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living food,sprouted grain bread

(2019-02-19 09:42:59) 下一個

The sprouted grain process involves soaking the grains in water until they begin to grow a sprout. The growing environment is highly controlled, including the water temp, air temp, and the time grains are allowed to sprout. Once the grains sprout, they are drained and mixed together to be ground up and used. Before the sprouted grain is used, it is a living food. Enzymes are released during the sprouting process, which break down proteins and carbohydrates. This process helps make sprouted grain food low glycemic and easier to digest. Traditional grain breads are harder to digest, and the body loses a good portion of the nutrients because it is unable to digest them. Sprouted grain breads provide the body with grain that has already been broken down due to the enzymes that exist in the living sprouted grain. Nutrients are absorbed immediately into the body, and are not lost in the digestive process.

Sprouted bread

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Sprouted bread
Vegan Flourless Sprouted Wheat Bread (4106860877).jpg
Vegan flourless sprouted wheat bread
Type Bread
Main ingredients Whole grains (sprouted)

Sprouted bread is a type of bread made from whole grains that have been allowed to sprout, that is, to germinate, before being milled into flour. A particular variant, Ezekiel bread, is often said to be baked with the sins of the baker. In biblical times, this is why sprouted bread was avoided. [1] There are a few different types of sprouted grain bread. Some are made with additional added flour, some are made with added gluten, and some, such as Essene bread, are made with very few additional ingredients.

Sprouted breads[edit]

These are breads that contain the whole grain (or kernel, or berry) of various seeds after they have been sprouted. They are different from “white” bread inasmuch as “white” breads are made from ground wheat endosperm (after removal of the bran and germ). Whole grain breads include the bran, germ, and endosperm, therefore providing more fiber, and naturally occurring vitamins and proteins. Sprouted (or germinated) grain breads have roughly the same amount of vitamins per gram. Sprouted grain bread has 47% less gluten than regular bread.[2]

A comparison of nutritional analyses shows that sprouted grains contain about 75% of the energy (carbohydrates), slightly higher protein and about 40% of the fat when compared to whole grains.[3][4]

Wheat is not the only grain used in sprouted breads. Grains and legumes such as millet, barley, oat, lentil and soy may be used. Bread that is made from an array of grains and legumes can provide a complete set of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Sprouted breads may contain slightly more trace minerals and nutrients than non-sprouted breads. Other than that, they supply much the same advantages as whole grain breads over refined grain breads, such as lowered risk of coronary heart disease.[5]

Essene bread[edit]

Essene bread is a very primitive form of sprouted grain bread made from sprouted wheat and prepared at a low temperature. It is often eaten uncooked, or slightly heated, by proponents of raw foods.[6][7] The Essenes, a Jewish religious group that flourished from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD, are credited with the technique and basic recipes for Essene bread,[8] although no scholarly evidence exists for this claim. Sprouting and low-temperature preparation ensure the maximum possible vitamin content for this foodstuff.[8] Sprouting also breaks down the lectins and other substances that some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to.

See also[edit]

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