
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

石黒 一雄Sir Kazuo Ishiguro OBE FRSA FRSL, Nobel, Japanese-British n

(2023-04-30 14:56:00) 下一個
Sir Kazuo Ishiguro OBE FRSA FRSL is a Japanese-British novelist, screenwriter, musician, and short-story writer. Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan, ...
Notable works: An Artist of the Floating World; ...‎
Genre: Drama; Historical fiction; Science fiction; ...
Education: University of Kent (‎BA‎); ‎University of ...
Kanji: 石黒 一雄
Sir Kazuo Ishiguro OBE FRSA FRSL is a Japanese-British novelist, screenwriter, musician, and short-story writer. Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, 
Kazuo Ishiguro has been married to Lorna McDougall since 1986. They met when they were social workers at a London homeless.

“Somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m still a singer-songwriter.”

Did you know that Kazuo Ishiguro wrote songs for jazz singer Stacey Kent? Hear him talk about his journey from guitars to novels – and how he was influenced by fellow literature laureate, Bob Dylan."You knocked a door (song writing) for a long time. suddently, another door (short story writing) opened. //What did Kazuo Ishiguro win the Nobel Prize for? The academy said in its announcement that Ishiguro was selected for his “novels of great emotional force” that have “uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world.”//Never Let Me Go recounts the story of how their relationships came apart in the face of that realization. The construct of Never Let Me Go allowed Ishiguro to explore a dark, basic question. “What really matters if you know that this is going to happen to you?” Ishiguro asks, referring to death.//What is Kazuo Ishiguro's style of writing? His novels are mostly first person narration by an uncertain protagonist trying to recall his or her past. Since memory is frail and unreliable, Ishiguro uses passive language.//


你知道 Kazuo Ishiguro 為爵士歌手 Stacey Kent 寫歌嗎? 聽他談談他從吉他到小說的旅程——以及他如何受到文學獎得主鮑勃·迪倫的影響。你敲了一扇門(歌曲創作)很長一段時間。 突然,另一扇門(短篇小說寫作)打開了。 //石黑一雄靠什麼獲得諾貝爾獎? 該學院在公告中表示,石黑一雄之所以入選,是因為他的“具有巨大情感力量的小說”“揭示了我們與世界聯繫的虛幻感覺下的深淵。”//“別讓我走”講述了他們之間關係的故事 麵對這種認識。 Never Let Me Go 的構想讓石黑浩探索了一個黑暗的、基本的問題。 “如果你知道這會發生在你身上,那真正重要的是什麼?” 石黑一雄問道,指的是死亡。//石黑一雄的文筆是什麼? 他的小說大多是一個不確定的主人公試圖回憶他或她的過去的第一人稱敘述。 由於記憶脆弱且不可靠,石黑浩使用被動語言。//

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