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Elizabeth Perkins, Tom Hanks,Big (1988) Dir: Penny Marshall.

(2024-07-27 21:09:09) 下一個

TJKCB notes:

a little sad to realize that Elizabeth Perkins acts so well and stunning here in 1988; and yet, she has not collected much awards as Tom Hanks!

"Adults are just over-sized children. " ~ Dr. Seuss. https://youtu.be/jyd8r0h_wB4?t=51 ("I'm a child. Susan") "What?" (her look! ! ! so much innocent! suprised!)

Millie Bobby Brown sure looks alot like Elizabeth Perkins. 


Young Elizabeth Perkins and Millie Bobby Brown

Colonial Ganar Aislar elizabeth perkins millie bobby brown ayuda  recuperación Litoral
Big (1988) Elizabeth Perkins (1960) | Movie and TV Wiki | Fandom

Elizabeth Perkins also looks a lot like Natalie Portman, Carrie Fisher, and looks a little bit like Sandra Bullock, look like Moira Kelly (The film "The Cutting Edge". It stars Moira Kelly and D.B. Sweeney, and is about a pair of figure skaters."

"My theory: Susan once made the same wish to be big like Josh did. When Josh invited Susan to come with him, she says, “I’ve been there before”. In an early scene when Josh reveals the truth to Susan about him being a kid, Susan says “And just yesterday I was a schoolgirl with pigtails!” (I’m pretty sure her remark was sarcastic but still…), the scene where Josh and Susan are dancing to Moonlight Serenade, Susan mentions she hasn’t danced in a long time."

https://youtu.be/zTOjqWzxr2k?si=VH8JpbRdY5Zk8R_D Moonlight Serenade - Big (1988) "I've been thinking about you a lot: in my car, lying in bed, in the shower. I've never been out with someone like you. I feel like I can tell you everything."


"Big" (1988) Elizabeth Perkins, Tom Hanks, illustrate, themes of childhood innocence and the complexities of adulthood; neither adulthood or childhood is perfect,  but both contain moments of perfect happiness. Thus, nobody is perfect, but perfect moments in life do exist. However, Opportunities of perfect moments in life are rare and hard to come by!

e.g., "Tom Hanks can pull off almost anything, great movie, and Elizabeth Perkins also was wonderful in this as well, she showed vulnerability, there was 1 scene in this movie, where Elizabeth hugged Tom, and at that moment, the expression on her face, and the way she expressed her emotions with her body,  that is a moment I will never forget, there was something so intense about that moment in this movie."


e.g. 2: https://youtu.be/jyd8r0h_wB4?si=DVKJYMv9yerCRJx7 Big 30th Anniversary (1988): "I'm Really Just a Kid!" Clip

“I’m 13-years-old.”
“Oh and who isn’t? You think that there isn’t a frighten kid inside of me too?”

"Adults are just over-sized children. " 
                                  ~ Dr. Seuss.

Thats a line that hits harder when you’re older.

(I LOVE the way Elizabeth Perkins says What!?!?! at 0:48 It is so perfect. Makes me laugh every time!)



  No-pain-and-no-gain-come-hand-in-hand is my years of experience since I became aware of the world, realizing a peace of mind! 


"Big" is a 1988 fantasy comedy film directed by Penny Marshall. It stars Tom Hanks as Josh Baskin, a 12-year-old boy who makes a wish to be "big" and is magically transformed into a 30-year-old man overnight. Elizabeth Perkins plays Susan Lawrence, a woman who works with Josh in his adult form and becomes romantically involved with him. The film explores themes of childhood innocence and the complexities of adulthood, as Josh navigates his new life while trying to find a way to reverse the transformation.

Through a video game, the protagonist's dreams are realized, symbolizing a child's perception that adults can freely do what they love. However, in reality, many things are beyond one's control.

An adult struggles in their environment, facing various pressures as they try to stand out, all while yearning for the beautiful days of their childhood.

This conflicting paradox appears repeatedly, over and over.  A very imaginative and adorable movie. When you're feeling down, just take it out and watch it to escape from reality for a while.

Perhaps the trajectory of life is about learning and growing through bumps and stumbles. As a child, one can try to understand the difficulties adults face, and as an adult, one should not forget the initial drive they had to move forward. Though it is not easy, it is a form of refinement.

https://youtu.be/3ERuhks3GNk?si=le-Bpb-hprYaLRmB [Big (1988) - Josh Doesn't Get It Scene (3/5) | Movieclips]

2/5 clip: https://youtu.be/CF7-rz9nIn4?si=LAqo3PCup4lzu9P1 Big (1988) - Playing the Piano Scene (2/5) | Movieclips

(4/5): Big (1988) - Company Party Scene (4/5) | Movieclips  https://youtu.be/11Kv8mnxdCM?si=tlzx8067XzpjRNnR 

https://youtu.be/dU--qL_Zu7k?si=0PrXtKoAgO4ZuhuW [Trampoline Scene From The Movie "Big" Featuring Elizabeth Perkins and Tom Hanks.] an apartment like that with a trampoline - Every adult could do with a trampoline jumping session. Good for the soul to just be silly.

