
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

dont share all ur past, esp. hardest times, dont trust, protect

(2024-01-19 19:03:22) 下一個

Basic knowledge isnt bad knowledge. Basics = Foundation

1. Be yourself. No blending 2. Cherish the person you love; don't idolize them. 3. Protect your mental health by reducing people's worries and actions 4. Family and friends need authentic support. 5. Manage your time for your dreams

6. Dont share your past pains. Move forward. Protect your heart.

7. Never agree with things that do not align with your beliefs

8. Don't make decisions out of fear. Make wise decisions for your well-being.

9. Celebrate your achievements and accomplishments. Be humble yet, and be glad of your accomplishments. Make choices aligned with your true nature

These nine points are making me rethink about me. I mistake and trust who are ignoring me and insulting me so many times. They play with my emotions. It never happens again. Thanks for open my eye
s. You are right. People are as like a soil.
1. dont change ur life just to match someone else's
2. dont be too obsessed by smn & ruin ur life you'll loose yourself.
3. dont let people harm your mental healthy & happiness (steal ur joy & peace)
4. dont leave your family and friends for anyone else who you're obsessed with
5. dont give too much time to them 6. dont share all ur past, especially the hardest times; dont trust, protect urself & dont give them chance to hurt or use u 7. dont agree just to make thm happy if u dont enjoy it. 

I fully agree with the truth of this video. Break free from the constant impositions of anyone who has a bad habit of deciding for you what you should be doing for them. As we should not be without good reason pleasing men, we have to learn the all-important attitude of saying "No" to their requests and demands that we have decided are not important or necessary for us to do. The stoic teachings of this video should strongly resonate in us.


3 hours ago
Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it's not given freely, it isn't worth having.

Selfish attitude with ego only ends up hurting you! Aslong as my heart wants I will do what it takes as soon as my heart gets tired that’s when they lose! Unfortunately people should understand relationships are a two way when you fight it’s two people when you break up it’s two people!




14 hours ago
Not everything was said in this video is right. You should learn life lessons by yourself and your experiences and consider these information just simply as an opinion, not a guideline. Personally, if you defend yourself too much, protect yourself too much in the end you end up alone (it’s not wrong if you’re happy alone, but if you think it’s better being alone because everyone is bad, it’s a big problem).

You don’t understand what love is. Love is a mutual effort from both sides, when you don’t give a fuck to others, so don’t ask others to be warm and significant also to you. You don’t move your ass, things never happened like magical. Be reasonable and keep your virtue always be a good person to others. Who can see your values will see your efforts.


3 days ago
Warning about staying in touch with people, especially family members and relatives. They only contact me for their needs, especially when wanting to borrow large sums of money. I've struggled and suffered most of my life. Now is the time to stay away; no more contact. I'll live my life and take care of my own family. They never cared about me, and they really don't know me at all. Peace to everyone.

They say you should live as you are told to I say you have to be strong and make up your own mind Be yourself, not a puppet in their freakshow, 'Cause that's the way you'll end up when they beat you blind. -From the song Riot In Everyone by the Swedish Glam Metal band Crashdiet Thank you so much for this []


2 days ago
Think this for women. Majority of women i know and have known will take any man that is sort of OK as they cannot or don't want to be alone.


35 minutes ago
I am guessing this guy is divorced and his wife took everything from him. I have been married for 24 years and I can say it's beautiful. One advice I give men and women. Let people breathe if you love them. And one final advice for men. Don't look for women with big fake boobs. You will be dissapointed. 


3 days ago (edited)
Fboiz games If you like her treat her EXACTLY as you would like to be treated. If you ignore her don't call or text her and don't make date arrangements. I guarantee without doubt that a decent woman will simply not be interested. Silly girls might. No woman of calibre is going to bother with game players. This whole video is farcical immature nonsense. FYI, I am happily married to a man who STILL texts me Good morning. Have a lovely day—every single day. He leaves early to go to work. We talk about everything, good and bad. Any woman who wouldn't want to know about the bad times won't stick around and will feel betrayed that you were not honest and upfront. Would you like to be with a woman who hid her past and find out later something that was a deal-breaker?? When would you like to be told...after you move in with her or get married??? Or after a few dates, when a breakup is clean and simple. Be who you are and stand on it. If you can't, then you are not ready to date.


