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Cast Away/their love for each other reflect real-life complexiti

(2023-08-15 15:38:45) 下一個

The theme of all the below discussion thread appears to revolve around the movie "Cast Away," directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks. The participants in the thread are sharing their thoughts and emotional reactions to various aspects of the film, including its poignant moments, characters, and overall impact. Some common themes and sentiments that emerge from the comments include:

  1. Heartbreak and Loss: Many comments reflect on the heartbreak and loss depicted in the film, particularly in relation to the protagonist's separation from his love interest. The emotions conveyed in these scenes have deeply resonated with viewers.

  2. Moving on and Letting Go: Several participants discuss the challenges of moving on and letting go, even when deep love is involved. They mention how the characters' decisions to pursue their dreams and aspirations despite their love for each other reflect real-life complexities.

  3. Tom Hanks' Performance: Tom Hanks' performance is highly praised, and many participants express their admiration for his portrayal of the main character's struggle, survival, and emotional journey.

  4. Character Evolution: The evolution of the main character and his transformation throughout the film is acknowledged and appreciated. The comments highlight his resilience, growth, and ability to adapt to a challenging situation.

  5. Nostalgia and Personal Connections: Some comments reveal personal connections to the film, including memories of watching it during childhood or its impact on shaping their perspectives on life and relationships.

  6. Symbolism and Themes: Participants analyze symbolic moments from the film, such as the significance of the volleyball named Wilson. They also touch on broader themes of human resilience, the passage of time, and the unexpected turns life can take.

  7. Film's Influence: Many participants discuss how the movie has influenced their lives, inspired their work, or served as a source of comfort during difficult times.

  8. Appreciation for the Film: Overall, there is a strong sense of appreciation for "Cast Away" as a classic film with emotional depth and universal themes that resonate with a wide range of viewers.

It's clear that the film has struck a chord with these individuals, prompting them to share their thoughts, emotions, and personal experiences related to its content.


Cast Away

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Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Robert Zemeckis and two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks reunite to explore the blessings and heartache of fate and the survival of the human spirit. Tom Hanks gives one of the towering screen performances of all time as Chuck Noland, a FedEx systems engineer whose ruled-by-the-clock existence abruptly ends when a harrowing plane crash leaves him isolated on a remote island. As Chuck struggles to survive, he finds that his own personal journey has only just begun..

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English (United States)




