
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:


(2018-09-26 11:03:57) 下一個

沒有人能一直這麽好。 沒有人總是壞。 任何人都可以在某個時間表現出色。
  任何人在某些時候都可能不好。 為什麽? 因為人的起源罪 - 傾向於犯錯誤。

  因此,人類的時空優勢 - 某些微環境培養了人類的好壞。

  例如,“經過仔細考慮後,管理人員決定”將自己的名字保留在榮譽位置(參見下麵的參考文獻1)是錯誤的,“正如新聞稿中所述。有些人不同意這一決定。如果你讀過 調查報告對申訴人表示同情,並理解其提出的勇氣“ (Refer to Anita Hill)

  結論:你不應該否認一個人的好處。 你也不應該否認一個人做的壞事。
  任何處於聚光燈下的人都很容易發現一些不法行為。政府官員要道德楷模, 不能與 private sectors 等同!!

Nobody can be good for all the time. Nobody is bad all the time. Anyone can be good at certain time.
 Anyone can be bad at certain time. Why? because of human's origin sin - tendency to make mistakes.

 So, spatiotemporal goodness of human - certain microenvironment cultivates good or bad side of human.

 e.g., "After careful consideration, the administrators decided that "keeping his name in a position of honor (Ref. 1, below) would be wrong," as noted in the news release. Some of you disagree with this decision. If you read the investigatory report with empathy for the complainants and an understanding of the courage that it took to come forward"  - Refer to

 Conclusion: You shouldn't deny the good a person did. Neither should you deny the bad a person did.
 Anyone under spot light, is vulnerable to find some wrongdoing.  With all said, if you're for public officials, you're required to be with integrity, model acts, compassion, and respect.

"You can't please everyone, and you can't make everyone like you." - Katie Couric

Ref. 1 - "


Bill Cosby’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame will not be removed. 

In a statement to CBS, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce said that it “does not remove stars from the Walk of Fame”
because “they are intended to be permanent.”



Julie Swetnick Is Third Woman to Accuse Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct

Julie SwetnickCreditCreditMichael Avenatti, via Associated Press

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh was accused Wednesday by another woman of having engaged in sexual misconduct at parties while he was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School in the 1980s.

The allegation came from Julie Swetnick, 55, who like Judge Kavanaugh, 53, grew up in the Washington suburbs. In a statement posted on Twitter by her lawyer, Ms. Swetnick said she observed the future Supreme Court nominee at parties where women were verbally abused, inappropriately touched, made “disoriented” with alcohol or drugs, and “gang raped.” 


1,600 male allies print an NYT ad expressing support for Christine Blasey Ford

US news 3 hours ago
The ad follows the example of a 1991 ad taken out by 1,600 black women in support of Anita Hill who alleged sexual assault against the Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.


Associated Press

AP-NORC Poll: Just 1 in 4 thinks Kavanaugh told entire truth


Slideshow by photo services

WASHINGTON — Just 1 in 4 people thinks Brett Kavanaugh was completely honest when as a Supreme Court nominee he gave sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee last month, with Republicans and Democrats holding starkly distinct opinions of his credibility, according to a poll released Friday.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey also found that the public holds tepid views of how major players handled the extraordinary battle, which culminated Oct. 6 in an exhausted Senate's near party line confirmation of Kavanaugh. President Donald Trump, Senate Republicans and Democrats and the FBI each earned approval from 32 percent or less of the poll's respondents.

Overall, 39 percent said they believe Kavanaugh was mostly honest but was hiding something when he testified last month before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the drama's most unforgettable day. Another 31 percent said he was largely lying, and 25 percent said he was totally truthful. A combative Kavanaugh denied California college professor Christine Blasey Ford's testimony to the committee that he sexually assaulted her at a 1980s high school gathering when they were teenagers, and he rebutted classmates' descriptions of him as a heavy drinker.

The question was among several that underscored how stances over the searing confirmation battle are deeply colored by people's political allegiances and less so by gender. Republicans hope partisan tensions heightened by the fight will drive conservative voters to the polls in the Nov. 6 elections, when GOP control of the House and the Senate is at stake.

Six in 10 Republicans, including 57 percent of men and 64 percent of women, said they think Kavanaugh was entirely truthful when he appeared before the Judiciary panel. They included Ricky Richards, who took the survey and agreed to explain his views in a subsequent interview.

Richards said he believed Kavanaugh, citing repeated FBI background checks that unearthed no wrongdoing, testimony from supportive witnesses and the body language of Kavanaugh and his wife at the crucial Judiciary session.

"He was angry, but he handled himself better than I would have," said Richards, a 59-year-old engineering consultant from Clifton, Texas.

He said Ford's testimony seemed "purely scripted," and he faulted her for not recalling some details of what she says happened to her, which experts have said is common for trauma victims.

Fewer than 1 in 10 Democrats, men and women, said they think Kavanaugh was fully candid during his appearance. Just over half said he was mostly lying while the rest said he was largely truthful but was hiding something.

"It's just the way he presented himself, the way he answered questions. He was so defensive," said Barbara Heath, a 60-year-old Democrat and former factory worker from Springfield, Ohio. "To me, he was covering up a lot of things."

Overall, 43 percent disapprove of Kavanaugh's confirmation while 35 percent approve. More independents disapprove than support his confirmation, 35 percent to 17 percent, while the remaining respondents do not have a strong opinion either way.

Forty percent of all men approve of Kavanaugh's elevation to the high court, while only 30 percent of women do. Yet party identification washes much of that difference away: Around three-quarters of Republican men and women favor Kavanaugh's confirmation, a view shared by only about 1 in 10 Democrats of both genders.

Americans are about evenly divided over whether the Judiciary panel treated Kavanaugh fairly. In contrast, 42 percent thought the committee was unfair to Ford while 30 percent said it was fair to her. Nearly two-thirds of college-educated women said Ford was treated unfairly, a potentially damaging finding for House Republicans defending competitive suburban districts in next month's elections.

The poll also found that:

— The role played by Trump, who nominated Kavanaugh in July and criticized Ford and another accuser, was strongly or somewhat approved by 32 percent, about the same rating given to Senate Republicans. Senate Democrats won such approval from just 24 percent.

— Only 3 in 10 said the FBI did a good job. Trump hurriedly ordered the agency to perform a brief investigation of the sexual-harassment allegations against Kavanaugh and said it found no corroboration in a probe Democrats criticized as insufficient.

— Around 1 in 3 said that since Kavanaugh's confirmation they have a lot of confidence in the Supreme Court. The rest have only some or hardly any confidence in the nation's highest court.

— Eight in 10 Democrats, compared to 6 in 10 Republicans, said a Supreme Court nominee's personal history and character are extremely or very important.

The AP-NORC poll was conducted Oct. 11-14 by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, with funding from The Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago. It involved interviews conducted in English and Spanish with 1,152 adults nationwide. Interviews were conducted online or by phone among members of NORC's probability-based AmeriSpeak panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population.

The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.

AP polling editor Emily Swanson and reporter Hannah Fingerhut contributed to this report.

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