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  • 博客訪問:

Historian Nancy Isenberg on J.D. Vance/Hillbilly Elegy/Class in

(2024-07-21 16:33:40) 下一個

It's the right thing to do. Perception: His cognitive and physical capacity can not be to his job. 


Jul 21, 2024
20,032 views • Jul 21, 2024

U.S. President Joe Biden announced he is dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Vice-President Kamala Harris instead. Joe Walsh, a former Republican candidate for president, says the move has made Trump and his supporters the ‘most unhappy people in America’ because Trump has always had a difficult time attacking strong woman like Harris.


didn't want this matchup they didn't
want Biden or Trump um most Americans
are sick of having to vote for this
choice right
America the world's oldest
greatest democracy we've got Biden
versus Trump so just the fact of having
someone who isn't super old someone who
can actually communicate
kamla Harris is
what in her late 50s she's going to seem
like a teenager uh a very mature
teenager compared to Biden and Trump so
I think her candidacy will get a lot of
people excited a lot of Democrats
excited a lot of people like me excited
who are never trumpers who just weren't
excited um
when it when it came to Joe
Biden will there be anyone to really
give her a run for her money to
challenge her for this
nomination no way no how no way no how
uh for one very important reason and one
very practical reason the important
reason is for the Democratic party
there's no way the Democratic party
would step around walk around um uh the
first uh uh black female vice president
um that is a major aspect of the
democratic party's
constituency um
secondly Joe Biden
picked her when Joe Biden picked KLA
Harris Joe Biden told the American
people this woman can and is qualified
to become president and then just
practically speaking it's three and a
half four months
remember it wasn't the Joe Biden
reelection campaign it was the Biden
Harris reelection campaign so everything
can now just seamlessly flow to kamla
Harris it makes the most sense you know
but at the same time the Trump campaign
is now able to stick some of those same
criticisms that they had of Joe Biden on
Harris would
in particular which criticisms are you
referring to well I mean anything that
they have said that he has been weak on
moving like I'm just saying you know
it's the same it's the same ticket to
them as what they're going to bill so
what do you think is happening behind
the scenes there when it comes to the
Republican strategy now moving
forward that's a great point and a great
question and an important question and
I can tell you this right now the most
unhappy people in America right now are
Donald Trump his campaign and his
supporters they were salivating at the
opportunity to run against 81y old Joe
Biden Joe Biden's a good man but Joe
Biden is incapable of communicating and
making the case against Trump trump and
his team knew that they know KLA Harris
can make that case and and they also
know that kamla Harris is going to
generate a lot of excitement uh from
young people and people of color
throughout this country who just were
not really excited and maybe we're
thinking about staying at home in
November the Trump campaign is scared
about this they will not know how to
handle this and the other point I'd make
is Donald Trump is a coward He's a Bully
he's always going after people but he's
always had a difficult time attacking
strong women this will not be easy for
him we certainly saw that in that uh
rally last night in Michigan where he
asked the crowd if they would rather he
go up against Joe Biden uh or kamla
Harris that was a huge Roar when he he
said Joe Biden
so certainly the crowd uh
on on side with what you're saying there
as well but you know there the last few
weeks has been uh such a difficult
uphill climb uh for the Democrats for
Joe Biden since that debate and a lot of
damage has been done even within uh the
uh the rank and file of the party from
uh traditional democratic voters but
mainly for those who are uh maybe on the
fence a and uh maybe would potentially
uh vote for Donald Trump in the election
so how
much uh sort of damage control uh needs
to be done now and how quickly does that
that need to
happen right away there does need to be
some damage control done but right away
and a lot of this is on Joe Biden um and
I I can't emphasize this enough from the
very beginning of this campaign Joe
Biden has had one thing and one thing
only to prove that he's not too old he
couldn't prove that uh God bless him but
he proved the exact opposite so this was
on him to do this Joe Biden has said
repeatedly like I've said repeatedly
every time I go on television Donald
Trump is an existential threat to our
democracy it was imperative that Biden
realized he's not the person now who can
defeat Trump um I like the fact I think
it's super important that Biden endorsed
kamla Harris that today that's gonna
send send a signal to every Democrat um
to get up and get out there and we've
got three and a half four months to go
again this is these are crazy times in
America I
I think people are
underestimating how much enthusiasm this
will bring just having a candidate who's
not like 80 years old and a candidate
who can actually talk and fire people up
I mean this is this is a big deal you
know we're expecting to hear from Joe
Biden uh within the week uh I don't know
if we have actually got a timing on that
uh yet for when he is expected to
address the nation but certainly there
will be a lot of eyes on that address uh
what do you think the American public
want to hear from him
now I think they want to hear a
full-throated uh uh um summation of what
I just said uh by Joe Biden because the
focus of this campaign has to be Donald
Trump um uh
Donald Trump is is an
existential threat to our democ
the one thing we know for certain is
Trump's voters are enthusiastic and
they'll run through a wall for Trump but
there're are more people in America who
oppose Trump than support him
Joe Biden
has to remind America of that remind
America of what the threat is and what
this campaign should be about and then
put his armor around kamla Harris and
encourage and say that he's going to
work his tail off to help get his vice
president elected
he needs to set that
example Joe Walsh always great to talk
to you especially uh when there is
breaking news like this and lots to
watch uh from your country really
never thanks very much we appreciate
your time Joe thanks



