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lesser of two evils: pay for play

(2016-08-24 13:29:46) 下一個

lesser of two evils: if you want to vote, you gotta decide. So, all personal attack from Trump is distracting as we know what characters they're. Both are "pay for play" - superb in trading/exchanging for money, power, favor, fame - all up on sale, fair play, well known.  Don't claim either side got a better human being - you don't. You may shout out loud: That's evil ! but what can you do? Ha? lesser of two evils ! You have no choice. man !


Then what?  What's wrong with that? It's well known fact. When old Bush's President, his sons did those "conflict of interest" trading to acquire money and fame and power - even now they're doing it. Donald Trump, publically said he paid for access to politicians. Trump's so creepy  that he  just attacked himself - pay for play. Cut the crap! Trump got boggled down to details - his policy narratives, specific milestones with time table and measurable matrix.


Being a dirty businessman, Trump can't claim "innocent" "pure" or "clean." Dirt digging, you can't go any where! You can't be cleaner than Clintons. Trump just wastes our time by attacking the same old Clintons stuff, so old that it's stinct to Trump himself - digging feces shows he's so low, so cheap, so deep, so desperate, that he can't come up with something noble, fresh, creative. Sad ! Sadden, bloody sad!  I thought he can do better than digging dirt - he disappointed us so bad that we can't side with him, not quite there yet ! He needs to work harder than what he shouts attacks of full force - disguisting!

5) Patch to blacks/latinos in white community audience - absurd.

6) didn't release his tax return - without showing his tax return, no matter what Trump says, useless. (creepy) cover your own before attacking

7) Scare tactics. (dictator style)

He gotta construct and conjure up hope, how, specifically, he can lead to be better! Cut off the bullsxxx attacks - can't go any where, can't move anyone ! Dumping dirt is bad for everyone ! So sick of those same things again, again, and again.

As for voters, we want to ask "what's in it for me?" "Can you deliver what you promise to me?" For those fans for either: Don't add your own interpretation of wishfu thinking - you're dumped as you're too blind, too die-hard, to ignore his or her flaws. Wake up!

For Trump, he got something for me, but he gotta come up with specifics how to deliver those promises for me. Where is his plan? No. He doesn't do that. Heared his rally, I'm so sick of his "sloganeering" "yelling" "attacking" - none of these with any plans to get what I want from him. No vote!

"choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."  God bless America!

lesser of two evils: if you want to vote, you gotta decide. So, all personal attack from Trump is distracting as we know what characters they're. Both are "pay for play" - superb in trading for money, power, favor, fame - all up on sale, fair play, well known. (That's evil, but what can you do? Ha? lesser of two evils ! You have no choice. man !


Then what? Donald Trump, publically said he paid for access to politicians. Trump's so creepy  that he  just attacked himself - pay for play. What's wrong with that? It's well known fact. When old Bush's President, his sons did those "conflict of interest" trading to acquire money and fame and power - even now they're doing it.


Being a dirty businessman, Trump can't claim "innocent" "pure" or "clean." Dirt digging, you can't go any where! You can't be cleaner than Clintons. Trump jsut wasts our time by attacking the same old Clintons stuff, so old that it's stinct to Trump himself - digging feces shows he's so low, so cheap, so deep, that he can't come up with something noble. Sad ! I thought he can do better than digging dirt.

As for voters, we want to ask "what's in it for me?"

For Trump, he got something for me, but he gotta come up with specifics how to deliver those promises for me. Where is his plan? No. He doesn't do that. Heared his rally, I'm so sick of his "sloganeering" "yelling" "attacking" - none of these with any plans to get what I want from him. No vote!



See realtime coverage

Politics|Clinton Keeps Stay-The-Course Strategy on Foundation, Emails

New York Times  - ‎11 minutes ago‎
WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton is sidestepping new questions about nearly 15,000 recently discovered emails or her family's charitable foundation - a stay-the-course strategy sure to be tested in the sprint to Election Day.

Donald Trump's black outreach isn't for black voters. It's for wavering white Republicans.

Vox  - ‎6 hours ago‎
There are a lot of Republicans who are not exactly enthusiastic about their party's nominee. A recent Gallup poll found that only 46 percent of Republicans are happy with Trump; 52 percent wished the party had nominated someone else for the presidency.

