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Ivanka Trump: thick-skinned

(2016-05-13 14:56:47) 下一個

Ivanka Trump Defends Dad Donald Against Naysayers: 'If They Hit Him, He's Going to Hit Them Back'


05/13/2016 AT 04:45 PM EDT

Ivanka Trump defended dad Donald Trump from criticism he's received over his behavior throughout his presidential campaign, saying in an interview Thursday that "He has a pretty tough punch – but it's almost always a counterpunch."

"If they hit him, he's going to hit them back," the 34-year-old said when asked if her father plays nicely with others during a talk with Gayle King at the Forbes 4th Annual Women's Summit in New York City on Thursday.

And while Ivanka says it can be "very difficult" seeing her father get criticized on a daily basis, she's learned to tolerate what she sees as misconceptions.

"I'm pretty thick-skinned, and my whole life has largely been in the public eye. For me, what's most important is the truth that I know," Ivanka continued.

The mother of three went on to discuss her friendship with Chelsea Clinton – whose mom, Hillary, is favorited to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

"We view ourselves as our own people. Our friendship is distinct from politics," Ivanka said. "We're both children who love our parents and are very supportive of our parents. There's not so much nuance around that. "

As for the upcoming presidential election, Ivanka remains in full support of her father.

"People want change – they want something different," Ivanka said of the campaign season. "With my father, what you see is what you get. Even if you don't like his viewpoint on a certain topic, I think people respect that he's bold enough to say what he's actually thinking. That's something that we've never really experienced in politics, and there should be a lot more of."


what a disappointment! I guess daddys purse strings will have her excusing every bit of his bad behavior, lies, impersonation, racial views, misogyny, verbal abuse. He is rotten inside out.

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