"Shiny shiny coco rock, shimmy shimmy rock"

This scene always taught he that no matter how old we get, it's always good to have a bit of childish fun every now and again. Every other weekend I still play soccer, go bowling, play some video games and then grab a pizza at 41 just as I did when I was 12.

I love this scene.  Deep down every adult wants to be a child again and just do crazy fun stuff.

Ever time I hear “Forget me Nots” I think of this scene. Great movie! Great song!! [Patrice Rushen- "Forget Me Nots"]



https://youtu.be/s03aGVEkX2w?si=c3UDQwPkOTbbfmq8 BIG Clip - Morning (1988) Tom Hanks 


https://youtu.be/x8hAsFE74yg?si=GLGyCt78Inzzc7HI She Doesn't Know That He's Only 12 Years Old! [Josh Baskin is an ordinary kid.  He's got his caring buddy, his compassionate parents, an 80s house in the suburbs from a simpler time that we all dream of.  But, just like any kid, Josh wants to be... BIG!  After an embarrassing incident at the fair regarding his height, right in front of his crush, Josh resorts to extreme measures.  He makes a wish..

When it comes true (spoilers), things take all kinds of interesting twists and turns.  Will Josh be able to adapt to life as an adult?  If so, will he lose himself to that world?  Or will he remember where he came from, and do right by the ones he loves].



Why now? 

"you [Tom Hanks]
have basically conquered the great human
dilemma we all want to be big and yet we
all want to be young and you are
always this comes from the heart of a
woman [Elizabeth Perkins] who had the Indescribable pleasure
of working with a man who also let her
find the child inside herself"

https://youtu.be/C_utXoAmZEk?si=lXWzyrt2LVq5gLX2 (last seen)

https://youtu.be/8rP7E-hPZPc?si=p-z76RXKfe3qGwwZ Big (1988) Filming Locations


https://youtu.be/5DRNz-DtkOw?si=x6FHrX8QefTuOBXo (Elizabeth Perkins Talks About Working With Tom Hanks On BIG at American Film Institute, introduced 30 years-Lifetime-achievement Award, "From a woman always with a child inside")



ladies and gentlemen from dig Elizabeth
Perkins let's put a boy in a man's
body four Studios had this very same
thought and they all had it at exactly
the same
moment so in a 9month period all these
movies with essentially the same theme
were released Across
America the film that opened last doomed
to be little was a film called
Big so why is this the film The One that
stands the test of time well there are a
lot of reasons but the biggest is you
have basically conquered the great human
dilemma we all want to be big and yet we
all want to be young and you are
always this comes from the heart of a
woman who had the Indescribable pleasure
of working with a man who also let her
find the child inside herself

thank you for that Tom

Cast: Elizabeth Perkins for 
 "About Last Night"
2003 Finding Nemo Coral (Voice)
Elizabeth Perkins (born November 18, 1960[1]) is an American actress. She is known for her roles in films including About Last Night (1986), From the Hip (1987), Big (1988), Enid Is Sleeping (1990), The Flintstones (1994), Moonlight and Valentino (1995), The Ring Two (2005) and Hop (2011). She is also well known for her role as Celia Hodes in the Showtime TV series Weeds, for which she received three Primetime Emmy nominations and two Golden Globe nominations.
53,271 views Jul 12, 2024

電影《長大》12歲的喬什(湯姆·漢克斯 Tom Hanks 飾)似乎對自己的年齡有些意見:個子太矮而無法坐繞環滑車,年紀太小追不到心儀女孩……於是他向遊樂場裏的一個古舊許願機投了25美分,許願變成一個大人。不料第二天起床,喬什竟發現自己一夜之間長大了近20歲,現在他是一個不折不扣的大人了,連母親都認為他是綁架兒子的陌生人而將他趕了出去。喬什隻好自謀生計,在一家玩具公司找到了職位。在一次偶然的機會,喬什孩子般的天真與熱情給玩具公司老板留下了深刻印象,他的點子也使他在工作中頻獲嘉獎,很快住進了寬敞的公寓,並與年輕同事蘇珊(伊麗莎白·帕金斯 Elizabeth Perkins 飾)展開了浪漫戀情。然而隨著工作、生活、愛情這些成人世界的壓力開始向喬什逼近,喬什那顆剛滿13歲的心漸漸感到困倦失落,他開始回想,這是否就是自己想要的成長……   本片曾獲提名奧斯卡最佳男主角及最佳..

飾演壞總裁的演員John Heard (He was cast in "My Fellow Americans" - as VP Matthew),正是《小鬼當家1,2》裡凱文的爸爸彼得

*** 片名叫 飛越未來 (Big) 女主叫 伊莉莎白.帕金斯 Elizabeth Perkins 透過遊戲機實現夢想,應該是寓意一個小孩看到大人可以自由地做喜歡的事情,事實上很多事情都是身不由己 一個成年人在自己所處環境中掙紮,想脫穎而出時麵對的種種壓力,也在憧憬曾經的童年美好歲月 這樣對立的矛盾,不停地出現,不停地重複 或許人生的軌跡,就是在跌跌撞撞中學習成長,可以在童年時光中嘗試了解大人的不易,到了成年也別忘了當初自己奮力向前的初心,雖然也不易,卻是一種淬煉



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