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grit Angela Lee

(2023-01-22 11:45:33) 下一個
5:53 - Deliberate Practice - 1. Specific Goal 2. Focus 3. Feedback 4. Refinement.
The definition of Talent or GiftednessGiftedness or Talent: The possession of special potential in a subject that has no scientific pillars.
Grit is developed through pain. There must be pain involved, blind faith so to speak. "People who succeed fail all the time, perhaps fail more than everybody else. She is a woman of focus, commitment, and sheer will.
the book throws a great enlightenment in the area of Passion, Hardworking, Presvervance, motivation etc

Grit is not the secret to perseverance and success, LOVE is.

Continuity & progression (grit scale) in your career development.

"The only skill we are born with is knowing how to learn"Angela Duckworth.
Corporate culture: you wear the color and identity.
** Tips to self motivation: (33:15 to 35:30) 1) Memory Lane to drive job; 2) Higher purpose (align w interest) * Need 3rd circle for Reality.
the Kolbe A Index test when Kathy Kolbe has four catagories and one of the them is 'follow through'. It appears that is the 'grit' part? Check it out if you have not known about the Kolbe A Index test! I took the test just to understand myself!
How do you know quit quickly or stick (grit)? DATING: quitting on the service to not-quiting by exploration to figure out what you want.
autistic people can be good at that. they dont know if its worth money to be interested into X Y ou Z but they are interested for the sake of the subjects and they will go really deep into a subject just because they are not distracted. and sometimes autistic people will do great things and do not care about the impact like the mathematician Grigori Perelman who succeed at demonstrate something very hard and did not even took the million dollars award. he said: "He proposed to me three alternatives: accept and come; accept and don't come, and we will send you the medal later; third, I don't accept the prize. From the very beginning, I told him I have chosen the third one ... [the prize] was completely irrelevant for me.
Everybody understood that if the proof is correct, then no other recognition is needed." "'I'm not interested in money or fame,' he is quoted to have said at the time. 'I don't want to be on display like an animal in a zoo. I'm not a hero of mathematics. I'm not even that successful; that is why I don't want to have everybody looking at me.'" That's how to be gritty. Do it because you want to do it. It's important. If you make a lot of money. Great. If you only focus on the money and not the work. You will be distracted.
There is power in not being distracted. The brain is a neural network it needs to see a lot of time the end stuff to converge ... if we constantly change the end stuff(distraction) it will not converge fast or maybe not at all. That's my theory.
People with grit are Steve jobs, Vanderbilt, the Wright brothers, Warren Buffet, founder's google, JFK, Albert Einstein, George Lemantri, and some others..They stand out in history with great accomplishments in life..
Pen Talk
This lady has shed light on the real truth that busted conventional thinking. As an example of grit I think back to my sister. Growing up she didn't exhibit any special talent that our other brothers had. Everyone in the family had high hopes for the male siblings and was not focused on the female sibling. The only peculiar characteristic about my sister was her keen efforts towards her goals, her tenacity. My brother and I had talents in IQ, memory, and school grades but we gloated in our natural abilities and became lazy about things while my poor sister had to plug hard away at learning. She was thrilled about medicine and had set a goal early in life to become a doctor. Well, she got into Medical school at Tufts University in Chicago by a fed program to improve minority representation back in the 1980s. We brothers couldn't believe the horrendous mountains of medical things she had to learn. That kind of dedication was not for us lazy boys, who didn't know still what we wanted to be. No way. But, for my sister, she didn't complain. Not only did she graduate from Medical school, but she additionally picked up not 1 but 2 medical fellowships specialties (in internal medicine and emergency medicine), and became an instructor at Harvard U. Medical school. She is now a roving contract ER doc substituting for vacationing doctors across the country. In fact, if you talk to her now, she sounds full of grit with a fast mind that makes people think she's more talented and smarter than us brothers who've managed only a Masters's degree. And she makes 5x as much as we do too. So, passion and perseverance are the true formulas for success, not merely talent. As Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
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