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Robert Redford Great Acting all this little piece of our history

(2021-01-15 22:30:59) 下一個
130M subscribers
In the wake of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, seven men and one woman are arrested and charged with conspiring to kill the President, Vice President, and Secretary of State. The lone woman charged, Mary Surratt (ROBIN WRIGHT) owns a boarding house where John Wilkes Booth (TOBY KEBBELL) and others met and planned the simultaneous attacks. Against the ominous back-drop of post-Civil War Washington, newly-minted lawyer, Frederick Aiken (JAMES McAVOY) reluctantly agrees to defend Surratt before a military tribunal. Aiken realizes his client may be innocent and that she is being used as bait and hostage in order to capture the only conspirator to have escaped a massive manhunt, her own son, John (JOHNNY SIMMONS). As the nation turns against her, Surratt is forced to rely on Aiken to uncover the truth and save her life. From director Robert Redford, The Conspirator is a riveting thriller that tells a powerful story about America then and now.
"Abandoning the Constitution is not the answer." - Sen Reverdy Johnson
The Roof Man
We need the Constitution, truth, and rule of law to help serve us now just as much as Mrs Surratt needed it. I'm sorry for Mrs Surratt, Lincoln would not have wished her death.
SueJean Heinz
Eternity will show that history has been far too kind to "politicians" throughout the ages.
Tom Wilkinson does a great southern accent. He's a fine British actor and I loved him in "The Full Monty"!!
MH DuBois
All I can say is, thank GOD they caught the entire thing on camera.
Eliza Beth
Thank you Youtube for lots of good free movies.
Budda Love
Excellent movie! Give us more quality films like this please.
Martha Wissmann
I’m watching this movie too close to Jan, 6 th. Almost everything seems too close for comfort
John Berry
I can't be judged by a jury of my peers. All of my peers know how to get out of Jury Duty.
The central bankers should have been on those gallows too.
Peter Anger
The best line was "In times of war the law falls silent" so true on to this day. Everything Frederick fought for legally was denied, and went against what he had been fighting for. Justice...
Micheal Eckert
The supreme court gave American citizens that right then did we lose that after 911¿?
Ari W
If you’re into history this is a must watch
Majestic Dark Horse
PSA: Sara depicts the reason why Males should focus on reality of his dignity and truth. Fantasy living for others is self-destruction & "time wasting" on social constructs.
Raini Edwards
Well done and riveting. Thank you for this intriguing education and it held my attention and my breath too, with all the suspense. We all know the story but, these intricate details ,the missing behind the scenes is imperative and require to gain a more holistic picture and further understanding on the depths of human emotion in legal cases like these and depending , the fervour need and the expedient nature of decisions made and where they will lead, very conflicting indeed.Thank so much for the upload.????
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Michael A.
A LESSON NOT LEARNED I might remind some of the commentators below, this is a condemnation of the political departure from The Constitution and Rule of Law. As Aiken's, rightly so, pointed out to the court, (paraphrased) ' If we do not give her a fair trial then we all can be doomed by injustice'.
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Kenan Morg
I'm always willing to watch a good courtroom drama, my favorite being "The Verdict" from 1982 starring Paul Newman. The Conspirator is one of Robert Redford's best and the casting was perfect. The flashbacks help add some action to (as is normal with courtroom stories) what is essentially a spoken-word drama. Nice to see that Tom Wilkinson handled the Southern accent with ease, surprising since he is a Brit. Thanks for this.
A. Day
The U.S.Constitution is a wonderful idea. However, all too often, the U.S. government has cast it aside when they had better ideas. Smh
Katherene Wedic
When in the DC area take a trip over to the Surratt house. Dark.
Ibraahiym Kadessh
Redford at his very best. Finding and telling important stories for our enlightenment. Props to the real Hollywood.
Lulu Favs
Great movie! Well done Redford. So glad I found this upload. Forgotten about the film.
Logan Rodzen
"So filled with hate you can't see the truth."
Sea Shepherds
You will watch a lot of movies and you will count this one excellent in story telling from the A to Z. Thank you everyone involved in bringing this story to fruition.
Juanita lynn Stanley
Hey yall I just got through watching the movie consiprator on youtubes it was really good.it was about the the court trial of the people that coconspired to kil President Lincoln it has a twist in the case and he set the courts today on how they try people in n court .
Blu Wirisi
Fantastic movie from Robert Redford. Incredible.
Crystal P.
Dang good movie; however it did very little to restore my faith in mankind.
Shirley Langton
James McAvoy was great as the defense counsel. The story was well written by James Solomon. I thought it was excellent.
