And that these words, with a manner familiar to the eyes and a meaning similar to a curious ear, befitting in no way a florid pretext, nor a mind immature in youth, nor mature in wise years, the accursed screenwriter did not deign to use the language of His Imperial Majesty and his loyal subjects of the eighteenth century, in where did Augusta Frederica live?
It would be good to say that the language of the Russian people in the film with the alien colors of modernity has also become similar to the noticeable signs of loyal subjects of the Prussian throne, especially since it has become orphaned, only the language as an instrument of people’s arrogance such as self-praise is not taught if the people themselves are sitting in an illiterate dungeon, then and his tongue will be ill, and there will be no doctor for him either in
Muscovy or in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
It would be hard for the viewer to slurp, but the Russian speaker was spinning around the plot with a rude, alien dialect.
And because you don’t consider us, as if foreigners of the Russian land, to be at all, and for us, who have a good command of it, contrary to your academic opinion, in the mansions of the cadres, it has become completely unsympathetic. It’s not in vain that my darling yearns for exquisite beauty and wisdom, but you, my dears, by nature smack of Prussianism and wickedness in your manners.
The German language of the patrimony seems rude to some, but the meaning and manner of conversation in your ears cuts like a saw of the Principality of Lithuania. IMHO