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"I always knew you were alive, I knew it! But everybody said I had to stop saying that -- I had to let you go... I love you. You're the love of my life." One of the most heartbreaking moments I can ever remember in a film.
16 replies
Obviously a lie as she got remarried
? @zash5598 They weren't married. The box was a ring, he was proposing when he left. 99% of us would want our loves to fulfill their dreams and aspirations and she decided that was what was next for her as all was lost for Chuck. It took me a long time to understand that's what happens, regardless of love. I've had that same kind of heartbreak and missed time and losing someone again, but sometimes you both have to move on because even if you love each other, sometimes you're just not meant to be, no matter how much hurt that brings. Love is another one of those things in life that isn't always fair.
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 @jeffnak5598  fantastic explanation, abs your right, I feel in I'm that exact situation, I just don't know how to let go , I just don't
I have no idea why I'm even watching this tonight...
Similar to the "Titanic": "I'll never let go Jack." But of course she let go.
That's tough
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This was one of those movies that I’d catch on the TV when I was a kid throughout the 2000’s and never really understood what happened. Just some guy trying to survive on an island. Many years later here I am watching the whole film and going through so many emotions. “I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing, because tomorrow the sun will rise, who knows what the tide could bring”. That one stuck with me.
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This movie inadvertently shaped my entire life, and made me dream of working from home making metal art.
What a great pick for free movie! I have NEVER seen Tom Hanks disappoint in any role, no matter if the movie is meh or incredible. One of the real GOAT actors.
RIP Lari White. It's not often that a one minute performance can leave such an indelible impression.
This will forever be Tom’s most iconic film! The goodbye scene of Wilson he was able to pull off was as moving as any goodbye scene you could ever hope for! ??
Instant classic. Where has the time gone
Without a doubt Tom Hanks best work. I can't imagine another actor doing this as well.
Tom Hanks @ his best. A classic. Thanks to those responsible at youtube for this upload!
I don't know why but i find this movie to be rather peaceful considering it doesn't have that much talking in it. I would have it play in the background while I'm working from the house lol.
Whoever is making these movies free needs a raise
I've "seen" this movie a couple of times but this is the first time I've actually sat down to watch it. I don't have a problem watching long films. Cast Away just never grabbed my attention long enough (usually cause I had other things going on). Now that I finally got to see it from beginning to ending without interruption I got to see more of the nuance of the film.
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This movie pops up a lot in my head and I saw it twice in the theater. Zemeckis was great.
Good times with this movie. During highschool years, I would play movies when I'd go to bed and then turn the brightness down to 0, making my television dark. This movie was one of the movies I'd sleep to.
It is heart-warming to see this movie helped so many people. It will help balance T.Hanx's life review when he crosses over, as unfortunately he showed a very dark side on his Twitter feed.
I was 13 when this came out..only Tom Hanks could have played this roll. There has not been an actor like him.
Remember watching this in school after reading the book. One of those teachers who knew how to reward but still teach us. I remember we learned “foreshadowing”
This movie is interesting to say the least. But its painful to watch. I understood the painful loss of Wilson. The loss of time is loss he can't get back. Tom hanks did a good job sharing those deep feelings. I cried for Wilson too.
I used to watch this when I was a kid it’s was one of my favorite movies I would repeat it over and over again I loved it to death it was an obsession. Love this movie
My heart goes out to the person who's making these movies free.
The part when they get into the car and realize they can’t run away together because she has a family
yall are speaking tot he next generation that need to realize that this world isnt all to complex. this movie sums it all up and after living in the race and being shunted to a different scape while just trying to survive put all of life's riddles into perspective. I live for now and not what i think i want to be and when you've found it hold on to it as long as possible. This movie saved my life and now i'm 1 year sober and not homeless anymore.
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Wonderful movie. To hold an audience for 30 minutes and no words spoken....that is acting at its best.
This movie is great... Also RIP to Lari White, the woman who played the metal artist.
One of Tom's top 4 performances for sure.
and in the end,he went back to being a castaway,but this time with a beautiful woman and her dog. " and if ya head back that direction,youll find a whole lotta nothing,all the way to Canada " The Best Ending Ever.
this crash scene and the wave scene in The Impossible -- unbelievably outstanding special fx, directing and filming.
Loved the ending...heading Back to the house he delivered that package to,with the ranch crest,same as the one on the back of the womans truck....finally,some Happiness. excellently well played scene too,the woman even looks back at her dog to see if he likes tom hanks character.
This movie shaped me in so many ways that it’s not even funny. But if anything…..I’d like to write a note to my future self. Love her unconditionally like you have been, and keep doing it. Never take it for granted. Persuade your dreams even when no one else thinks you should. Talk to friends, take that one drink, make sure you don’t ever, EVER, forget to tell her you love her.
I hope this makes it to you some day when you watch this movie again. But honestly, it may not so just….know you are loved. Know you are cherished, and most importantly know you matter. All the years. All the tears and heartache. Every yell every scream, and every problem you faced. Know it was all worth it. And know it wasn’t in vain. Know you did good, and finally…..know I’m proud of you. I love you man.
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I just can't bring myself to watch anything with actors like Tom Hanks in them knowing what I do now.
First time watching this movie. Great movie. Really shows human will power to survive no matter the odds.
I almost cried when Wilson started drifting away.
The opening scenes are every bit as effective as those in 'Saving Private Ryan'.
OMG so glad this showed up on my recommended! Such a classic.
Every time I see this movie Cast Away, I see something new. Love how it opens with FedEx truck at the ranch & ends at the ranch & who noticed her husband got her delivered pkg with a mistress?? Oh my! Yes, he can move on with her in the end. Love this movie!!
Wow! Impressive. Ive been waiting on this classic to be free to watch.
I remember this movie being so huge they sold mini Wilson balls at blockbuster. Y'know, back when you could rent video games and buy movie theater candy in a freakin building... good times
This movie is the most unique of all films because theres no enemy. Theres no common denominator theres also no happy ending or right answer or winner. How do you put the pieces of a life back together after being torn apart by mere chance? Nobody did this to them. Who do you blame? Chuck didn't cheat Kelly didn't cheat. They lost each other twice. By what design could anyone ever come to accept this fate? Fantastic film.
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OMG!!!! This was just playing on Freeform and now it’s on here too?! This is peak cinema right here folks!
I saw this beautiful movie when it came out to the theaters the island that Tom Hanks survived is called Monuriki island which is part of the Fiji island group called Viti Levu which is in the South Pacific Ocean area this was a superb film
Who would have thought a movie could make you cry for a volleyball?
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