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Gattaca (1997, Sci Fi) Cast: Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, Uma Thurman

(2024-07-14 17:43:18) 下一個

Gattaca (1997, Sci Fi) Cast: Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, Uma Thurman, Alan Arkin and Jude Law star in this engrossing sci-fi thriller about an all-too-human man who dares to defy a system obsessed with genetic perfection. https://youtu.be/NIIZ2P-fiyI?si=8IhR7Mk4LPMKV_rE (full movie)


Hawke stars as Vincent, an "In-Valid" who assumes the identity of a member of the genetic elite to pursue his goal of traveling into space with the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation. However, a week before his mission, a murder marks Vincent as a suspect. With a relentless investigator in pursuit and the colleague he has fallen in love with beginning to suspect his deception, Vincent's dreams steadily unravel.

UHD synopsisAs one of the last “natural” beings born into a genetically engineered world, Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has none of the “pre-ordered” DNA that will guarantee him success. Desperate to realize his dream of exploring space, Vincent assumes the identity of a genetically superior athlete (Jude Law).

Avoiding detection using the athlete's genetic markers, Vincent becomes a rising star at Gattaca Aerospace, attracting the attention of a stunning co-worker (Uma Thurman). But when a flight director is brutally murdered, a clue left at the crime scene threatens to shatter Vincent's plans in this riveting sci-fi classic.



Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has always fantasized about traveling into outer space, but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid." He decides to fight his fate by purchasing the genes of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a laboratory-engineered "valid." He assumes Jerome's DNA identity and joins the Gattaca space program, where he falls in love with Irene (Uma Thurman).
An investigation into the death of a Gattaca officer (Gore Vidal) complicates Vincent's plans. The film draws on concerns over reproductive technologies that facilitate eugenics, and the possible consequences of such technological developments for society.
It also explores the idea of destiny and the ways in which it can and does govern lives. Characters in Gattaca continually battle both with society and with themselves to find their place in the world and who they are destined to be according to their genes.

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文森特 (Vincent)(伊桑•霍克 Ethan Hawke 飾)傑羅姆(裘德•洛 Jude Law 飾)

《千鈞一髮》港譯《變種異煞》(英語:Gattaca)是一部1997年上映的美國科幻片,由安德魯·尼可自編自導,也是他的電影處女作。本片的劇情設定在不久的將來,人類可以操控新生兒的基因,並藉由生物識別技術分辨一個人的基因是否優良。主角傑羅米(伊芬·鶴健飾演)是太空公司的優秀職員,即將實現上太空的夢想,但發生在公司的一場命案,使他的真實身分恐將暴露。其他演員包含奧瑪·花曼、艾倫·雅堅和祖迪·羅等人。 - 維基百科

331,014 views Apr 26, 2024
電影《千鈞一發》未來的世界,科技的力量勝過一切,基因決定命運,幾乎成為金科玉律。不幸文森特(伊桑•霍克 Ethan Hawke 飾)是一個基因不良的人,出生以來就決定了他近視和心髒病的缺陷,他隻能活到30歲。於是父母為文森特增添了一個有著優良基因的弟弟。  

 文森特的夢想是漫遊太空,然而惡劣的基因令他無法圓夢,直到他遇到了太空中心的傑羅姆(裘德•洛 Jude Law 飾)。傑羅姆有優秀的基因,卻在一次意外中半身癱瘓。二人決定調換身份,文森特千方百計隱藏自己的基因信息,每天都認真清洗掉自己的皮屑毛發,不暴露任何蛛絲馬跡。另一方麵,傑羅姆幫他籌備進入太空前需要檢查的基因物品。事情進展得非常順利,然而一樁謀殺案和一根睫毛,讓事情節外生枝


https://youtu.be/QoUTk5EkoSE?si=7wcKsqlOIhpG7Oaj (Spy 2015), Judy Law



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