
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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藥物成癮者大腦結構異常 zt

(2017-03-03 11:59:15) 下一個



已有 154 次閱讀 2017-3-3 10:01 |個人分類:People history|係統分類:科研筆記    推薦到群組


First one general biology principle: structure determines function and function

restoration modifies structure.


大學申請時,我報物理專業,因為我喜歡物理原理:許多現象可以由原理來管理。當年的物理老師, 曾和楊振寧和李政道同學於西南聯合大學 - 老師常嘮叨那些神奇故事。這個情結維係我的一生,常常跑去聽物理課和講座。妄想有一天,一般統一生物學原理,能用統一公式代生物現象。


在生物學中 我被淹沒在沉重的記憶中失去了理性和思考,一直到通過研究生院考試。 老實說,我現在也不喜歡生物學 - 這麽多記憶的東西,所有的時間使我的頭旋轉。 我渴望有一個統一的生物學原理,統一如此多元化的材料。 我忘了所有的插曲,直到我閱讀以下文章。以下文章(藥物成癮者大腦結構異常)說明:“結構確定功能和重新修好功能會修改結構。”


For college application, I applied across board physics major as I's fond of the principles in physics: many phenomena can be governed by the principle. Vividly stories were told by my physics teacher, classmate of Yang Zhen Ning and Tsung-Dao Lee at 西南聯合大學 Southwest United University, have inspired me all these years in my life.


I's swamped in biology, lost in heavy memories for scrambling to pass exams all the way to graduate school. Honestly, I dislike biology even now - so much memory stuff, making my head spin all the time. I long to have a unified principle governing biology, so much diversified materials. I forgot all about my pursue until I read this

following article:


It said "曆經8年創新性研究,廣東省第二人民醫院和華南師範大學科研團隊終於發現海洛因和止咳藥水會“改變”人的大腦。" I wonder if it's creative conceptually or not as I've read about that many neurologic drugs modify brain structure elsewhere as you can see below:


"Drugs can alter important brain areas that are necessary for life-sustaining functions ... It links together a number of brain structures that control and regulate our brain function. " (Drugs and the Brain | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)))

However, it's novel if you narrow down to specific "咳藥水" - TCM drug.


"What's the hect you're talking about? " You might shout out.


Not sure.


Some of my readers in physics and mathematics might remember I've tried to entice them to help out to invent some simple formula to solve biology ((that list includes Eric Lander at MIT, 嶽東曉, 饒傳霞 (武漢大學數學教授)), but didn't pan out as they're caught up in the heckuva fun of their own world.


I'm still thinking about somewhere someone, some idealistic dream suckers, so sucking up biology to juice out that dreaming formula, so the new generation of biology major students will not suffer what I suffered. All is well in faith, hope, and love - getting there



"What's your expectation?" You may follow up.


For example, 統一生物學原理:結構確定功能和重新修好功能會修改結構。It should be a unified formula to define for any 結構確定功能 - no matter brain, bone, or muscle, all follow one set of formula. Vice versa for 重新修好功能會修改結構。


What do you think?




作者:李穎 來源:科技日報 發布時間:2017/3/2 9:30:02
選擇字號:                                                        大


科技日報訊 (記者李穎)資料顯示,止咳藥水濫用在我國男性青少年群體中有明顯的流行趨勢。近期一項研究發現,止咳藥水成癮患者在腦功能和腦結構方麵均存在異常。曆經8年創新性研究,廣東省第二人民醫院和華南師範大學科研團隊終於發現海洛因和止咳藥水會“改變”人的大腦。

據知,這些腦區功能與結構的異常與成癮時間、衝動特質和臨床表現有很大的相關性。 異常主要集中在獎賞回路、認知控製和決策相關的腦區。






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