Here are the day's top stories from ABC news on Monday July 22, 2024. 00:00 US president Joe Biden has announced he's quitting the presidential race after weeks of speculation. 00:30 'It has been the greatest honour of my life to serve as president': Biden statement 01:05 North America correspondent Jade Macmillan on how this news unfolded. 02:00 Democrats need to decide who will run next with Biden endorsing Kamala Harris. 03:12 Americans react to the news that Joe Biden has stepped aside. 05:00 Reaction from former state senator Donald Betts Jr. 06:20 Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says Biden has done the right thing by stepping aside. 07:15 Turnbull on whether there should be age limit for US presidents. 10:30 Turnbull says Trump is still the strong favourite to win. Subscribe: http://ab.co/1svxLVE Read more here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-2... ABC News provides around the clock coverage of news events as they break in Australia and abroad. It's news when you want it, from Australia's most trusted news organisation. For more from ABC News, click here: https://ab.co/2kxYCZY Watch more ABC News content ad-free on ABC iview: https://ab.co/2OB7Mk1 Go deeper on our ABC News In-depth channel: https://ab.co/2lNeBn2 Like ABC News on Facebook:   / abcnews.au   Follow ABC News on Instagram:   / abcnews_au   Follow ABC News on X (Twitter):   / abcnews   Note: In most cases, our captions are auto-generated. #ABCNews #ABCNewsAustralia


Under frame work of 13 keys, Historian Allan Lichtman, who correctly predicted nine of the last 10 presidents, breaks down why Biden still represents the best bet for Democrats.

President Biden is under mounting pressure to drop his bid for a second term after an unsteady performance in the first presidential debate against Donald Trump. 

"We need a broadly inspirational candidate, who could pull the divided country together, like Ted Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, JFK, Ronald Reagen. B Obama (2008, not 2012). Only a few of them surfaced over 100 years! "



The Dems should have looked for another candidate a year ago. It is a disgrace that there is no one else to lead that party. Why the push for an older person who clearly is suffering from cognitive decline? Whats the agenda? Any American with an older relative can see the signs.



2 hours ago
A classy statement. Worthy of the 47th POTUS!      

Years ago, watching her debate for attoney general surfaced as a fighter: logical, meticulous, articulated! 

2 hours ago
Its now Prosecutor vs Convict 






"White Trash" Historian Nancy Isenberg on J.D. Vance, "Hillbilly Elegy" & Class in America

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Support our work: https://democracynow.org/donate/sm-de... American historian and the author of White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, Nancy Isenberg, calls Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance a peddler of the "self-made man myth."

Isenberg criticizes Hilbilly Elegy, the memoir that propelled him to fame, as a deceptive way of selling this myth and the conservative politics it comes with.

"Much of what his memoir says tells us nothing about real class conditions," Isenberg says, pointing to her own historical and sociological research on the rural poor in the United States.

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現在有無數的消息傳出來,拜登即將退選,雖然還沒有正式宣布,但是個人覺得這次的小道消息非常的可真實可靠,因為這次的小道消息都是從有名有姓的記者那裏傳出來的,比如說Mark Halperin。但從另外一個角度來說,拜登的退選其實證實了美國憲政的偉大。

拜登的退選的主要的原因是他身體不行了。從蛛絲馬跡上來看,拜登的身體並不是說今年才不行的。如果大家有留意白宮的各種發布會的話,可以觀察到拜登是舉行白宮新聞發布會最少的一任總統,甚至比他的前任川普還要少。前任總統川普不愛舉辦記者招待會,是因為他整天在記者招待會上被記者們圍攻,最後大家互懟,記者招待會變成了互懟會。拜登可是民主黨 內一個德高望重式的人物,他應該非常深受各路記者的喜愛才是。為什麽拜登召開的記者發布會的次數比川普還少呢?其中最簡單的原因就是拜登的身體和他的頭腦已經不足以支撐他召開一場完整的記者招待會。根據最近的消息,所有的人采訪拜登的記者都必須按照事先設定的提問題來提問,不準發出任何的額外的問題。 這樣的安排就是讓拜登有足夠的時間來準備和演習,這樣子他才能夠在公共場合上麵表現得像一個正常人。缺乏事先演習的後果很可能是災難性的!最鮮明的一個例子就是拜登最近在北約的記者招待會上介紹烏克蘭總統的時候直接把澤連斯基總統說成了普京總統,接著又把副總統哈裏斯的名字說成了川普。







146 views Jul 19, 2024
堅持下去,他會成為眾人圍觀的笑柄。 急流勇退,他能成為比肩國父的英雄。
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