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(1) 電影《勇敢的心》 英國國王無法完全確保蘇格蘭擁有獨特的權利——如果你不能將愛爾蘭人轉化為英國人,那就培育他們——英國貴族有權在佃戶結婚當晚與新娘同睡。在影片的開場表演中,可以看到愛德華·朗山克斯 (Edward Longshanks) 援引了 Kus primae Noctis——Jus primae noctis(第一夜的權利)又名 droit de seigneur(((Prima nocta 是英格蘭的愛德華一世為了……和一個女人在她結婚的第一個晚上。第一對使用這個的夫婦……晚上被稱為 jus primae noctis,一個拉丁短語翻??譯為“……的權利……電影勇敢的心音樂,由詹姆斯·霍納創作。勇敢心夾。)))
電影《勇敢的心》——《勇敢的心》是 1995 年由梅爾·吉布森執導並聯合製作的美國史詩歷史小說戰爭電影,他描繪了 13 世紀後期的蘇格蘭戰士威廉·華萊士。這部電影描繪了華萊士在第一次……的戰爭中領導蘇格蘭人的生活。 英格蘭國王愛德華·朗山克斯 (Edward Longshanks) 援引初夜法 (Jus primae noctis),……
Racial Melting pot? the fastest way was to breed-marriage-inter-racial-sex-breeding-offsprings them together - in old China dynasties, it was commonly used. refer to the movies:
(1) Movie "BraveHeart" Engliand king could not completely secure Scotland's claim to a unique - If you cannot convert Irish to Britain, breed them - the Britain noblemen had the right to sleep with the bride on the night of a tenant's marriage. In the film's opening act Edward Longshanks is seen invoking Kus primae Noctis -- Jus primae noctis (right of the first night) a.k.a. droit de seigneur (((Prima nocta was a law enforced by edward i of england in an attempt to ... with a woman on the first night of her marriage. the first couple that this was used ... night is known as jus primae noctis, a latin phrase translating to "right of. ... movie braveheart music composed by james horner. brave heart clip.)))
Movie "BraveHeart" - Braveheart is a 1995 American epic historical fiction war film directed and co-?produced by Mel Gibson, who portrays William Wallace, a late-13th-century Scottish warrior. The film depicts the life of Wallace leading the Scots in the First War of ... Edward Longshanks, King of England, is shown invoking Jus primae noctis, ...
(2) Black Fox 黑狐 (1995) 兩個“血統”兄弟艾倫(克裏斯托弗·裏夫,“超人”)和布裏特·約翰遜的故事——一個是前種植園主,另一個是他從奴
黑狐 (1995) - 完整電影
黑狐講述了兩個“血統”兄弟艾倫(克裏斯托弗·裏夫,“超人”)和布裏特·約翰遜的故事——一個是前種植園主,另一個是他從奴隸製中解放出來的童年朋友。 這位前奴隸影響了 1860 年代德克薩斯州西部美洲原住民部落和自耕農之間的和平。 #freemovies #fullmovies #western #christopherreeveBlack Fox (1995) - Full Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ypu49p29YM
Black Fox tells the story of two ""blood"" brothers, Alan (Christopher Reeve, ""Superman"") and Britt Johnson — one a former plantation owner, the other his childhood friend whom he freed from slavery. The former slave affects peace between Native American tribes and homesteaders in 1860s western Texas. #freemovies #fullmovies #western #christopherreeve
(3) 昭君出塞
昭君出塞44 主演:羅嘉良 / 李彩樺 / 袁立 - YouTube
Jan 21, 2017 · 主演:羅嘉良 / 李彩樺 / 袁立
葉卡捷琳娜大帝 【曆史上的女性】 帶領俄羅斯走向巔峰的德國女人 168,045 viewsFeb 4
葉卡捷琳娜大帝 【曆史上的女性】 帶領俄羅斯走向巔峰的德國女人
1 week ago小流氓
1 week ago