看看川普的政策團隊 美國人和中國人都別再對他抱幻想

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進入到八月,特朗普分兩批公布了自己的經濟政策智囊團。8月5日,特朗普公布了第一批由14名白人男性組成的經濟谘詢委員會(economic advisory council)。這一團隊中包括負責為Trump競選總統籌款的Steven Mnuchin,兩個共和黨背景的經濟專家Dan Kowalski和David Malpass,九個華爾街的金融、地產巨頭,和在加州大學爾灣分校任教的Peter Navarro。拋開背景不說,單一性別、單一人種的委員會組成首先成為了眾矢之的。似乎是對外界強烈不滿的一個回應,Trump隨後在8月12日公布了8名女性智囊和1名男性智囊:大部分成員仍集中在華爾街,隻有一個憲法學者Betsy McCaughey和兩個來自德州公共政策基金會的專家Brookes Rollins和Kathleen White。特朗普的經濟智囊團的選擇已經說明了他在經濟政策上采取的立場。

首先說說這批經濟政策智囊背景。事實上,特朗普的經濟政策智囊們,恰恰是他的大金主。Cerberus資本的首席執行官Steven Feinberg就是其中之一:他為特朗普和共和黨的聯合籌款賬戶Trump Victory貢獻了33萬9400美元,他的妻子也貢獻了同樣數額的捐款。而Beal Bank的董事長Andy Beal則通過捐款44萬9400美元為自己謀得一席之地:這一數額是特朗普的籌款賬戶在法律範圍內所能接受的最大單筆捐款。除此之外,Beal在2015年還為特朗普的超級政治行動委員會the Make America Great Again捐贈了10萬美元。Beal和特朗普的另一個超級政治行動委員會the Great America也有公開關聯,但捐款金額不明。

第二批增加的女性“經濟顧問”們一樣是大金主的背景。比如Carla Sands,幫特朗普籌備了南加州的籌款活動,籌款規模也是上百萬。Diane Hendricks更直接,是特朗普籌款賬戶Trump Victory的副主席。同樣的還有第二批經濟顧問中的Liz Uihlein——她和她的丈夫都是特朗普的支持者,她本人也是特朗普超級政治行動委員會的副主席。

反觀之前的總統競選者,很少有人會讓華爾街金融巨頭和自己的大金主組成自己的政策團隊。奧巴馬2008年競選時的經濟政策團隊包括芝加哥大學經濟學教授Austan Goolsbee、美國頂尖智庫布魯金斯學會的研究員Jason Furman、哈佛大學肯尼迪政府學院的教授Jeffrey Liebman、哈佛大學經濟學教授David Cutler、喬治城大學經濟學教授Daniel Tarullo等人,無一不是深諳相關政策的專家。共和黨2012年的總統候選人羅姆尼的經濟政策團隊更是包括大名鼎鼎的經濟學家曼昆和頂尖智庫美國企業研究院的研究員Kevin Hassett,也有異曲同工的意味。


當然,有的人會說,特朗普公布的第一批經濟團隊中好歹有一個(唯一一個)經濟學教授Peter Navarro。那我們就來聊聊這個Navarro。Navarro是哈佛大學畢業的經濟學博士,現在任教於加州大學爾灣分校。作為著名的反全球化鬥士,Navarro長期以來認為“中美關係尤其是經貿往來於美國有害”,曾著有《Death by China(死於中國之手)》一書並將其拍成電影,渲染中美貿易對美國的損害。

一個受過正規學術訓練的政治學者寫文章時可以有情緒,但對於學術著作的評價,應該相對審慎、專業。在《Death by China》的第一章,Peter Navarro一開頭就為讀者描繪了一個“駭人聽聞”的所謂“現狀”:中國出口到全球的產品“殺人於無形”,要麽致癌、要麽易燃、要麽有毒、要麽致命;兒童首飾都含鉛、玩具都易燃;中國出口到美國的藥品不是救人而是殺人;如果你“又餓又想死”(原文為“if you're both hungry and suicidal”),你就去吃中國進口的魚、水果、蔬菜,裏麵還有各種各樣被禁的抗生素、腐敗的細菌、重金屬或者是不合法的殺蟲劑(詳見Navarro, Peter. Death by China, PearsonEducation, New Jersey, 2011)。

Peter Navarro說的問題中國有嗎?有。汙染、不合格產品、假貨確實是中國無法回避的問題。但是情況像Navarro描述的這麽嚴重嗎?顯然不是。作為一個接受過正規教育的經濟學學者,Navarro能把一本“non-fiction”的嚴肅類讀物寫出科幻的味道,通過毫無嚴謹性的誇張描寫誤導讀者,簡直是“前無古人,後無來者”:縱觀全書,缺少像樣的實地調查、缺少經濟學理論支撐、缺少係統的數據分析和事實分析,隻是在堆砌各種有關中國的“駭人聽聞”的新聞,擇其惡者用以支持、渲染其中國威脅論的觀點。