we often give up a lot for people we
love we care deeply for them but
sometimes they let us down; they use our
good nature for their own benefit when
they need us; they're nice but once they
get what they want, they leave quickly
like a bird taking off but how can you
turn this around and be in charge.
avoid these seven actions and you'll
quickly see a
difference one
don't change your life
just to match someone else's it's like
wearing shoes that are too tight it
hurts and isn't needed every step you
take to follow them takes you off your
own path you lose your own speed and
forget your own goals like senica said
trying to be in too many places means
you're really nowhere when you always
try to match others expectations you
lose yourself so switch it up stop
blending in like a rainbow it's time to
be proud of your own colors don't shape
your life for others it's time to walk
your own path just be you your life
isn't about compromises you're here to
write your own great story not someone
2/  two don't ruin your life by being
too obsessed with someone don't make
your life all about them like a
satellite stuck circling around focusing
too much on someone else makes you lose
sight of your own future your dreams and
uniqueness start to disappear and you
just worry about what they need and want
it's like giving all your water to
someone else when you're the one who's
Marcus Aurelius once said if you
are at peace with yourself
you are at
peace with the world
focusing too much
on someone throws off your balance you
end up just a shadow living by their
rules you lose sight of your own worth
get away from their control stop being
just a moon to their Planet start
shining like your own Sun and light your
own way your life isn't just a side role
in someone else's Story
You're the star
of your own life always remember that
and don't let anyone dull Your Shine
3/  three don't let anything harm your
mental health or happiness hurting your
own mental health and happiness for
someone else is like burning your house
down to keep them warm it's harmful and
makes no sense when you ignore your own
health to please someone else you're
giving them control over your happiness
you end up trying to make them happy
while you're sad step back and reclaim
control your mental health and happiness
are too important to compromise they're
not things to be traded away stop
sacrificing yourself in someone else's
story be the main character in yours
protect your peace and happiness
fiercely strengthen your mental
toughness don't let anyone take your joy
you're in charge of your own mind not
someone to be walked over four don't
push away your friends or family for
someone else avoid staying distant from
them because of your obsession with
someone it's like chopping off parts of
the tree that supports you each friend
and family member is like a branch that
has always supported you if you start
pushing them away you're not just losing
friends you're breaking down your
support network Plato said people are
like soil they can either help you grow
or stop your growth and cause you to
wither when you separate yourself from
your loved ones for someone else El's
approval you're choosing a hard path
reconnect with those important people
look after your network of support your
friends and family are unique they're
your base your support system stay close
to those who have always supported you
five don't waste so much time on them
don't give all your time to someone as
if they can never have enough it's like
throwing your time into a void every
minute you spend too focused on them is
a minute of your life Gone Forever time
is your most valuable thing it's not
something to gamble in someone else's
game of Demands senica once said it's
not that our lives are short but that we
waste too much of it putting all your
time into someone else means you're
losing the best parts of your life take
back your time it belongs to you not
them don't make them everything in your
life find a good balance use your time
smartly value it and spend it on things
that make you happy help you grow and
satisfy you remember you control your
own time don't waste it on someone who
may not appreciate any of it six don't
share everything about your past
especially your hardest times sharing
all your past with someone is like
showing them every secret and challenge
you faced your past especially the tough
Parts is personal it's your own story
that helped you grow through tough times
it's not something to share for others
to enjoy or judge friedi nicher said
when we're weak old ideas we've beaten
come back to challenge us talking about
all your past Secrets means you're
facing old problems again now you're
open to being hurt or used keep your
secrets safe inside you not everyone
should know them share only what you
need to but protect the main parts of
your story it's what makes you strong
and protects you don't give away your
protection to someone else be careful
who you trust your life story is yours
alone it's not for others to enjoy just
for fun seven don't agree to do
something just to make them happy if you
don't enjoy it it's like putting on a
mask that makes it hard to breathe just
to make someone else feel good when you
say yes to things you dislike you're not
only ignoring what you like you're being
untrue to yourself it's like covering up
your favorite colors with ones you don't
like Albert Camu once said to be truly
happy don't worry too much about others
when you start doing things because
someone forces you not not because you
want to you begin to feel bitter and
lose self-respect so take off that mask
don't just say yes all the time learn to
say no to things you dislike your life
isn't a play where you act to please
others be real be honest with yourself
if something doesn't feel right don't do
it live your life your way not as
someone else wants remember you're the
main character in your life not just a
side character in someone else's eight
don't let fear of being alone drive your
choices making decisions out of fear
especially the fear of being alone is
like walking in the dark with no
Direction when you make choices because
you're scared of being by yourself you
might end up in places you never wanted
to be it's important to remember that
being alone is not the same as being
lonely Aristotle once said knowing
yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
spend time understanding and
appreciating your own company this way
when you do choose to be with someone
it's because they add value to your life
not because you're afraid to be without
them value your own company and don't
let fear make your decisions for you
nine don't forget to celebrate your
achievements even if they seem small
often we get so caught up in trying to
please others or meet their expectations
that we forget to recognize our own
successes every step forward no matter
how small is a victory and should be
celebrated epic tetus taught that we
should not just seek to be admired by
others but to admire ourselves take time
to appreciate your own efforts and
achievements celebrating your PR
progress helps build self-confidence and
reinforces the importance of your
personal Journey your accomplishments
are yours alone and they deserve
recognition remember your life is not
just about reaching a destination it's
about appreciating the journey and
acknowledging your own hard work along
the way from a stoic perspective it's
vital to remember the power of your own
choices and the importance of living in
harmony with your true nature stoics
like epicus taught that our happiness
and peace come from within not from
external circumstances or other people's
approval you have the strength and
wisdom to make decisions that are right
for you even if they don't align with
someone else's desires as you navigate
life focus on cultivating your own
virtues like wisdom courage Justice and
self-control these are the true markers
of a fulfilling life not how well you
conform to someone else's expectations
or desires remember you have the freedom
to choose your path to embrace your
uniqueness and to write your own story
grounded in your values and beliefs you
don't need to compromise your integrity
or sacrifice your well-being for others
instead take ownership of your life
making choices that ref your true self
the stoics believed that true Freedom
comes from within from an understanding
that our thoughts and actions are up to
us so when you feel pressured to conform
to give up your time or to share more
than you're comfortable with remember
that you have the power to choose
differently you are not obligated to
live according to someone else's script
you have the right to create your own
based on what's truly important to you
it's time to make a change begin right
away decide and pledge to stop doing
these things and work towards being the
best you can be no matter what don't
forget to subscribe to our channel for
daily straightforward and honest advice
until next



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