Darkside Johnny
I lived in Maryland (St. Mary's County) and there was a shed out in woods that John Wilks Booth took refuge in when fleeing. True or not, I don't know, but that was the legend of the old shed.
Jj T
This is an excellent movie. We are so lucky to watch it for free. Thank you.
George Worthmore
both she and her son were as guilty as sin.
Johnny Bean
That was a beautiful movie. Well written, well directed and produced, thank you Robert Redford. Great Acting. Franklin fought a hard fight for justice. Had Mary been sent to jail and not to death, she would have been most likely granted a new trail and probably found not guilty, making that fight for justice worth every step.
M- Nice
Worth a watch. Learned something too.
db db
Two thumbs up! Great acting, great directing. Its too bad most of hollywood forgot how to make movies this good.
Ronnie Bishop
Since theaters are closed and Hollywood has made a fortune I hope they give us a few more free pictures. Thank you You Tube and Redford.
YouTube is offering a large number of free movies. Thanks for this one.
Well this was a sleeper i shoulda saw a while ago. So many great actors, and all around great movie
Robert Redford couldn't direct his way out of paper bag
Adam Childers
This is like A Few Good Men with Eddie Vedder as the lawyer.
david george
A good movie looking behind the scenes. A good mans fight for justice against tyranny is, more often than not, an uphill battle.
Lynn ReNae Fisher
Such a good movie! Thanks to Mr. Redford for showing us all this little piece of our history.
To appreciate this film even more I suggest a great read called Montreal City of Secrets by Barry Sheehy for an intriguing back story that sheds light on Stanton, the hatching of the kidnapping plot that morphed into the death of Lincoln and a massive war profiteering scheme based in Montreal. This will connect the dots to both John Surratt and John Wilkes Booth. Thank you Robert Redford, James Solomon and American Film Company...from downtown Savannah.
max b
And yet we are told that its "case closed" on the JFK assassination, its impossible that it was a conspiracy, and must have been done by only one man alone. There was no controversy over either a civil or military trial because the lone man was never tried in court.
Amy King
Don't like how they just left out how Anna actively fought for her mother's life (why are the women so passive in this movie..) but I can see how it worked to leave that out in order to propel Aiken's character arc.
Joan Germain
Thank you for quality movies, free.
Lil T Summerlin
Great movie... kinda felt like recent times minus the killing
John MacDonald
A great movie...Robert Redford's production and the great acting by the cast led by James McAvoy as Mary Surratt's attorney make this a classic.
Sean Ogreen
those that fail to understand their history are more likely to repeat it. Exquisite cast crew best of all director Robert Redford thanks team loved it a must-see for all
A great movie . It shows how uncontrolled emotions can conduct us to great injustices . Revenge is not justice .
So Radtastical
22:38 "Hisss!! Hisssss!!"
Donald Bellamy
May we as a Nation know the difference between Justice which should be blind to our passions vs the thirst for revenge which ignites our passions, blinding our sights to Justice.
Vine Wood
The ending was surprising, I honestly thought it go differently but such as is always the case in movies based on true life events... Great movie nonetheless, recommended...
Ryder Alicia Rey
Great movie, great cast. Loved it!
Paul Burek
Outstanding movie, Excellent in everyway, Superlative actors and script...applicable today!!! Thank you for this upload.
The division still continues to this day, for in the Minds of Men the War never ended only switched Tactics...
@ has served justice to his role.
Roger Scott Cathey
He should have asked to hold the witness on suspicion of perjury.
jake spoon
The first man says I'm not sure why I'm here, but it seems hot ...
Mike Edwards
Thank you Mr Solomon for this great script!
albert gary
This is one of the many injustices carried through the American socio-judicial system. This is America.
serenitie Beall
i just woke up and have no clue wtf this is
Nasha TheGeorgiaPeach
I bought this movie on DVD back in '06.. Excellent movie!!
al meggs
So good to see you and Fr LARRY! Merry Christmas!
Linda Sanders
Thanks for posting this great movie.
Jennifer Luiz
Great movie. Recommend watching this free upload
Michael Ascerno
The same way you are looking at me.
Saved by Grace
Not much has changed in our judicial system in the last 150 years.
YouTube Movies....... THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!! ??
felippe mason
Skip to the end and replay for 0 ads!
Ice 247
It’s written in scripture that it sadden God to his heart that he put man on earth. It’s also written that man has never honored God. I believe the second sentence of my comment but man has never seen God to know the first sentence of my comment, because it’s written that no man knows the Beginning or the Ending. It’s also written that God’s thoughts are not our thought and our ways aren’t God’s ways. This world has certainly been deceived by man’s inserts in the Bible. It’s known and seen that this world is Evil and full of Sins
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