History repeats itself until lessons learned. Does America learn her lesson? How about you? Me? Not yet, but refreshing my memory. Then, what? You control your own future by controlling your own vote - a gamble if you will. I can, however, pray for America, after all, why I'm here:
-- ? "共和黨籍的美國國會眾議院前議長John Boehner(約翰·班勒)最近在斯坦福麵向眾多觀眾時,公開稱共和黨總統候選人克魯茲為“Lucifer in the flesh"。我研究一番,才明白為"附有肉體的魔鬼"的大意,還擁有更深的宗教的出處和含義。班勒說他有民主黨和共和黨的朋友,但是他一生沒有見過比克魯茲“。。a more miserable son of bitch。。"
Leadership of Republican Party is in panic and crisis, mainly due to their own lack of sense of commitment to the country. This is the main cause of the popularity of today's "curious" Trump, like a curious George.