豐想像力+數學+嚴謹態度 = 物理 "林瘋子 " Ma Lan Epic 熱播電視劇《馬蘭謠》講述了以林俊德、王淑琴為代表的一批有誌青年遠赴大西北,為祖國國防事業做貢獻的故事 #1 - Mother's testament ! #2 - Son duty to #3 - For your nation, driving force 家 --> 國 --> 天下 the world - living a dream, purpose bigger than your own house life #4 - only socialist system can do such stuff #5 - hold your horses: Your word decides the future of a village boy, Lin Jun-de, the future general ! A mountain village boy shoulders the hope of a village, a country, a generation! #6 - simple, so simple that it moved you tear down on your cheek - 體魄健與精神鍛造 #7 - 李仕武 trained student soldiers #8 - 王淑琴: "有個人想念,真好!學習也要動力!"