AprilMei 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 11/06/2024 postreply 10:59:04

• 其實我們都在堅守“上帝存在”這一信念。 -空城之主-  給 空城之主 發送悄悄話 空城之主 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 11/06/2024 postreply 10:47:20

美國的electorial college被翻譯成選舉團真是文盲所為。應該譯成州選票。
來源: 空城之主 於 2024-10-27 06:51:08 

來源: 空城之主 於 2024-05-31 03:33:17 









您的位置: 文學城 » 新聞 » 焦點新聞 » JD萬斯“精英扮草根” 人設充滿矛盾 未來不再接地氣?
JD萬斯“精英扮草根” 人設充滿矛盾 未來不再接地氣?
文章來源: 香港01 於 2024-11-06 12:57:56 - 新聞取自各大新聞媒體,新聞內容並不代表本網立場!


AFL-CIO legislative scorecard graphic that shows JD Vance cast no votes with working people.



It is morning in America again !!!!!!!!!!!

來源: Hongmei20 於 2024-11-06 10:31:41 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 閱讀數 : 529 (620804 bytes)

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