
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Violin 奇普裏安 波隆貝斯庫

(2016-05-28 01:22:53) 下一個

Ciprian Porumbescu-ballad 敘事曲-奇普裏.安波隆貝斯庫

You can't write/describe about it, rather, close your eyes, let your heart beat with the melody; let the angles of music dance around you; let the spririt of music fill your soul.



Uploaded on Jan 22, 2012

Ciprian Porumbescu born Ciprian Golembiovski (October 14, 1853 - June 6, 1883) was a romanian composer born in ?ipotele Sucevei in Bucovina (now Shepit, Putyla Raion, Ukraine). He was among the most celebrated Romanian composers of his time; his popular works include "Crai nou", "Trei culori", "Song for the 1st of May", "Ballad for violin and piano" and "Serenada". In addition, he composed the music for "Pe-al nostru steag e scris Unire", which was used for Albania's national anthem, Hymni i Flamurit. His work spreads over various forms and musical genres, but the majority of his work is choral and operetta. Finished on October 21, 1880, the "Ballad for Violin and Orchestra" soon became the best known work by Ciprian Porumbescu, and a reference work in romanian classical music of the 19th century. In seclusion at Stupca, the composer meditated, drafted and then finished the piece, full of poetry and bitter nostalgia, with light and shade, a mixture of "doina", old dance and song, everything in the environment of serene melancholy. He died at the age of 29 in Stupca, which was renamed Ciprian Porumbescu in his honor.


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Violetc 回複 悄悄話 Thank you for sharing!