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  • 博客訪問:

Obama\'s Middle East policy

(2016-10-24 09:18:50) 下一個

Believe or not. Said or not said. Historians will point out Obama's Middle East policy - Barack Obama's abandonment of Saudi Arabia, his refusal to restore order in The EU  by the rapid breakdown of Tehran's diplomatic isolation and economic, syrian refugees flooding across the EU ... All of these have been structed by George W. Bush and followe by Obama, resulting the dissociaton of the EU - making the US standing as a super power. "divide and conquer" - so effective. Putin sees it throug and tries to fill the vaccum - just like another Afiganistan. Reagan used "Star War" breaking down USSR. Middel East was a tool for Bush/Obama to break the EU.

Too fuzzy to see through now ...

Europe, Middle East, & Africa .... Bush then went into a detailed criticism of Obama's policies in fighting the Islamic State and dealing with the ...the Middle East goes from bad to worse — the humanitarian ... to the “weakness” and lack of resolve of the Obama administration. ... of the Iraq war while embracing the policy approach that produced it). .... the Sunni harmony breaks down, and the Sunnis are deeply divided ...The Arab Spring: Middle East policy between norms and interests. 5 .... which role the EU and US played in the premature breakdown of the direct peace talks in ...


Currency markets remained in focus for investors in Asia as China’s renminbi continued weakening to multi-year lows and the euro also eased.

Pressure in the so-called offshore renminbi, known as CNH, has been building in recent weeks. That culminated in CNH hitting a record low of 6.7885 per dollar on Tuesday morning, its weakest level since offshore trading was introduced in July 2010.

Analysts expected the renminbi could depreciate following its inclusion in the International Monetary Fund’s basket of international reserve currencies at the start of October, as well as following the conclusion of the Golden Week holiday at the start of this month.


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