
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

The show is over: Let\'s move on, but...

(2016-10-20 10:17:23) 下一個

The show is over. Let's move on. But, some fun scanning the titles (below)

It's a pie - finding your own slice - take what you want (below), but willing to take the consequence - free to choose!

Professionalism vs. amature.

Debate is a job for pro - If you can't be serious, how can I trust you in doing the job right? Democracy is all about debate: Show me your point from your end and I show mine from my end - let's compromise to walk from either end to meet in the middle. "The art of the deal" ? I win, you lose. That's NOT democracy, BUT dictatorship.

Yes. It's a show. But, is the show easier than the job? I don't think so. Day in, day out - you're dealing with many issues. gotta be diligent. Gotta be disciplined! Period.

It's a rigged, fake system. Fine. But, what's your solution to fix it? You can't be "4-YO" , screaming to your mom. Be adult. Man. Put your act together - raise the issue, come up with solution. period.

The show is over. Let's move on.

Heckvuva shows! Damn it! How come it's OVER?!

Wait! What? His Ad: $99/momth subscribe to ... his show still goes on. Right, you want a businessman - you gott go on with his money-making, not yours.

See realtime coverage

Did Trump TV Launch Last Night?

NPR  - ‎3 hours ago‎
As Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shook hands with moderator Chris Wallace and greeted their families after the end of Wednesday night's presidential debate, the broadcast hosts delivered their verdict.

Note:  "If you throw enough shit against a wall, some of it has gotta stick." Be alert against a wall - it bounces back to you! No comment is welcomed here.










有人揭秘了,她是按國旗色來選的衣服。說明愛國 -千裏一盞燈- 給 千裏一盞燈 發送悄悄話 千裏一盞燈 的博客首頁 千裏一盞燈 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 10/20/2016 postreply 09:53:05

2016-10-20 09:44:22 ( 225 reads)

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TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 logic in your writing? "sentence structure rule"
? 蒙大拿的一個法官把一個強奸自己12歲女兒的給判了60天。自由派法官是非常非常非常恐怖地! - fkcom - ♂ 給 fkcom 發送悄悄話 fkcom 的個人群組 (1261 bytes) (360 reads) 10/20/2016 10:30:41

? 不應該回避麽? - smalleagle - ♂ 給 smalleagle 發送悄悄話 smalleagle 的博客首頁 smalleagle 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 10/20/2016 10:31:46

? 德國一個左B女議員被敘利亞難民強奸,報警說是德國人幹的。這腦子一左就無敵了 - 老農民說兩句 - ♂ 給 老農民說兩句 發送悄悄話 老農民說兩句 的博客首頁 老農民說兩句 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 10/20/2016 10:36:36

? This 左B女議員deservers to 被敘利亞難民強奸 again and again. - 尋夢千裏 - ♂ 給 尋夢千裏 發送悄悄話 尋夢千裏 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 10/20/2016 10:37:56

? 你可真low - 潛潛潛 - ♂ 給 潛潛潛 發送悄悄話 潛潛潛 的博客首頁 潛潛潛 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 10/20/2016 10:41:35

? I can't go high like you as always, we are deplorables - 尋夢千裏 - ♂ 給 尋夢千裏 發送悄悄話 尋夢千裏 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 10/20/2016 10:46:48

? 不好意思沒怎麽了解案情,怎麽法官還可以審理自己家的案子? - I751 - ♂ 給 I751 發送悄悄話 I751 的博客首頁 I751 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 10/20/2016 10:40:03

? 不好意思我表達能力低。是那個罪犯強奸他自己女兒。畜生。直接送八達嶺野動。 - fkcom - ♂ 給 fkcom 發送悄悄話 fkcom 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 10/20/2016 10:42:06

? 這個在天朝直接可以炮烙了,嗬嗬 - I751 - ♂ 給 I751 發送悄悄話 I751 的博客首頁 I751 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 10/20/2016 10:45:34

? 懷念3胖,他要是弄狗可能左左會判他100年。 - jiangwen999 - ♂ 給 jiangwen999 發送悄悄話 jiangwen999 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 10/20/2016 10:47:27

? 實際上那廝要服刑43天,因為審判期間已經算服了17天。現在的潮流是不可以說下流話,但幹下流事絕對要給... - fkcom - ♂ 給 fkcom 發送悄悄話 fkcom 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 10/20/2016 10:51:37

? 蒙大拿怎麽出這種法官,奇怪啊。我認識一個蒙大拿的同性戀,在北京開酒吧,死活不回蒙大拿了 - I751 - ♂ 給 I751 發送悄悄話 I751 的博客首頁 I751 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 10/20/2016 10:49:37

? 不奇怪,大紅脖德意誌首都奧斯汀的DA酒駕,威脅警官說我就是女李剛,州統要逼她下台,結果德左們反把他告到... - fkcom - ♂ 給 fkcom 發送悄悄話 fkcom 的個人群組 (41 bytes) (11 reads) 10/20/2016 10:55:51
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話
Donald Trump's charge on the election's integrity reverberates in both campaigns

Washington Post - ?1 hour ago?

Donald Trump's defiant assault on the election's integrity reverberated Thursday among his allies and rivals as the GOP campaign and Hillary Clinton's inner circle argued over how best to face the outcome after the votes are counted.