這樣一個從邏輯到結論都透著荒謬的所謂“經濟學家”,居然是特朗普經濟顧問團隊中唯一的學院派——可以想見,如果特朗普執政,中美關係將會走向何方。唯一值得慶幸的是,Navarro並非特朗普的嫡係,甚至連靠邊站的資格都沒有:Navarro本人也承認,二者從未見麵,甚至都沒有電話交流——“(Navarro) has never met Trump in person. And asfor speaking with him by phone, he acknowledges, “I have never had thepleasure.” 與其說Navarro是特朗普的顧問,不如說特朗普需要一個在經濟學領域有一定名聲的堅定反華派為自己站台,和自己滿嘴跑火車的經濟、外交政策產生“共鳴”。








近日一個甚囂塵上的說法是,共和黨可能會放棄特朗普。這絕不是空穴來風——一方麵,共和黨建製派的領袖和黨內初選時的一些候選人早就公開宣布不會支持特朗普,特朗普在全國大會後針對陣亡將士家庭的表態也激怒了許多共和黨人,其起初宣布不支持眾議院議長Paul Ryan和參議院資深共和黨議員John McCain競選連任更是使很多支持他的共和黨人寒心;另一方麵,國會共和黨議員要想連任首先要考慮的不是與特朗普同進退,而是照顧到自己選區選民的訴求,這也使得他們選擇和特朗普“保持距離”。




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lesser of two evils: pay for play

來源: 2016-08-24 13:29:46 [] [博客] [轉至博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 246 次 (45645 bytes)
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TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of MSN or Microsoft.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
That's the key lesson from former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino, who is on a rampage against conservative poll truthers who are foolishly insisting that polls that show Donald Trump losing must be bogus.

"Making excuses for the numbers will not change them," Perino wrote. "It would be a disservice to the candidate and his supporters to say otherwise."
Many of us learned this lesson in 2012, when so many Republicans insisted polls were "skewed" against Mitt Romney. Unfortunately, the lessons of 2008 have clouded the issue, because Republicans and conservatives misunderstood the basis of Barack Obama's sweeping victory. That led to serious miscalculations on the right in 2012, and myths that continue to this day.
Republicans viewed Obama's victory in 2008 as a triumph of mass marketing, rally-based campaigning, and no small amount of media manipulation. They saw the Obama campaign's forays into social media strictly as vehicles for national messaging. In 2012, the Mitt Romney campaign oriented its efforts along the same lines, while insisting that polling was biased based on turnout models that favored Democrats. Pundits on the right followed suit with "unskewing" efforts that showed Romney leading in alternate turnout models.
What this missed was the ground organization put together by the man Republicans derided as the "community organizer in chief." The 2008 campaign used social media not merely as a channel for national messaging, but to identify potential supporters in neighborhoods in every key swing area. They turned these people into ambassadors, learned how national issues played in each community, and skillfully tailored messaging and issue priorities to build emotional bonds with these voters. The prodigious fundraising of Barack Obama allowed his team to build a vast peer-to-peer model of voter engagement for exactly that purpose.
Those emotional bonds — plus a deep investment in get-out-the-vote resources — produced a significantly new turnout model in the 2008 presidential election. Four years later, even with President Obama enjoying much less popularity than before, the same campaign apparatus easily reconnected those emotional ties to people who saw their 2008 vote as a personal commitment that defined who they are. That drove the turnout model in Obama's favor; despite a lower overall turnout, the demographics turned out to be remarkably similar to 2008.
Republicans lost a winnable presidential election in 2012 because they learned the wrong lessons in 2008. Unfortunately, the myth of rallies being more reliable than polls still has not faded. Donald Trump's rallies are far more impressive than Hillary Clinton's. Clinton is also stomping Trump in nearly every important poll. Both of these things are true. Only when Republicans accept this can they hope to beat Clinton.
And remember: Poor polling in August isn't the end of the world. The general election campaign still has another 11 weeks to go, and both candidates have low likability numbers and are vulnerable to emerging negative narratives. Polling isn't an exact science, either, as the 2014 midterm cycle proved when polls seriously underestimated Republican strength in gubernatorial and Senate races. This weekend, the encyclopedic Michael Barone noted some irregularities between "key state" polling and national numbers that might suggest that the latter may be missing some Trump strength. Voter registration numbers in swing states show momentum and could still change in Republicans' favor.
So what's the lesson? Remain focused on evidence rather than anecdotes. Gain a proper understanding of how that evidence played out in the recent past. Perino is correct, although it might be better put by quoting The Who: "We won't get fooled again." If we do allow ourselves to get fooled into thinking that rallies are indicative of turnout and support, well … meet the old boss, same as the new boss.
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 美國的共和黨和民主黨不過是美國壟斷資產階級的左右手。右手幹得累了,換左手幹。左手幹累了,再換右手。多年來的美國政治不過就是如此。


已有 90 次閱讀 2016-8-24 15:25 |係統分類:海外觀察 推薦到群組










